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Classification/Class Standing

Undergraduate class standing (i.e., year in school) is determined by the number of credits completed, and it is based on credit hours earned, not merely credit hours attempted. The grades F and NP and the marks I and W do not contribute toward credit hours earned and thus are not considered in determining class standing. See Grades for information about the grading system at Iowa State University.

Class standing in all academic colleges, except Veterinary Medicine, is as follows:

Sophomore: 30 credit hours earned

Junior: 60 credit hours earned

Senior: 90 credit hours earned

Students who have a bachelor's degree and are working toward another undergraduate degree, licensure, or admission to a specific graduate or professional program, typically have a class standing of senior.

Transfer students without a degree will have a class standing on the basis of credits accepted by Iowa State University.

Veterinary medicine students are promoted from the first- to the second-, third-, and fourth-year classes based upon satisfactory completion of the required courses for each year. To be promoted to the second-year class, students must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 1.67 for all courses in the first year of the veterinary medicine curriculum. To be promoted to the third- and fourth-year classes, students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 for all courses in the professional curriculum.

A student, who is attending Iowa State and decides not to work toward an undergraduate degree, will be classified as a special (non-degree) student. Admission requirements and academic standards regulations are the same as regular students. Credits taken as a special (non-degree) student are applicable for undergraduate degree purposes if the student is admitted later as a regular undergraduate. Credits obtained as an undergraduate special student may not, however, be applied toward a graduate degree.