
This is an archived copy of the 2012-2013 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Software Engineering

(A program administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science.)

Undergraduate Study

For the undergraduate curriculum in software engineering leading to the degree Bachelor of Science.

This curriculum is jointly administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) Department and the Department of Computer Science (CS) Department at Iowa State University, and it provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to learn software engineering fundamentals, to study applications of the state-of-the art software technologies, and to prepare for the practice of software engineering. The student-faculty interaction necessary to realize this opportunity occurs within an environment that is motivated by the principle that excellence in undergraduate education is enhanced by an integrated commitment to successful, long-term research and outreach programs.

The software engineering curriculum offers emphasis areas in software engineering principles, process, and practice. Students may also may take elective courses in computer engineering and computer science.

Program Educational Objectives of the Software Engineering Program at Iowa State University. The graduates, within five years of graduation, should:
1. attain a productive career in Software Engineering or related fields;
2. attain leadership roles and become effective collaborators to advance professional and organizational goals;
3. engage in continuous learning and professional development.
We expect that these objectives will be manifested in our graduates through the following five key attributes: (a) peer-recognized expertise, (b) engagement in professional practice, (c) sustained learning, (d) leadership and (e) teamwork.  
Demonstration of expertise involves applying state-of-the-art practices for solving problems in the design, development, validation, evolution and sustainment of (software) products. Demonstration of professional engagement involves contributing locally and globally to the use of ethical, competent, and creative practices in industry, academia or public sector. Demonstration of sustained learning involves the ability to adapt to rapid technological, environmental, and organizational changes through self-study and group study, and through opportunities of professional development or graduate study. Demonstration of leadership involves the ability to take initiative, and to facilitate the advancements of individuals and the community, by influencing others, and by having a widespread, positive impact on critical issues and projects. Finally, demonstration of teamwork involves the ability to work with collaborators with varied expertise, and with diverse cultural and interdisciplinary background.

As a complement to the instructional activity, the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science (ECpE) and CS Departments provide opportunities for each student to have experience with broadening activities. Through the cooperative education and internship program, students have the opportunity to gain practical industry experience. Students have the opportunity to participate in advanced research activities, and through international exchange programs, students learn about engineering practices in other parts of the world.

Curriculum in Software Engineering

Administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Leading to the degree bachelor of science.

Total credits required: 125 cr. See also Basic Program and Special Programs.
International Perspectives: 3 cr.1
U.S. Diversity: 3 cr.1
Communication Proficiency/Library requirement (minimum grade of C):
ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communicationarr †
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Compositionarr †
LIB 160Information Literacyarr †
ENGL 314Technical Communicationarr †
Total Credits0 †
† Arranged with instructor.

General Education Electives: 2
Choose 3 courses from the following:arr †
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Engineering Economic Analysis
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Additional Arts and Humanites or Social Sciences course
† Arranged with instructor.
Basic Program: 27 cr.

Complete with 2.00 GPA including transfer courses:

CHEM 167General Chemistry for Engineering Studentsarr †
or CHEM 177 General Chemistry I
ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communicationarr †
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition (see above for grade requirements)arr †
ENGR 101Engineering OrientationR
S E 185Problem Solving in Software Engineeringarr †
LIB 160Information Literacyarr †
MATH 165Calculus Iarr †
MATH 166Calculus IIarr †
PHYS 221Introduction to Classical Physics I (See Basic Program rule)arr †
Total Credits0 †
† Arranged with instructor.
Math and Physical Science: 11 cr.
COM S 227Introduction to Object-oriented Programmingarr †
COM S 228Introduction to Data Structuresarr †
MATH 267Elementary Differential Equations and Laplace Transformsarr †
Total Credits0 †
† Arranged with instructor.
Software Engineering Core:
CPR E 281Digital Logicarr †
Choose one of the following:arr †
Advanced Programming Techniques
Embedded Systems I: Introduction
Choose one of the following:arr †
Introduction to Computer Architecture and Machine-Level Programming
Computer Organization and Assembly Level Programming
Choose one of the following:arr †
Introduction to Operating Systems
Computer Organization and Assembly Level Programming
COM S 309Software Development Practicesarr †
COM S 311Design and Analysis of Algorithmsarr †
COM S 330Discrete Computational Structures 7arr †
or CPR E 310 Theoretical Foundations of Computer Engineering
COM S 363Introduction to Database Management Systemsarr †
S E 319Software Construction and User Interfacesarr †
S E 329Software Project Managementarr †
S E 339Software Architecture and Designarr †
The core requirement is for the three credit courses. If the four credit course is taken instead the extra credit will be added to Supplementary Electives
Total Credits0 †
† Arranged with instructor.
Other Remaining Courses: 38 to 41 cr.
S E 491Senior Design Project I and Professionalismarr †
S E 492Senior Design Project IIarr †
SP CM 212Fundamentals of Public Speakingarr †
STAT 330Probability and Statistics for Computer Sciencearr †
One of the following:arr †
Report and Proposal Writing *
Technical Communication *
Math Electivearr †
Software Engineeringarr †
Technical Elective 2arr †
Supplementary Electivearr †
Open Electivearr †
Total Credits0 †
† Arranged with instructor.


