Academic Standing

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Academic Standards Regulations

Each college has an academic standards committee that is responsible for monitoring the academic progress of all undergraduate students in that college, based on policies and minimum requirements set by the Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Standards and Admissions and ratified by the Faculty Senate. Individual college faculties may, with the approval of the Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Standards and Admissions, set additional program admission and curriculum requirements that are more stringent than those established for the university. These additional requirements must be reviewed at least every third catalog by the college academic standards committee to determine if the requirements should be continued. Requirements approved by the college academic standards committees will then be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Standards and Admissions for final approval. The college committees are responsible for actions involving individual students with respect to placing students on Academic Probation, dismissing students from the university for unsatisfactory academic progress, and reinstating student who have been Academically Dismissed.  

Changing colleges: A student on Academic Probation may transfer to another program in the university before period 3 begins (before the last day to drop a course.) For students on Academic Probation, transfer during period 3 (after the last day to drop a course) can only occur under exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the chair of the new program and the dean of the new college.

Withdrawal: A student on Academic Probation who withdraws during period 3 will be Academically Dismissed at the end of the term the student withdraws, except under extenuating circumstances as judged by the college academic standards committee.

Reinstated students: Reinstated students should also see the section on Reinstatement.

Veterinary Medicine: Additional rules for minimum satisfactory progress are in effect.

Special (nondegree) students: Students matriculated in this classification category are governed by the regular academic progress regulations. Furthermore, by special action of their college academic standards committee, additional standards may be required.