Interdepartmental Graduate Program
The degree of master of science or master of arts with major in interdisciplinary graduate studies is available to graduate students who wish to have a more diversified program of advanced study than that generally permitted students who specialize in a single subject. Areas of specialization in arts and humanities, biological sciences, international development studies, physical sciences, social sciences, community development (see below) and a general area are designed to broaden and supplement a student’s program. Students must take courses in three different graduate subject matter areas, each subject contributing a minimum of nine credits toward the 35 graduate credits required for the degree. Courses which may be used for credit toward this degree program are selected from those listed in the Graduate College Catalog for graduate credit.
Both thesis and nonthesis options are available except in arts and humanities in which a thesis is required. If the thesis option is chosen, a minimum of three credits of IGS 699 Thesis Research is required and a maximum of five credits of IGS 699 Thesis Research may be counted in the total of 35 required credits. If the nonthesis option is elected, evidence of original creative effort must be presented. This may be in the form of a demonstration of independent creativity such as a written report of laboratory, field, or library research; a project in fine arts; or some other original contribution acceptable to the student’s committee. In the nonthesis option a minimum of three credits of IGS 599 Creative Component is required and a maximum of five credits of IGS 599 Creative Component may be counted toward the total of 35 graduate credits. The student, in consultation with the program of study committee, will decide on the option. The committee also aids the student in planning a program of study and in selecting appropriate courses. Graduates will have experience in designing their own program centered around issues they have identified. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of IGS, students are expected to synthesize knowledge from three different areas of study.
Students who wish to apply for admission to interdisciplinary graduate studies should communicate with the chair of the program, the chair of the supervisory committee or one of its members.
Students in IGS may select a 37-credit area of specialization in Community Development. The Community Development area of specialization, offered in collaboration with five other universities in the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance, is offered exclusively through courses on the Web.
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(1-0) Cr. 1.
Introduction to the Community Development program. Focus on on-line delivery methods, graduate level research and writing, technology skills.
Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Courses for graduate students:
Cr. arr. Repeatable.