
This is an archived copy of the 2012-2013 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Human Sciences


Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - creative design option

Design Primary - Creative Design Secondary Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 1503T C 1313 
LIB 1601Science3 
T C 1653ECON 1013 
AESHM 1113Elective3 
Humanities Elective3Social Science Elective3 
 13 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 2453T C 2213 
T C 2044T C 2314 
Math3Art History3 
ENGL 2503Speech Selection3 
T C 2103AESHM 2753 
 AESHM 3111 
 16 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
T C 2254T C 3213AESHM 4704
T C 2783AESHM 3802 
T C 3723T C 3253 
T C Humanities Elective (TC 257, 354, 356, or AESHM 342)3Human Studies (TC 354, 356, 362, or 467)3 
T C 3010.5Design Primary Option Elective3 
T C 3010.5  
 17 14 4
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
Creative Design Secondary Option Elective3T C 4953 
Design Primary Option Elective3Creative Design Secondary Option Elective3 
STAT 1014Creative Design Secondary Option Elective3 
AESHM 4111  
 14 12
Total credit hours: 122

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - merchandising option


FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 1653T C 1313 
ENGL 1503ECON 1013 
LIB 1601Science3 
AESHM 1113Humanities Selection3 
Social Science Selection3Merchandising Secondary Option Elective3 
 13 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 2453T C 2314 
T C 2044ACCT 2843 
T C 2103AESHM 2753 
ENGL 2503Merchandising Primary Option Elective3 
 16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
T C 3723Merchanidising Primary Option Elective3AESHM 4705
MKT 340 or AESHM 3403Merchandising Secondary Option Elective3 
History3AESHM 3802 
STAT 101 or STAT 2264T C 3764 
Merchandising Secondary Option Elective3Elective3 
AESHM 3111  
 17 15 5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
Human Studies Elective (TC 354, TC 356, TC 362, TC 467)3Product Development Selection (TC 221, 305, ,404, 431, 496)3 
Merchandising Elective3T C 4753 
AESHM 3773Humanities Selection (TC 357, TC354, TC 356, or AESHM 342)3 
AESHM 4111  
 16 12
Total credit hours: 125

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - production development option

Design Primary - Production Development Secondary Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 1503T C 1313 
LIB 1601Science3 
T C 1653ECON 1013 
AESHM 1113History3 
Humanities Elective3T C 2044 
 13 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 2453T C 2213 
Social Science (ECON 102 suggested)3T C 2314 
ENGL 2503ACCT 2843 
Math3AESHM 2753 
T C 2103Elective3 
Elective1AESHM 3111 
 16 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
Statistics4T C 3213AESHM 4704
T C Humanities Elective (TC 257, 354, 356. or AESHM 342)3AESHM 3802 
T C 2783Human Studies (TC 354, 356, 362)3 
T C 3723T C 2254 
 16 15 4
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 3053T C 4313 
T C 4673T C 4963 
Product Development Secondary Option Elective3Design Primary Option Elective3 
Design Primary Option Elective3  
AESHM 4111  
 16 12
Total credit hours: 125

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - producation sourcing option

Design Primary - Production Sourcing Secondary Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 1503T C 1313 
LIB 1601Science3 
T C 1653ECON 1013 
AESHM 1113Math3 
History3Humaniies Elective3 
 13 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
ACCT 2843Statistics4AESHM 381 (3 credits) or Study Abroad (6 credits)3-6
T C 2044T C 2314 
T C 2213Social Sciences Elective (Econ 102)3 
ENGL 2503AESHM 2753 
T C 2453T C 2103 
 AESHM 3111 
 16 18 3-6
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
T C 3053T C 4313AESHM 4705
T C Humanities Elective (TC 257, TC 354, TC 356, AESHM 342)3Prod/Source Sedondary Opton Electve3 
T C 2254T C 2783 
T C 3723T C 3213 
 16 15 5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
Prod/Source Human Studies Elective (TC 354, 356, 362, 467)3T C 4963 
Speech3AESHM 3802 
Design Primary Option Elective3Design Primary Option Elective3 
Prod/Source Secondary Option Elective3Elective3 
AESHM 4111Elective3 
 13 14
Total credit hours: 128-131

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - technical design option

Design Primary - Technical Design Secondary Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 1503T C 1313 
LIB 1601Science3 
T C 1653ECON 1013 
AESHM 1113History3 
Humanities Elective3T C 2044 
 13 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 2453T C Humanities Elective (TC 257, 354, 356, or AESHM 342)3 
Social Sciene Elective (ECON 102 suggested)3T C 2314 
Math3AESHM 2753 
ENGL 2503T C 2213 
T C 2103Elective3 
Elective 3AESHM 3111 
 18 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
T C 3723T C 3213AESHM 4704
T C 2254AESHM 3802 
T C 2783T C 3253 
STAT 1014T C 4313 
T C 301ADesign Primary Option Elective3 
T C 301BElective 3 
 14 17 4
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
T C 4153T C 3053 
Technical Design Secondary Opton Elective3Design Primary Option Elective3 
Speech Selection3Technical Design Secondary Option Elective3 
Human Studies TD (TC 354, 356, 362, 467)4Elective3 
AESHM 4111  
 14 12
Total credit hours: 125