with a minimum grade of C

Note: Excess credits from CPR E 288 Embedded Systems I: Introduction, CPR E 381 Computer Organization and Assembly Level Programming, and/or CPR E 308 Operating Systems: Principles and Practice may be applied to meet Supplementary Elective credit requirement.

S E 166Careers in Software EngineeringR
S E 494Software Engineering Portfolio DevelopmentR
Co-op or internship is optional
Transfer Credit Requirements

The degree program must include a minimum of 30 credits at the 300-level or above in professional and technical courses earned at ISU in order to receive a B.S. in software engineering. These 30 credits must include S E 491 Senior Design Project I and Professionalism, S E 492 Senior Design Project II, and credits in the core professional curriculum and/or in technical electives. The software engineering degree program requires a grade of C or better for any transfer credit course that is applied to the degree program.

  1. These university requirements will add to the minimum credits of the program unless the university-approved courses are also approved by the department to meet other course requirements within the degree program. U.S. diversity and international perspectives courses may not be taken Pass/Not Pass.
  2. Choose from department approved lists.
  3. See Basic Program for Professional Engineering Curricula for accepted substitutions for curriculum designated courses in the Basic Program.
  4. 2.00 required including transfer courses.
  5. Credit for only one of the following is allowed:
    CPR E 381Computer Organization and Assembly Level Programmingarr †
    or COM S 321 Introduction to Computer Architecture and Machine-Level Programming
    † Arranged with instructor.
  6. Credit for only one of the following is allowed:
    CPR E 308Operating Systems: Principles and Practicearr †
    or COM S 352 Introduction to Operating Systems
    † Arranged with instructor.
  7. Credit for only one of the following is allowed:
    CPR E 310Theoretical Foundations of Computer Engineeringarr †
    or COM S 330 Discrete Computational Structures
    † Arranged with instructor.

Note: International perspectives and U.S. diversity courses are used to meet the general education electives.


Courses primarily for undergraduates:

S E 101. Software Engineering Orientation.

Cr. R.
Introduction to the procedures, policies, and resources of Iowa State University and the department of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Information on engineering and computer-based professions.

S E 166. Careers in Software Engineering.

Cr. R.
Overview of the nature and scope of the software engineering profession. Relationship of coursework to careers. Departmental rules, student services operations, degree requirements, program of study planning, career options, and student organizations.

S E 185. Problem Solving in Software Engineering.

(3-1) Cr. 3. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in MATH 142
Introduction to software engineering and computer programming. Systematic thinking process for problem solving in the context of software engineering. Group problem solving. Solving software engineering problems and presenting solutions through computer programs, written documents and oral presentations. Introduction to principles of programming, software design, and extensive practice in design, writing, running, debugging, and reasoning about programs.

S E 298. Cooperative Education.

Cr. R. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission of department and Career Services
First professional work period in the cooperative education program. Students must register for this course before commencing work.

S E 319. Software Construction and User Interfaces.

(Cross-listed with COM S). (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: COM S 228
Basic theory of grammars, parsing. Language paradigms. State transition and table-based software design. Rapid system prototyping. Review of principles of object orientation, object oriented analysis using UML. Event-driven and clock-driven simulation. Software construction methods. Frameworks and APIs. User interface architecture, evaluation of user interface. Design of windows, menus, and commands. Introduction to format specification and model-based software design. Introduction to domain-specific software engineering. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 329. Software Project Management.

(Cross-listed with CPR E). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: COM S 309
Process-based software development. Capability Maturity Model (CMM). Project planning, cost estimation, and scheduling. Project management tools. Factors influencing productivity and success. Productivity metrics. Analysis of options and risks. Version control and configuration management. Inspections and reviews. Managing the testing process. Software quality metrics. Modern software engineering techniques and practices. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 339. Software Architecture and Design.

