Courses primarily for undergraduates:
(Cross-listed with ART 3230).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Prereq: (ART 2300; BIOL 2110 or BIOL 2120) or Permission of Instructor
Studio basics and professional techniques in black & white, continuous tone, and color. Introduction to professional practice and principles of communicating science through art. Emphasis on tools, materials, and rendering.
(Cross-listed with ART 3260).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Prereq: ART 3230/SCIVZ 3230, or permission of the instructor
An introduction to digital illustration software. Application of painting, drawing, and image-making techniques using vector and raster-based programs.
(Cross-listed with ART 3270).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Prereq: ART 3230/SCIVZ 3230, or permission of the instructor
Investigation of illustration as a form of communication. Emphasis on problem solving, effective composition, and advancement of rendering skills.
(Cross-listed with ART 3370).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: ART 3270
Rendering techniques applied to different types of biological and scientific subjects emphasizing communication. The use of traditional and digital media. Term project required.
(Typically Offered: Spring)
(Cross-listed with ART 3400X).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Artificial intelligence tools for art and design: strategies, principles, and tools for AI in visual art, applied art, and creative industry practices. The aesthetics of AI systems in creative practices. An overview of working with AI as artistic and visual communication media including using AI and machine learning applications, histories of AI in the arts, generative deep learning systems, supervised and unsupervised machine learning tasks, and integrating AI systems through art and design practices. Producing AI multimedia outputs that include a range of forms from imagery to sound. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)
Credits: 1-3. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: ART 2300 or permission of instructor
A combination seminar and field trip course emphasizing nature interpretation, field sketching techniques and preparation of a final illustration based on field experience.
(Typically Offered: Spring, Summer)
Credits: Required.
Prereq: Junior standing or permission of instructor.
Required of all cooperative education students. Students must register for these courses prior to commencing each work period.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)
(Cross-listed with ART 4060).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Repeatable, maximum of 2 times.
Introduction to organic 3D model creation in ZBrush. Digital clay sculpting informed by traditional techniques. 3D printing pipeline. Emphasis on science research and visual design thinking for science communication. Some experience with other 3D modeling software beneficial, but not required. (Typically Offered: Spring)
(Dual-listed with ART 5700X).
(Cross-listed with ART 4700).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Studio 6.
Data visualization strategies, principles, and tools for encoding data in visual art, applied art, and creative industry practices. The aesthetics of encoded data in creative practices. An overview of working with data as artistic and visual communication media including data acquisition, organization, representation, and interaction with data through art and design. Producing data display outputs that include a range of displays from screen to installation. (Typically Offered: Fall)
Credits: 1-3. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.
Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
Credits: 2. Repeatable.
Prereq: SCIVZ 3370, junior or senior classification
Portfolio and professional preparation including identity package development, writing and speaking. Career-readiness, professional practice, leadership, networking, exploring research subfields within scientific visualization. Creating print and digital visual materials, learning approaches for entering the field, and developing business practice skills. Final portfolio materials presented at the end of the term.
(Typically Offered: Spring)
Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.
Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
Intensive exploration of illustration techniques in a studio or field setting.
Credits: 1-6. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.
Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.