Athletic training - B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 2563
BIOL 255L1BIOL 256L1
ENGL 1503KIN 2211
KIN 2521KIN 2223
KIN 2531FS HN 1673
KIN 2540.5MATH 140-142, 150, or 1652-4
H S 1103SOC 1343
LIB 1601 
PSYCH 101 or PSYCH 2303 
 16.5 16-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 2503CHEM 1634
KIN 2231CHEM 163L1
KIN 2243KIN 2263
KIN 2251KIN 2271
H S 2153KIN 2401
PHYS 111 or PHYS 1154KIN 2662
KIN 2582Humanities Choice3
 17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3233KIN 3263
KIN 3241KIN 3271
KIN 3553KIN 3583
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 3653
Humanities Choice3H S 3503
Social Science Choice3SP CM 2123
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 4253ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123
KIN 3603KIN 4453
KIN 4503KIN 4891
KIN 4881-2H S 3052
Elective3KIN 4803
 KIN 4881-2
 13-14 13-14
Total credit hours: 122.5-127.5

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US Diversity and a 3-credit course in International Perspectives. Check ISU homepage for list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequiste sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan - use the degree audit as "officila documentation of progress towards your design.

Child, Adult, and Family Services, B.S.-child program option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023HD FS 103X0.5
HD FS 1101HD FS 1831
LIB 1601HD FS 2182
ENGL 1503HD FS 2693
PSYCH 131recommended elective1Social Sciences Course***3
RELIG 205Humanities course3Biology Course3
Social Sciences Course***3MATH 104 (or MATH 105 or MATH 140 or MATH 142 or MATH 150 or MATH 165 or STAT 101)3
 15 15.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 2503HD FS 2403
COM S 1034SP CM 212 (or COMST 102 or COMST 218)3
HD FS 2243Humanities Course***3
SP ED 2503Social Sciences Course***3
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 3953HD FS 3673
HD FS 2493HD FS 3444
Electives*9HD FS 239 (or HD FS 270 or HD FS 283 or HD FS 360 or HD FS 373 or HD FS 479)3
 H S 1052
 15 16.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 3423HD FS 491 (8-9 credits)^9
HD FS 449^3Elective*3
HD FS 4863 
ENGL 302 (or ENGL 309 or ENGL 314)3 
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120



 Total number of electives will vary. A minimum of 120 credits are required to graduate.


 See HD FS General Education Selections sheet.


HD FS 449 is prerequisite to HD FS 491 Internship, and requires senior classification. HD FS 491 Reservation Request is due every September 15th or spring internship and every February 15th for a summer or fall internship.

Child, adult, and family service, b.s.-youth program option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023HD FS 103X0.5
HD FS 1101HD FS 1831
LIB 1601HD FS 2182
ENGL 1503HD FS 2693
PSYCH 131recommended elective1MATH 104 (or MATH 105 or MATH 140 or MATH 142 or MATH 150 or MATH 165 or STAT 101)3
RELIG 205Humanities course3Social Sciences Course***3
Social Sciences Course***3Biology Course***3
 15 15.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2273HD FS 2263
HD FS 2703SP CM 212 (or COMST 102 or COMST 218)3
ENGL 2503Humanities Course***3
COM S 1034Social Sciences Course***3
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2763HD FS 3673
HD FS 2493HD FS 239 (or HD FS 283 or HD FS 373)3
HD FS 360 (or SP ED 250)3Electives*9
HD FS 3953 
 16.5 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 4493HD FS 491 (8-9 credits)^9
HD FS 4793Electives*3
HD FS 4863 
ENGL 302 (or ENGL 309 or ENGL 314)3 
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120



 Total number of electives will vary. A minimum of 120 credits are required to graduate


 See HD FS General Education Selections sheet


 HD FS 449 is prerequisite to HD FS 491 Internship, and requires senior classification. HD FS 491 Reservation Request is due every September 15th or spring internship and every February 15th for a summer or fall internship.


Child, Adult, and Family Services, B.S.-Adult and Family Program Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023HD FS 103X or HD FS 105X0.5
HD FS 1101HD FS 1831
LIB 1601HD FS 2182
ENGL 1503HD FS 2693
PSYCH 131recommended elective1MATH 104 (or MATH 105 or MATH 140 or MATH 142 or MATH 150 or MATH 165 or STAT 101)3
RELIG 205Humanities course3Social Sciences Course***3
Social Sciences Course***3Biology Course3
 15 15.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2703HD FS 2343
HD FS 2763SP CM 212 (or COMST 102 or COMST 218)3
COM S 1034Humanities***3
ENGL 2503Social Sciences Course***3
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2493HD FS 239 (or HD FS 283 or HD FS 341 or HD FS 373 or HD FS 378)3
HD FS 360 (replace with elective if plan to take HD FS 463 in Spring)3HD FS 3673
HD FS 3953HD FS 463 (replace with elective if HD FS 360 taken in Fall)3
HD FS 3773Electives*6
 16.5 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 4493HD FS 491 (8-9 credits)^9
HD FS 4863Electives*3
HD FS 4793 
ENGL 302 (or ENGL 309 or ENGL 314)3 
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120



 Total number of electives will vary. A minimum of 120 credits are required to graduate.


 See HD FS General Education Selections sheet


HD FS 449 is prerequisite to HD FS 491 Internship, and requires senior classification. HD FS 491 Reservation Request is due every September 15th or spring internship and every February 15th for a summer or fall internship.