(Cross-listed with CPR E). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: S E 319
Modeling and design of software at the architectural level. Architectural styles. Basics of model-driven architecture. Object-oriented design and analysis. Iterative development and unified process. Design patterns. Design by contract. Component based design. Product families. Measurement theory and appropriate use of metrics in design. Designing for qualities such as performance, safety, security, reliability, reusability, etc. Analysis and evaluation of software architectures. Introduction to architecture definition languages. Basics of software evolution, reengineering, and reverse engineering. Case studies. Introduction to distributed system software. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 396. Summer Internship.

Cr. R. Repeatable. SS. Prereq: Permission of department and Career Services
Summer professional work period.

S E 397. Software Engineering Internship.

Cr. R. Repeatable. F.S. Prereq: Permission of department and Career Services
One semester maximum per academic year professional work period.

S E 398. Cooperative Education.

Cr. R. F.S.SS. Prereq: S E 298, permission of department and Career Services
Second professional work period in the cooperative education program. Students must register for this course before commencing work.

S E 409. Software Requirements Engineering.

(Dual-listed with 509). (Cross-listed with COM S). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: COM S 309, ENGL 250, SP CM 212
The requirements engineering process, including identification of stakeholders, requirements elicitation techniques such as interviews and prototyping, analysis fundamentals, requirements specification, and validation. Use of Models: State-oriented, Function-oriented, and Object-oriented. Documentation for Software Requirements. Informal, semi-formal, and formal representations. Structural, informational, and behavioral requirements. Non-functional requirements. Use of requirements repositories to manage and track requirements through the life cycle. Case studies, software projects, written reports, and oral presentations will be required. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 412. Formal Aspects of Specification and Verification.

(Cross-listed with COM S, CPR E). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: S E 319, COM S 309
Introduction to prepositional/predicate/temporal logic, program verification using theorem proving, model-based verification using model checking, and tools for verification. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 416. Software Evolution and Maintenance.

(Cross-listed with CPR E). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: COM S 309
Practical importance of software evolution and maintenance, systematic defect analysis and debugging techniques, tracing and understanding large software, impact analysis, program migration and transformation, refactoring, tools for software evolution and maintenance, experimental studies and quantitative measurements of software evolution. Written reports and oral presentation. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 417. Software Testing.

(Cross-listed with COM S). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: COM S 309, COM S 319, ENGL 250, SP CM 212
Comprehensive study of software testing, principles, methodologies, management strategies and techniques. Test models, test design techniques (black box and white-box testing techniques), integration, regression, system testing methods, and software testing tools. Nonmajor graduate credit.

S E 490. Independent Study.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. Prereq: Senior classification in software engineering
Investigation of an approved topic.

S E 491. Senior Design Project I and Professionalism.

(2-3) Cr. 3. Prereq: S E 329, completion of 29 credits in the S E core professional program, ENGL 314
Preparing for entry to the workplace. Selected professional topics. Use of technical writing skills in developing project plan and design report; project poster. First of two-semester team-oriented, project design and implementation experience.

S E 492. Senior Design Project II.

(1-3) Cr. 2. Prereq: S E 491
Second semester of a team design project experience. Emphasis on the successful implementation and demonstration of the design completed in S E 491 and the evaluation of project results. Technical writing of final project report; oral presentation of project achievements.

S E 494. Software Engineering Portfolio Development.

Cr. R. F.S. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in S E 491
Portfolio assessment for Software Engineers. Guidelines and Advice to improve software engineering portfolios and to better use portfolios as a tool to enhance career opportunities.

S E 498. Cooperative Education.

Cr. R. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: S E 398, permission of department and Career Services
Third and subsequent professional work periods in the cooperative education program. Students must register for this course before commencing work.

Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:

S E 509. Software Requirements Engineering.

(Dual-listed with 409). (Cross-listed with COM S). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: COM S 309
The requirements engineering process including identification of stakeholders requirements elicitation techniques such as interviews and prototyping, analysis fundamentals, requirements specification, and validation. Use of Models: State-oriented, Function-oriented, and Object-oriented. Documentation for Software Requirements. Informal, semi-formal, and formal representations. Structural, informational, and behavioral requirements. Non-functional requirements. Use of requirements repositories to manage and track requirements through the life cycle. Case studies, software projects, written reports, and oral presentations will be required.