Academic Conduct

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Class Attendance

In order to attend a given class, a student must be registered for that class for credit or audit. Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the instructor of the course. See Validating Enrollment for regulations concerning attendance to validate students' enrollment in a class.

Students are expected to attend class meetings as scheduled. Each instructor sets their policy with respect to class attendance, and excuses for absence from class are handled between the student and instructor. The instructor is expected to announce their policy at the beginning of the course.

Additional information regarding discretionary accommodation for disability and religion are available at

Veteran Attendance

In accordance with the requirements of the Servicemembers Improved Transition through Reforms for Ensuring Progress Act (SIT-REP Act, December 31, 2018), the University will not deny access to classes or facilities to a Veteran or eligible dependent due to a late payment from the Veterans Administration. This is only applicable to Veterans or eligible dependents who are receiving educational assistance under Chapter 31 (VR&E) or 33 (Post 9/11 and Fry Scholarship) of title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.). For the purposes of this policy, "Denial of Access" shall be defined as "to prohibit the entry, participation, or attendance to an event or facility otherwise afforded to all registered students." More information about this policy is available at

Students who receive benefits from the Veterans Administration are required by the V.A. to attend class regularly to maintain their V.A. eligibility. If the instructor knows that a student receiving V.A. benefits is not attending class, the instructor is obligated to notify the Office of the Registrar and a notification will be forwarded to the Veterans Administration. More information about veteran benefits is available at

Field Trips/Curricular-Related Activities

Trips away from campus as part of a course are often appropriate educational experiences. They may not, however, take place during the first or last week of the semester, nor may they extend over more than two consecutive class days (Monday -Friday); these regulations may be waived only by special permission of the dean of the college in which the course is offered. Students should consult with instructors whose classes will be missed. If a mutually satisfactory agreement between the instructors and the student cannot be reached, the student cannot be required to attend the curricular-related activity or be penalized by the instructor for missing the curricular-related activity.

Special fees are often charged to cover the costs of field trips. Field trip fees are noted in the course section information in Workday and in the Schedule of Classes.

Excusable Absences for Non-Curricular Reasons

Students who miss class for non-curricular reasons are responsible for completing all assigned course requirements in a timely manner. Instructors should provide timely opportunities for students to make-up or replace missed scheduled examinations and/or assignments resulting from an excusable absence. While instructors are free to change the format of make-up examinations or assignments, students will be evaluated by the same standards as other members of the course.

In all cases, the person responsible for the event or activity should provide participants with a letter explaining the proposed absence and its duration including travel times for off-campus events and activities. Students must provide this documentation to instructors at least 10 days in advance of the activity or event, except when such notice is not possible.

Course instructors retain final authority regarding student absences and how they impact course grades and the acceptability of a student’s work toward passing their course. If a student must miss, for any reason, a portion of a course that, in the considered opinion of the course instructor, is critical to the student's ability to meet the course objectives, the instructor must recommend alternative actions to the student, which may include dropping the class.

Extra-Curricular Activities as a Representative of the University

Students may seek to or be asked to participate as an Iowa State University representative in non-credit events (competitions, conferences, presentations, programs, and performances) scheduled by academic or athletic units of the university at times that conflict with scheduled classes.

Instructors shall excuse students who miss class while representing Iowa State University in official department-or university-sponsored activities, including:

  • Academic or professional conferences and workshops

  • Intercollegiate athletic, academic, and judging competitions

  • Musical, theatrical, dance and other artistic performances

  • Presentations or programs given to external audiences.

Other Extra-Curricular Activities

Instructors will determine whether other absences not officially sponsored by a unit of the University (e.g., conference attendance, job interviews), will be treated as excused.

Military Service

Instructors shall excuse absences due to Veteran or military service obligations (including service-related medical appointments, military orders dictating appointments, and National Guard Service obligations). When a student's military or veteran obligations are for more than two weeks, the student should meet with their advisor to discuss the situation and academic options and work with their instructors to discuss potential accommodations. University procedures are in place for such situations and should be followed. In all instances, students have a responsibility to communicate with their instructors to ensure they are continuing to meet course expectations and requirements. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to utilize the Military-Affiliated Student Center and review information at

Court Appearances

Instructors shall excuse absences due to officially mandated court appearances including jury duty.