Culinary Science, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1013
CHEM 163 or 1774FS HN 1041
CHEM 163L or 177L1FS HN 1673
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4ECON 1013
ENGL 1503STAT 101 or 1043-4
LIB 1601 
 16-17 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013
CHEM 231L1FS HN 2653
ENGL 2503MICRO 201 or 3022-3
FS HN 2031MICRO 201L or 302L1
HRI 2333FS HN 2143
AESHM 340 or MKT 3403FS HN 2152
 14 14-15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2702FS HN 3141
AN S 270L1FS HN 4032
FS HN 3113FS HN 4053
FS HN 311L1FS HN 491B OR 491D (FS or CS)**2
FS HN 4112HRI 3803
FS HN 4203HRI 380L2
Humanities (H Sci) or ENV S course (AgLS)2-3SP CM 2123
 14-15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3423AESHM 4743
FS HN 4063AN S 4603
FS HN 491B or 491D (FS or CS)*2FS HN 4123
HRI 3832FS HN 4801
HRI 4873Humanities or soc. Sci (H Sci) or elective (AgLS)3
Humanities dual listed with U.S. Diversity3Electives*1-2
 16 14-15
Total credit hours: 120-125



 Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 123 credits.


 Choose two, 2-credit internship experiences, one with a restaurant chef and one in the food processing industry (FS HN 491B and 491D). Experience could be obtained during the academic year or during summers.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Diet and Exercise, B.S./M.S.

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
FS HN 110 or KIN 252 and 2531-2FS HN 1673 
CHEM 163 or 1774CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 taken) or Elective3 
CHEM 163L or 177L1BIOL 2123 
BIOL 2113PSYCH 1013 
ENGL 1503H S 1103 
LIB 1601  
MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4  
 16-18 15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013KIN 220 or H S 3053
CHEM 231L1BIOL 2563 
BIOL 2553BIOL 256L1 
BIOL 255L1FS HN 2143 
PSYCH 2303FS HN 115 or 2151-2 
ENGL 2503FS HN 2653 
MICRO 2012  
 16 14-15 3
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3603Acceptance into the graduate program required before spring semester of the third year.KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5991
KIN 2582FS HN 3612STAT 4014
PHYS 106, 111, or 1154FS HN 3671 
SP CM 2123H S 3803 
STAT 101, 104, or 2263-4HRI 3803 
 HRI 380L2 
 KIN 2592 
 KIN 3583 
 15-16 16 5
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
KIN 355, 360, 366, or 3723FS HN 4112KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5993
KIN 5013KIN 4623FS HN 4032
KIN 5052KIN 511 (odd years) or HRI 3923 
KIN 558 (odd years) or NUTRS 5633Humanities/Ethics course3 
NUTRS 5614NUTRS 5643 
 15 14 5
Fifth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
KIN 550 or 5703FS HN 4663KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5991
NUTRS 5014FS HN 5811 
NUTRS 563 or KIN 558 (odd years)3HRI 392 or KIN 551 (odd years)3 
Humanities/International Perspectives3KIN 3453 
 FS HN 590C (FSHN Dept.)1 
 KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5992 
 13 13 1
Total credit hours: 161-165



This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Dietetics, B.S.

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1673
CHEM 163 or 1774CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 taken) or elective *3
CHEM 163L or 177L1BIOL 2123
BIOL 2113BIOL 212L1
MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813PSYCH 1013
ENGL 1503Humanities course3
LIB 1601 
 16 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BIOL 301 or BIOL 3143
CHEM 231L1FS HN 2653
BIOL 2553BIOL 306 or 3353-4
BIOL 255L1MICRO 2012
ENGL 2503MICRO 201L1
FS HN 2031Elective*3
STAT 101 or 1043-4 
 15-16 15-16
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3401FS HN 3623
FS HN 3603FS HN 3671
FS HN 3612HRI 3803
FS HN 2143HRI 380L2
FS HN 115 or 2151-2FS HN 3423
SP CM 2123Humanities course (H Sci) or Elective* (AgLS)3
Humanities/social sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3 
 15-17 15
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4614FS HN 4643
HRI 3913HRI 3923
FS HN 4112FS HN 4032
FS HN 4633FS HN 4801
FS HN 4663Electives*4-6
 15 13-15
Total credit hours: 120-126



 Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration

Early Childhood Education, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023HD FS 2081
HD FS 1101HD FS 2403
C I 2043HD FS 103X0.5
LIB 1601HIST 221 (or HIST 222 or POL S 215)3
ENGL 1503MATH 1953
Humanities Option*3SP ED 2503
PSYCH 131recommended elective1Social Sciences Option*3
 15 16.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2243C I 245B2
MATH 1963C I 268B1
ENGL 2503C I 3323
C I 2013HD FS 3404
Physical Sciences Option*3Biological Sciences Option*3
Take Praxis I by October 15Humanities Option*3
 Apply to Teacher Education program
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
C I 377B4C I 433B2
SP ED 368B1SP ED 355B2
C I 468FB1C I 468IB1
C I 438B2C I 439B2
C I 468GB1SP ED 455B2
HD FS 3423C I 4063
HD FS 3434HD FS 3453
Finalize Degree Audit 
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 4554C I 416AB8
HD FS 4563HD FS 417CB8
Humanites Option*3HD FS 418X0.5
Communications Options*3Student Teaching
H S 1052 
Electives 1-3 credits, to equal 126 total credits1 
Take Praxis II prior to Licensing 
Apply to graduate 
Apply to student teaching 
 16 16.5
Total credit hours: 126


This sheet provides a guide to the sequence of HD FS and C I courses; courses adhere to a prescribed sequence of semesters. Your academic advisor will help you develop an individual long range plan.

