Courses primarily for undergraduates:
Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.
A communicative approach to grammar and vocabulary within the context of Hispanic culture. For students whose native language is not Spanish. Students Who Have Completed One Or More Years Of High School Spanish May Not Enroll In 101. Testout Not Available If Also Registered. (Typically Offered: Fall, Summer)
Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.
Prereq: SPAN 1010 or SPAN 0970 or placement by departmental exam
Continuation of Spanish 1010. A communicative approach to grammar and vocabulary within the context of Hispanic culture. For students whose native language is not Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Spring, Summer)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Supervised instruction in Spanish and Hispanic culture; formal class instruction at level appropriate to student's training, augmented by practical living experience. Taught in Spanish. Consult the department regarding equivalency with SPAN 1010 or 1020. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.
A communicative approach to grammar and vocabulary within the context of Hispanic culture. Intensive, accelerated combination course that includes coursework from SPAN 1010 and SPAN 1020. It is strongly recommended that students enrolling in this course have completed at least two years of high-school Spanish. Course completed with a passing grade fulfills the LAS World Language Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring). (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.
Prereq: SPAN 1020 or placement by departmental exam
Intensive review of basic grammar and conversation. For students whose native language is not Spanish. Practice in oral and written communication. Development of fluency with idiomatic expressions. Selected readings on culture and literature. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.
Prereq: SPAN 2010 or placement by departmental exam
Continuation of Spanish 2010. Intensive review of basic grammar. Practice in oral and written communication. Development of fluency with idiomatic expressions. Selected readings on culture and literature. For students whose native language is not Spanish.
(Typically Offered: Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 1020
Supervised instruction in Spanish and Hispanic culture; formal class instruction at level appropriate to student's training, augmented by practical living experience. Taught in Spanish. Consult the department regarding equivalency with SPAN 2010 or 2020. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Summer)
Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.
Prereq: SPAN 2010 or placement by departmental exam
Bridge course between 2000- and 3000-level Spanish courses that focuses on application of advanced grammatical concepts within the context of Hispanic culture. Accelerated review of SPAN 2010 and SPAN 2020 designed for students who want to continue at the 3000 level. Taught in Spanish for students whose native language is not Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 1.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or SPAN 2970 or placement by departmental exam
Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 1.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or SPAN 2970 or placement by departmental exam
Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 1.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or SPAN 2970 or placement by departmental exam
Introduction to professional communication within specific professional cultures with strong preparation of relevant vocabulary related to professional fields in which high degrees of Spanish are spoken. Taught in Spanish. Each topic may only be taken once for credit. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or SPAN 2970 or placement by departmental exam
Intensive oral practice and improvement of oral proficiency. Application of specific grammatical concepts for development of conversational and writing skills within the context of Hispanic culture. Taught in Spanish. For students whose native language is not Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or SPAN 2970 or placement by departmental exam
Intensive oral practice and improvement of oral proficiency. Application of specific grammatical concepts for development of conversational and writing skills within the context of Hispanic culture. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or placement by departmental exam
Introduction to professional vocabulary and communication within cultural contexts of the Spanish-speaking world. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3030B recommended. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
(Cross-listed with USLS 3050).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
Intensive study and application of grammar concepts in the development of writing and reading skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Hispanics in the U.S. Designed for native or heritage Spanish speakers with oral proficiency in Spanish but with little or no formal academic training in the language. Taught exclusively in Spanish. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 2020 or SPAN 2970 or placement by departmental exam
SPAN 3060 is intended to meet the needs of students who plan to work in a medical and health related professional environment. This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology and cultural competency in healthcare settings. Through a combination of lectures, interactive exercises, and simulated real-world scenarios, students will develop the language skills necessary to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3030A or 3030B
Critical reading of Hispanic cultural texts. Presentation of techniques and terminology of textual criticism. Study of basic genres and media-generated artifacts and literary texts. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
A survey of the social, political, religious, and cultural history of Spain. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
A survey of the social, political, religious, and cultural history of Spanish America. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
A survey of social, political, economic, and cultural topics relevant to contemporary Spain. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
A survey of social, political, economic, and cultural topics relevant to contemporary Latin America. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Cross-listed with USLS 3250).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: USLS 2110
Analysis and discussion of interdisciplinary texts examining the local and regional Latino/a immigration experience. Exploring Latino/a culture through participation in a community project. Assessed service learning component.
(Typically Offered: Spring)
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5260).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
Survey of major currents and figures in Spanish and Latin American art and/or film. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
Exploration of the history and culture of Valencia, Spain and an understanding of its geography, history, politics, people, festivals and pastimes, art, architecture, literature, media and other important areas; insight into various cultural and historical aspects that distinguish Valencia, Spain, from other parts of Spain.
(Typically Offered: Summer)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3140
Introduction to Spanish literature and techniques of literary criticism from the earliest times through the present. Lectures, discussion, and analysis of individual selections in Spanish. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3140
Introduction to Latin American literature and techniques of literary criticism from the earliest times through the present. Lectures, discussion, and analysis of individual selections in Spanish. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Cross-listed with LING 3510/ USLS 3510).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3030A or SPAN 3030B or SPAN 3040 or SPAN 3050
Introduction to the theory, methods, techniques, and problems of translation. Consideration of material from business, literature, and the social sciences. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
(Cross-listed with LING 3520).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3030A or SPAN 3030B or SPAN 3040 or SPAN 3050
An introductory study of the articulation, classification, distribution, and regional variations of the sounds of the Spanish language. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5540/ LING 5540).
