Courses primarily for undergraduates:
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.5, Discussion 1.5.
Foundation for developing skills and attitudes needed for responsible citizenship and complex problem solving in STEM. Exploration of experiences of diverse women* leaders in STEM fields. Development of an awareness that experiences in STEM cultures vary among women and intersecting identities and becoming open to diverse perspectives. Across multiple disciplinary perspectives in STEM, engagement with peers across STEM fields, development of community in small groups with peer leaders, and building of relationships with university leadership, industry professionals, and company executives. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall)
(Cross-listed with WGS 3070/ BIOL 3070).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: ENGL 2500; Sophomore classification
The interrelationships of women and science and engineering examined from historical, sociological, philosophical, and biological perspectives. Factors contributing to under-representation; feminist critiques of science; examination of successful strategies. Does not satisfy biology major advanced credit requirements. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Laboratory 2.
Overview of financial and professional skills that will prepare you for success in your postgraduate STEM journey. Exploring opportunities that may lead to your life and career purpose in STEM. Establishing a diverse professional network, identifying mentors, and navigating STEM work environments. Learn about intergenerational communication, maintaining health in your personal and work life, and cultivating your authenticity as a professional. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Spring)