B=Block of courses listed together in the semester must be taken concurrently as sequenced

*=See approved ECE list of courses for options in Biological Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences

ISU requires a 3 credit U.S. Diversity course (satisfied by SP ED 250 or HD FS 240) and a 3 credit international perspective course (usually met through a University approved humanities or social science options from the ECE options list) 

Elementary Education, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
C I 2161C I 280N1
C I 2043Amer. History or Word History (will take both eventually)3
HD FS 1023MATH 1963
ENGL 1503SOC 1343
MATH 1953SP ED 2503
ASTRO 106X or GEOL 106X2CHEM 102L or PHYS 102L3
ASTRO 106L or GEOL 106L1 
LIB 1601 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
C I 2013C I 2452
HD FS 2263C I 2681
HD FS 240+3C I 3323
ENGL 2503Communications Option3
World History or Amer. History (will take both eventually)3Biological Science Option3
Math Option - STAT 101 highly recommended3Area of Specialization3
Take Praxis I exam by October 15Eligibility for Admissions to Teacher Ed.
 18 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Literary Block I:Literacy Block II:
C I 3774C I 3784
C I 468A1C I 468B1
C I 4483C I 4493
C I 468C1C I 468D1
C I 4063POL S 215^3
Area of Specialization3Related Methods*3
Humanities Option OR@3 
Finalize Degree Audit 
 18 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
C I 4433C I 416A8
Area of Specialization3C I 416B8
Area of Specialization3Student Teaching
Related Methods3 
Aria of Specialization3 
Apply for Student Teaching 
Take Praxis II exam by November test date 
 15 16
Total credit hours: 130



Will not meet State of Iowa  New EL ED licensure requirements beginning September 1, 2015. Must graduate, apply for, and be recommended for EL ED teacher licensure no later than Summer Session 2015. 

Do not take before Fall 2012. Might become required for ENGL/LA specialization only.


 C I ### - Geography for Teachers (3) required if graduating and applying for teacher licensure after August 2015.


 Put Pol S 215 off until here, if projected to graduate after August 2015, take C I ### Civic Lit. & Econ, to meet new requirements.


 All four Rel methods content areas must be met after August 2015.

Event Management, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 1503ECON 1013 
LIB 1601Natural Science 'Select from' Course3 
AESHM 1113Humanities 'Select from' Course3 
Social Science 'Select from' Course3Select from Math course list3 
Humanites 'Select from' Course3Event Management 'Select from' Course3 
 13 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 2503AESHM 2873 
AESHM 2713Select from ACCT 215 or HRI 3153 
ACCT 2843Event Managment 'Select from' Course3 
Speech 'Select fom' Course3Event Managment 'Select from' Course3 
Social Science 'Select from' Course3Elective3 
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
AESHM 3111AESHM 4743AESHM 4700
AESHM 3713AESHM 3423 
AESHM 3403Event Management ' Select from' Course3 
STAT 1014Event Managment 'Select from' Course3 
Event Management 'Select from' Course3Elective3 
 17 18 0
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
AESHM 4111AESHM 4713 
Event Management 'Select from' Course3AESHM 4383 
Event Management 'Select from' Course3Event Management 'Select from' Course3 
'Event Mangement 'Select from' Course3Elective3 
 15 13
Total credit hours: 121

Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies, B.S.-Communications Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023CHEM 160 (or Natural Sciences Course from approved FCEDS list)3
HD FS 1101FS HN 1673
HD FS 1831STAT 101 (or STAT 104)4
LIB 1601FS HN 342 (or SOC 130 or SOC 134)3
ENGL 1503HD FS 103X0.5
RELIG 205Humanities course3Humanities Coursefrom approved FCEDS list3
PSYCH 131HD FS Learning Community Selection-elective1 
 13 16.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FCEDS 2062ENGL 2503
AESHM 2873HD FS 2693
ECON 1013HD FS 2833
BIOL 101 (or BIOL 155)3HD FS 3773
HD FS 2182JL MC 3053
HD FS 2393COMST 102 (or COMST 214 or COMST 218 or SP CM 212 or SP CM 312)3
 16 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 3023ENGL 3143
FCEDS 3064HD FS 2493
HD FS 2763HD FS 4863
HD FS 3673Elective3
H S 2153JL MC 220 (or JL MC 341 or JL MC 462 or JL MC 476 or JL MC 477 or DSN S 232 or DSN S 292)3
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AESHM 3793FCEDS 491A3-6 credits6
HD FS 3953JL MC 342L3
HD FS 4493Electives5-9 credits to equal 123.5 total credits5
JL MC 3423 
DSN S 232 (or JL MC 220 or JL MC 341 or JL MC 462 or JL MC 476 or JL MC 477 or DSN S 292)3 
 15 14
Total credit hours: 123.5

Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies, B.S.-Professional Studies Option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023CHEM 160 (or Natural Sciences Course from approved FCEDS list)3
HD FS 1101FS HN 1673
HD FS 1831FS HN 342 (or SOC 130 or SOC 134)3
LIB 1601HD FS 103X0.5
ENGL 1503MATH or STAT Coursefrom approved FCEDS list3
PSYCH 131HD FS Learning Community Selection-elective1CHS Elective3
RELIG 205Humanities course3 
 13 15.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FCEDS 2062ENGL 2503
HD FS 2182HD FS 2693
HD FS 2393COMST 102 (or COMST 214 or COMST 218 or SP CM 212 or SP COM 312)3
ECON 1013HD FS 2833
BIOL 101 (or BIOL 155)3HD FS 3773
CHS Elective3HD FS 2763
 16 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 341 (or HD FS 483 or HD FS 488)3HD FS 2493
HD FS 3673ENGL 302 (or ENGL 314 or JL MC 220 or JL MC 305 or DSN S 292)3
AESHM 342 (or PHIL 340 or T C 362)3HD FS 4863
CHS Elective300 level or above3CHS Elective300 level or above3
Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities or Art & Design Course3Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities or Art & Design Course3
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AESHM 3793FCEDS 491B3-6 credits6
HD FS 3953H S 2153
HD FS 4493Electivesto equal 123.5 total credits4
AESHM 474 (or MGMT 310)3 
Humanities Coursefrom approved FCEDS list3 
JL MC 220 (or JL MC 305 or ENGL 302 or ENGL 314 or DSN S 292)3 
 18 13
Total credit hours: 123.5

 US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in Family and Consumer Sciences Education fulfill the US Diversity by taking AESHM 379 and the International Perspectives Requirement by taking FS HN 342.