(Cross-listed with LING 3540).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3510
Introduction to the theory, methods, techniques, and problems of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Consideration of material from business, agriculture, law, design, medicine, literature, advertisement, and sports. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Topics vary according to faculty interest. Knowledge and understanding of major cultural, ethical, sociopolitical and economic issues directly related to agriculture and agribusiness in Latin America, Spain, and/or Equatorial Guinea. Readings, discussions, and papers in English. May not be counted as a prerequisite.
(Cross-listed with WGS 3700S).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Topics vary according to faculty interest. Author, genre or period study, women writers, cinema, or contemporary theory. Readings, discussions, and papers in English. May not be counted as a prerequisite. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Cross-listed with ENGL 3770/ USLS 3770).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: USLS 2110 or ENGL 2500
Study and archive Latinx life stories through traditional coursework, digital humanities and community outreach with local schools. Analysis of the extensive realities of Latinx communities in Iowa through the study, writing, tutorial work, and production of memoirs and oral histories.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Analysis and interpretation of cinema in the Spanish-speaking world. Topics vary and may include, but are not limited to, film directors, genres, movements, historical survey, aesthetics, and cinematography. Readings, discussions, and papers in English. Does not count towards Spanish major or minor requirements. Meets International Perspectives Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)
Credits: 1-10. Contact Hours: Lecture 10.
Prereq: 12 credits in SPAN
Supervised instruction in Spanish and Hispanic culture; formal class instruction at level appropriate to students' training, enhanced by practical living experience. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5010).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3140 and one course at the 3200-level or above
Advanced study of Spanish grammar and syntax. Students' writing of compositions incorporates an advanced understanding of grammar, syntax, and principles of organization of thought and ideas. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5400).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: SPAN 3300 or SPAN 3320
Discussion and analysis of selected topics in Spanish literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the Present. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3300 recommended. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5410).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: SPAN 3300 or SPAN 3320
Discussion and analysis of selected works of Cervantes within the social and cultural context of the Golden Age. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3300 recommended. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5450).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: SPAN 3300 or SPAN 3320
Discussion and analysis of selected topics in Latin American literature and culture from Pre-Colonial times to the Present. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3320 recommended. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 5630/ LING 5630).
(Cross-listed with LING 4630).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: SPAN 3520
Study of various topics related to the Spanish language. Topics may include bilingualism, historical linguistics and dialectology, Spanish in the U.S., language assessment, computer-assisted language learning and instruction, and second language acquisition. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Credits: 1-6. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: 6 credits in Spanish and permission of department chair
Designed to meet the needs of students in areas other than those in which courses are offered, or who desire to integrate a study of literature or language with special problems in major fields. Graduation Restriction: No more than 6 credits in SPAN 4900 may be counted toward graduation.
Credits: 1-3. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: 9 credits in SPAN at the 3000-level; Permission of Advisor and WLC Internship Coordinator
Work experience using Spanish language skills in the public or private sector, combined with academic work under faculty supervision. Graduation Restriction: Up to 3 credits may apply toward the major. Available only to majors and minors.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(Dual-listed with SPAN 4010).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3140 and one course at the 3200-level or above
Advanced study of Spanish grammar and syntax. Students' writing of compositions incorporates an advanced understanding of grammar, syntax, and principles of organization of thought and ideas. Taught in Spanish.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 3260).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: 1 SPAN course at the 3000 level
Survey of major currents and figures in Spanish and Latin American art and/or film. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 4400).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Discussion and analysis of selected topics in Spanish literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the Present. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3300 recommended.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 4410).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Discussion and analysis of selected works of Cervantes within the social and cultural context of the Golden Age. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3300 recommended.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 4450).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Discussion and analysis of selected topics in Latin American literature and culture from Pre-Colonial times to the Present. Taught in Spanish. SPAN 3320 recommended.
(Dual-listed with SPAN 3540/ LING 3540).
(Cross-listed with LING 5540).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: SPAN 3510
Introduction to the theory, methods, techniques, and problems of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Consideration of material from business, agriculture, law, design, medicine, literature, advertisement, and sports. Taught in Spanish. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
(Dual-listed with SPAN 4630/ LING 4630).
(Cross-listed with LING 5630).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: SPAN 3520
Study of various topics related to the Spanish language. Topics may include bilingualism, historical linguistics and dialectology, Spanish in the U.S., language assessment, computer-assisted language learning and instruction, and second language acquisition. Taught in Spanish.
Credits: 1-4. Repeatable.
Prereq: Permission of Instructor; 6 credits of 4000 level Spanish
Credits: 1-4. Repeatable.
Prereq: Permission of Instructor; 6 credits of 4000 level Spanish
Credits: 1-4. Repeatable.
Prereq: Permission of Instructor; 6 credits of 4000 level Spanish
Credits: 1-4. Repeatable.
Prereq: Permission of Instructor; 6 credits of 4000 level Spanish