Occupational Safety

Undergraduate Certificate in Occupational Safety
via Web-based interaction and streaming media
The undergraduate certificate in Occupational Safety is designed to meet the needs of the vast majority of professionals who will find themselves with management responsibilities (including safety), but are not planning on careers as safety professionals. This Certificate will provide their employees with desired professional development and recognition of their increased professional knowledge and skills in the field of Occupational Safety.
Other professionals that have discovered their career path lending them to have more of a focus on occupational safety without the benefit of formal educational training in safety will benefit. This certificate program will prepare professionals, regardless of discipline, to effectively meet expected occupational safety responsibilities.
The Occupational Safety certificate will also be very attractive to employers in large or small companies. Occupational safety is essential to vitality of any company and those employees.
A professional with an Iowa State University Occupational Safety certificate will strengthen the company's ability to protect their workers from injuries and illnesses. An undergraduate certificate provides a way to give formal recognition of focused study in specialized area that is less comprehensive than what is required for an undergraduate major. The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, with its nationally ranked education programs, is pleased to enhance the capacity of employers to protect their workers from injuries and illnesses by making an occupational safety certificate program available to undergraduates, graduates, and professionals.
For more information contact:
Steve Freeman, Associate Professor
104 I ED II, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
(515) 294-9541 or
e-mail: sfreeman@iastate.edu