 This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. 

Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies, B.S.-Teacher Licensure option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023HD FS 2763
HD FS 1101FS HN 1673
ENGL 1503HD FS 2243
C I 2043FS HN 342 (or SOC 130 or SOC 134)3
HD FS 1831C I 2191
LIB 1601MATH or STAT Coursefrom approved FCEDS list3
PSYCH 131HD FS Learning Community Selection-elective1 
RELIG 205Humanities course3 
 16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FCEDS 2062CHEM 160 (or T C 204)3
C I 2023ENGL 2503
BIOL 101 (or BIOL 155)3HD FS 2833
HD FS 2393T C 2213
COMST 102 (or COMST 214 or COMST 218 or SP CM 212 or SP CM 312 )3FS HN 1112
 Apply to UTEP
 14 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FCEDS 3064FCEDS 4183
HD FS 3423C I 3333
HD FS 341 (or HD FS 395 or HD FS 483-spring only)3SP ED 4013
HumanitiesAmerican History or Government3HD FS 226 (or HD FS 227)3
 14 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AESHM 379 (or HD FS 249)3FCEDS 417A3-8 credits8
FCEDS 280A1FCEDS 417B3-8 credits8
C I 4063 
C I 4263 
ECON 1013 
H S 2153 
 16 16
Total credit hours: 123


 Family Finance, Housing, and Policy, B.S.-Financial Counseling Emphasis

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023HD FS 2703
HD FS 1101SOC 1343
LIB 1601MATH, STAT or Natural Sciences course***3
ENGL 1503Humanities Course***3
PSYCH 131recommended elective1Electives ***3
RELIG 205Humanities course3 
 12 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2693HD FS 2493
HD FS 2393ECON 1013
HD FS 2833SP CM 212 (or COMST 102 or COMST 218)3
STAT 1014Computer Sciences Course***3
ENGL 2503Electives*3
Humanities Course***3 
 19 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 3413HD FS 3953
HD FS 3603HD FS 449^3
HD FS 3773HD FS 489L+1
HD FS 4893ENGL 302 (or ENGL 309 or ENGL 314)3
Electives *3Electives *6
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 4833HD FS 4918-9 credits9
HD FS Courseoutside FFHP major3Electives *3
 16 12
Total credit hours: 120




HD FS 489L can be repeated for one to three credits.


See HD FS General Education Selections sheet for course options.


HD FS 449 is prerequisite to HD FS 491, Internship, and requires senior classification. HD FS 491 Reservation Request is due every September 15th for spring internship and every February 15th for summer and fall internship.

US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in Family Finance, Housing and Policy fulfill the US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement by choosing three credits of coursework from each of the university-approved lists.

This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.


 Courses from accounting, architecture, art, and design, community and regional planning, economics, family and consumer sciences education, finance, gerontology, interior design, journalism, management, marketing, political science, psychology, and sociology are suggested.

 Family finance, Housing and policy, B.s.,-financial planning emphasis

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023ACCT 2843
HD FS 1101SOC 1343
LIB 1601Computer Science course***3
HD FS 2833Humanities course***3
ENGL 1503Electives*3
RELIG 205Humanities course3 
PSYCH 131recommended elective1 
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2693HD FS 3783
HD FS 3413HD FS Courseoutside FFHP major3
STAT 1014ECON 1013
ENGL 2503ACCT 3011
Humanities course***3SP CM 212 (or COMST 102 or COMST 218)3
 16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 4833HD FS 449^3
HD FS 484X3HD FS 489L+1
HD FS 4893HD FS 4883
FIN 3613Electives*3
Electives*3ENGL 302 (or ENGL 309 or ENGL 314)3
 ACCT 4853
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 485X3HD FS 4918-9 credits9
ANTRO, ECON, POL S, PSYCH, or SOC***3Electives*3
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120



 HD FS 489L can be repeated for one to three credits.


 See HD FS General Education Selections sheet for course options.


 HD FS 449 is prerequisite to HD FS 491, Internship, and requires senior classification. HD FS 491 Reservation Request is due every September 15th for spring internship and every February 15th for summer and fall internship.

 US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in Family Finance, Housing and Policy fulfill the US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement by choosing three credits of coursework from each of the university-approved lists.

This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.


 Courses from accounting, architecture, art, and design, community and regional planning, economics, family and consumer sciences education, finance, gerontology, interior design, journalism, management, marketing, political science, psychology, and sociology are suggested.

