your adventure in

International Studies

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Interdepartmental Undergraduate Secondary Major and Minor, Administered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Through a combination of coursework and study abroad, students who complete a secondary major or minor in International Studies can prepare for careers or advanced study in the international arena, such as foreign service, journalism, advocacy organizations, scientific or research institutions, business, nongovernmental development organizations (NGOs), humanitarian agencies, environmental organizations, human rights organizations, think tanks, international agriculture, and international engineering. Students in International Studies gain an understanding of global issues, learn to communicate across cultures, develop awareness of cultural ideas and attitudes, and are well positioned to become global leaders in their chosen field.

A secondary major and a minor in International Studies are available for undergraduates. The program requirements are structured around a combination of a designated Topical Module and a Geographic Region, both selected by the student. Each student’s program of study is designed to reflect opportunities at Iowa State University as well as the academic, intellectual, and professional interests of the student.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the second major in International Studies, students will be able to:

1. Read, write and speak a language other than their native language at an intermediate level to effectively communicate with people from other cultures.

2. Understand factual knowledge about world economic and political systems, events, cultures, and geography and to critically analyze global issues, especially as they relate to globalization.

3. Understand, interpret, and articulate the major processes, theories, and problems of a selected contemporary global issue within a selected world region to also recognize interconnections between local and global issues and events.

4. Live, study, work, and/or volunteer in a selected world region in order to understand, interpret and articulate major cultural values and issues and to appreciate the impact of one’s own cultural and educational experience on their perception of the world.