Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Forecasting, wind measurement and analysis, site placement, aerodynamic principles associated with blade design, power generation technologies, power electronic topologies used in wind energy conversion, collection circuits, and grid operation with high wind penetration.
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Systems approach to wind turbine design, manufacturing, installation, integrated with wind economics and policy issues. Topics include manufacturing practices used to produce wind turbines, construction practices, sensing and inspection technologies used in monitoring wind farm health, and the impact of policy making on the wind energy industry.
(Cross-listed with AERE 5110).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Advanced design, control, and operation of wind plants. Topics include electromechanical energy conversion systems, aerodynamic and aeroelastic loads, optimal control of wind farms, life cycle management strategies, tall tower design, and prediction of component residual life.
Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Advanced study of a research topic in the field of wind energy, science, engineering, and policy.
Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Identifying current wind energy research issues and conducting components of the research cycle in real-time, including proposal development, investigation/analysis/discovery, publication and presentation, ethical behavior, and leadership.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)