Family finance, Housing and policy, B.S.-Family Finances and Housing studies Emphasis

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 1023Area of Emphasis cousre3
HD FS 1101SOC 1343
HD FS 2833Computer Science course***3
LIB 1601Humanities course***3
ENGL 2503MATH, STAT, or Natural Sciences course***3
RELIG 205Humanities course3 
PSYCH 131recommended elective1 
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 2693HD FS Courseoutside of FFHP major3
HD FS 3413Area of Emphasis course3
STAT 1014ECON 1013
ENGL 2503SP CM 212 (or COMST 212 or COMST 218)3
Humanities course***3Humanities course***3
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HD FS 4833HD FS 449^3
HD FS 4893HD FS 489L+1
Area of Emphasis course3ENGL 302 (or ENGL 309 or ENGL 314)3
Area of Emphasis course3Area of Emphasis course3
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Area of Emphasis course3HD FS 4918-9 credits9
ANTRHO, ECON, POL S, PSYCH or SOC courseSocial Sciences course3Electives*4
 15 13
Total credit hours: 120



 HD FS 489L can be repeated for one to three credits.


 See HD FS General Education Selections sheet for course options.


HD FS 449 is prerequisite to HD FS 491, Internship, and requires senior classification. HD FS 491 Reservation Request is due every September 15th for spring internship and every February 15th for summer and fall internship.

US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in Family Finance, Housing and Policy fulfill the US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement by choosing three credits of coursework from each of the university-approved lists.

This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.


Courses from accounting, architecture, art, and design, community and regional planning, economics, family and consumer sciences education, finance, gerontology, interior design, journalism, management, marketing, political science, psychology, and sociology are suggested.

Food Science, B.S - food science & technology option

Plan of Study Grid

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1013
CHEM 1774FS HN 1673
CHEM 177L1CHEM 1783
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
ENGL 1503MATH 166 or 1824
LIB 1601 
MATH 165 or 1814 
 17 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323
CHEM 331L1PHYS 1124
PHYS 1114TSM 1153
ENGL 2503STAT 101 or 104 or 1053-4
MICRO 3023FS HN 2031
MICRO 302L1 
 15 14-15
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BBMB 3013FS HN 3423
FS HN 3113FS HN 3513
FS HN 311L1FS HN 4032
FS HN 4203ECON 1013
FS HN 4213SP CM 2123
Humanities course3 
 16 14
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4063FS HN 4053
FS HN 4112FS HN 4103
FS HN 4713FS HN 4123
Humanities/Social Sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3FS HN 4723
Humanities (H Sci) or elective*2-3FS HN 4801
U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3 
 15-17 13
Total credit hours: 120-123



Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


 This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Food Science, B.S - food science & industry option

Food Science and Industry Option

Plan of Study Grid

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1013FS HN 1673
FS HN 1101CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 was taken) or Elective*3
CHEM 163 or 1774BIOL 2123
CHEM 163L or 177L1MATH 160, 165, or 1814
BIOL 2113ECON 1013
ENGL 1503 
LIB 1601 
 16 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013
CHEM 231L1TSM 1153
PHYS 106, 111, or 1154MICRO 201 or 3022-3
ENGL 2503MICRO 201L or 302L1
FS HN 2031Humanities/social sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
STAT 101 or 104 or 1053-4Humanities (H Sci) or elective (AgLS)*3
 15-16 14-16
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3113FS HN 3423
FS HN 311L1FS HN 3513
FS HN 4203FS HN 4032
FS HN 4213SP CM 2123
Humanities course3Business course3
 16 14
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4063FS HN 4053
FS HN 4112FS HN 4103
FS HN 4713FS HN 4123
U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3FS HN 4723
Business course3FS HN 4801
 14 15-16
Total credit hours: 120-124



Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. 

Food Science, B.S - consumer food science option

Plan of Study Grid

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1013FS HN 1673
FS HN 1101CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 taken) or Elective*3
CHEM 163 or 1774BIOL 2123
CHEM 163L or 177L1MATH 160, 165, or 1814
BIOL 2113ECON 1013
ENGL 1503 
LIB 1601 
 16 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013
CHEM 231L1FS HN 214 & 215, or FS HN 265**5
PHYS 106, 111, or 1154TSM 1153
ENGL 2503Humanities (H Sci) or Elective* (AgLS)3
FS HN 2031 
STAT 101 or 104 or 1053-4 
 15-16 14
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3113FS HN 3423
FS HN 311L1FS HN 3513
SP CM 2123FS HN 4032
MICRO 201 or 3022-3JL MC 220, 305, 347; MKT 340, 447, OR 4483
MICRO 201L OR 302L1Humanities/social sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
Humanities course3Elective*3
 13-14 16-17
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4063FS HN 4053
FS HN 4112FS HN 4103
FS HN 4203FS HN 4123
FS HN 421 or elective**1-3FS HN 4801
FS HN 4713JL MC 220, 305, 347; MKT 340, 447, or 4483
U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3FS HN 472 or elective**1-3
 15-17 14-16
Total credit hours: 119-126



Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


Select a minimum of 5 credits from FS HN (214 and 215), 265, 421, or 472.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. 

Hospitality Management, B.S.

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
AESHM 1113AESHM 2873 
BIOL 1013ENGL 1503 
FS HN 1673MATH 104 or MATH 1503 
HRI 1013HRI or General Elective 2-3 
HD FS 1023PSYCH or SOC3 
AESHM 1701LIB 1601 
 16 15-16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ECON 1013ACCT 2843 
AESHM 2701-2AESHM 3111 
HRI 2333FS HN 1112 
ENGL 2503FS HN 1151 
HRI or General Elective23STAT 1014 
Natural Sciences or Chemistry33HRI or General Electives35 
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
AESHM 3403AESHM 4383AESHM 4700
HRI 3803HRI 3153 
HRI 380L2HRI or General Electives23 
HRI 3523  
SP CM 2123  
HRI or General Electives33  
 17 9 0
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
HRI 3333AESHM 3423 
HRI or General Electives25-10HRI 4333 
Humanities3HRI 4553 
 HRI or General Electives22-5 
 11-16 11-14
Total credit hours: 111-121


US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement:  Students in HRI fulfill the US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements by choosing 3 credits of coursework from each of the University-approved lists.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.


BIOL 101 required if student has not completed high school biology


When the 4-year plan indicates HRI Group or General Electives, choice depends on courses available.  However, you must have a total of 13-15 credits of HRI electives and 15-17 credits of General Electives (HRI courses may be taken to meet General Electives requirements).


CHEM 160 required if student has not completed high school chemistry

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - athletic training

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 2563
BIOL 255L1BIOL 256L1
ENGL 1503KIN 2211
KIN 2521KIN 2223
KIN 2531FS HN 1673
KIN 2540.5MATH 140-142, 150 or 1652-4
H S 1103SOC 1343
LIB 1601 
PSYCH 101 or PSYCH 2303 
 16.5 16-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 2503CHEM 1634
KIN 2231CHEM 163L1
KIN 2243KIN 2263
KIN 2251KIN 2271
H S 2153KIN 2401
PHYS 115 or 1114KIN 2662
KIN 2582Humanities Choice3
 17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3233KIN 3263
KIN 3241KIN 3271
KIN 3553KIN 3583
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 3653
Humanities Choice3H S 3503
Social Science Choicer3SP CM 2123
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 4253ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123
KIN 3603KIN 4453
KIN 4503KIN 4891
KIN 4881H S 3052
Elective3KIN 4803
 KIN 4881-2
 13 13-14
Total credit hours: 122.5-126.5


Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - community/public health

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113CHEM 1634
BIOL 211L1CHEM 163L1
ENGL 1503Social Science Choice3
KIN 2521FS HN 1673
KIN 2531H S 1052
KIN 2540.5H S 2153
H S 1103 
LIB 1601 
PSYCH 230 or HD FS 1023 
 16.5 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 2563
BIOL 255L1BIOL 256L1
ENGL 2503Humanities Choice3
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 2582
Social Science Choice3SP CM 2123
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3663H S 3803
KIN 3583H S 3850
H S 3103JL MC 220 or 3053
H S 3503MICRO 2012
Elective4MICRO 201L1
 HD FS 4990
 Humanities Choice3
 16 12
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123H S 48510-16
H S 4303 
H S 390*3 
Choose one: ENGL 309,313; HD FS 395; or JL MC 3423 
 16 10-16
Total credit hours: 118.5-125.5



Fall only course.

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - exercise science

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503Elective3
KIN 2521KIN 2582
KIN 2531PHYS 115 or 1114
KIN 2540.5SOC 1343
PSYCH 101 or 2303Humanties Choice3
H S 1103 
LIB 1601 
MATH 140-142 or 1652-4 
 14.5-16.5 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 2563
BIOL 255L1BIOL 256L1
ENGL 2503Social Science Choice3
KIN 2592STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4
SP CM 2123KIN 2662
 16 15-16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3553KIN 3453
KIN 3663KIN 3583
H S 3503KIN 3723
KIN 3603KIN 3850
Elective4KIN 220 or H S 3052
 Humanities Choice3
 16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123KIN 485A8-16
KIN 4584 
KIN 4591 
KIN 4623 
H S 3803 
 16 8-16
Total credit hours: 116.5-127.5


Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - physical education for teacher education

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503DANCE 2112
KIN 2521C I 2043
KIN 2531SOC 1343
KIN 2540.5KIN 2582
H S 1103C I 2023
LIB 1601PHYS 115 or 1114
MATH 104, 140 or higher3 
PSYCH 2303 
 15.5 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 2563
BIOL 255L1BIOL 256L1
SP CM 2123KIN 230**1
ENGL 2503KIN 280**1
KIN 231*1KIN 312**3
KIN 236* or 235**1H S 1052
Social Science Choice3Humanities (International Perspective)3
 KIN 232* or 233**1
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 238*1H S 3052
KIN 281*1KIN 3603
KIN 3553KIN 3583
KIN 365 or 3663KIN 375**3
KIN 395*3KIN 471**3
Humanities (American History)3Elective3
 14 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
C I 4063KIN 4170
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123KIN 4188
KIN 3723 
KIN 475*3 
H S 3503 
 15 8
Total credit hours: 116.5



Fall only.


Spring only.

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - pre-health - pre-chiropractic

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1
ENGL 1503H S 1103
KIN 2521MATH 142 or 165 or 1813-4
KIN 2531PSYCH 101 or 2303
KIN 2540.5 
LIB 1601 
 15.5 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 255 & 255L or 3514-5BIOL 256 & 256L or 3354
CHEM 3313CHEM 332 & 332L or BBMB 301 & 3114
CHEM 331L1SOC 1343
ENGL 2503Elective4
KIN 2582 
Humanities Choice3 
 16-17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 365 or 3663KIN 3553
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 3603
PHYS 1114KIN 3850
SP CM 2123H S 3503
Elective3PHIL 331***3
 Social Science Choice3
 16-17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3583KIN 400-level Courses*9
KIN 3723Electives6
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123 
V PTH 401**1 
 16 15
Total credit hours: 125.5-128.5



KIN 400+ Course Choices (9 cr): KIN 455, 458, 462, 467, 472, 480, 495.


Fall semester only.


Spring semester only.

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - Pre-health - pre-medicine

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1
ENGL 1503H S 1103
KIN 2521MATH 165 or 1814
KIN 2531PSYCH 101 or 2303
KIN 2540.5 
LIB 1601 
 15.5 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 255 & 255L or 3514-5BIOL 256 & 256L or 3354
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323
CHEM 331L1CHEM 332L1
ENGL 2503SOC 1343
KIN 2582Elective3
Humanities Choice3 
 16-17 14
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 365 or 3663KIN 3553
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 3603
PHYS 1114KIN 3850
SP CM 2123H S 3503
Social Science Choice3PHYS 1124
 Humanities Choice3
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3583KIN 400-level Courses*9
KIN 3723Elective6
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123 
Choose one: BIOL 313/L, 314/L, 335, 351, 352, 353 or BBMB 4043-5 
 15-17 15
Total credit hours: 125.5-129.5



KIN 400+ Course Choices (9 cr): KIN 455, 458, 462, 467, 472, 480, 495.

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - pre-health - pre-physician assistant

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1
ENGL 1503H S 1103
KIN 2521MATH 142, 165, 1813-4
KIN 2531PSYCH 101 or 2303
KIN 2540.5 
LIB 1601 
 15.5 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 255 & 255L or 3514-5BIOL 256 & 256L or 3354
CHEM 231/L or 331/L*4BIOL 314 or BBMB 3013
ENGL 2503SOC 1343
KIN 2582Elective3
Humanties Choice3Elective3
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 365 or 3663KIN 3553
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 3603
PHYS 1114KIN 3850
SP CM 2123H S 3503
Elective3BIOL 313, 314, 335, 351, 352 or 3533-5
 Humanities Choice3
 16-17 15-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3583KIN 400-level Course*9
KIN 3723Electives6
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123 
MICRO 201/L or 302/L3-4 
Social Science Choice3 
 15-16 15
Total credit hours: 125.5-131.5



If CHEM 331, must also take CHEM 332/L.


KIN 400+ Course (9 cr): KIN 455, 458, 462, 467, 472, 495.

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - pre-health - pre-physical therapy

Plan of Study Grid

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
ENGL 1503PSYCH 101 or 2303
KIN 2521MATH 142, 165, 1813-4
KIN 2531KIN 2582
KIN 2540.5Humanties 3
H S 1103 
LIB 1601 
SOC 1343 
 16.5 15-16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 255 & 255L or 3514-5BIOL 256 & 256L or 3554
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1
ENGL 2503Social Science Choice3
 15-16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 365 or 3663KIN 3553
STAT 101, 104 or 2263-4KIN 3603
PHYS 1114KIN 3850
SP CM 2123H S 3503
Elective3PHYS 1124
 16-17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
KIN 3583KIN 400-level Courses*9
KIN 3723Electives6
ENGL 302, 314 or SP CM 3123 
Choose from: BiOL 335, 351 or 6 cr in PSYCH 300+5-6 
 14-15 15
Total credit hours: 123.5-127.5



KIN 400+ Course Choices (9 cr): KIN 455, 458, 462, 467, 472, 480, 495.

Students must complete a 3-credit course in US diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Check ISU homepage for a list of approved courses. You must complete a minimum of 46 credits in 300/400 level courses and a total of 124 credits for graduation. Four year plans are arranged with courses in prerequisite sequence and within the term a course is usually offered. This is a SAMPLE plan – use the degree audit as “official” documentation of progress toward your degree.

Nutritional Science, B.S. - Pre-health professional & research option  

Plan of Study Grid

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1673
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
ENGL 1503MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4
LIB 1601 
Humanities course3 
 17 14-15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323
CHEM 331L1CHEM 332L1
BIOL 3133BIOL 314, BBMB 301, or BBMB 3163
STAT 101 or 1043-4FS HN 2653
ENGL 2503FS HN 2031
SP CM 2123Social Science3
 16-17 14
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 306 or 3353-4
BIOL 255L1FS HN 3623
FS HN 3603MICRO 201 or 3022-3
FS HN 3612MICRO 201L or 302L1
Humanities course (H Sci) or elective*3Humanities/social sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
FS HN 3423Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3
 15 14-17
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 419 or 4203ENGL 3143
FS HN 4801FS HN 4673
FS HN 4922Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3
Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3
Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3Elective*3
 15 15
Total credit hours: 120-125



Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits. 


 Select at least 12 additional credits from:  FS HN 242, 365, 367, 403, 461, 463, 464, 466, 490C, 499, 575; NUTRS 501, 503, 504, 562.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. 

Nutritional Science, B.S. - Nutrition & wellness option  

Plan of Study Grid

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1013
CHEM 163 or 1774FS HN 1673
CHEM 163L or 177L1BIOL 2123
BIOL 2113BIOL 212L1
BIOL 211L1MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4
ENGL 1503PSYCH 101 or 2303
LIB 1601 
 14 16-17
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1112BIOL 173 or GLOBE 2013
FS HN 1151FS HN 2031
FS HN 2643FS HN 2423
BIOL 2553FS HN 2653
BIOL 255L1BIOL 2563
ENGL 2503BIOL 256L1
Humanities course3 
 16 14
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3643FS HN 3423
HORT 221 or AGRON 1143FS HN 3612
POL S 2153FS HN 3653
SP CM 2123FS HN 3662
STAT 101 or 1043-4Humanities (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
 U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3
 15-16 15-16
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4633FS HN 4032
POL S 3443FS HN 4801
MICRO 2012FS HN 4952
MICRO 201L1300-400 level elective course*3
300-400 level elective course*3300-400 level elective course*3
 15 15-16
Total credit hours: 120-124



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