your adventure in

Biomedical Sciences

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Professional Program of Study

For professional curriculum in veterinary medicine leading to the degree doctor of veterinary medicine, see Veterinary Medicine

Biomedical Sciences

The Department of Biomedical Sciences provides a hands on educational experience in human and animal health sciences. Our courses include cadaver-based human and veterinary anatomy, histology, physiology, pharmacology and cell biology, emphasizing a One Health approach that recognizes the interconnection between human and animal health.

A solid foundation in anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology is necessary to understand both the mechanisms of disease processes in humans and animals as well as their treatment. Specimen-based study of anatomy and physiology prepares students with a background in the structural and functional activities of cells, tissues, organs, and body systems relevant to human and veterinary medicine.

An understanding of drug action is essential for rational drug therapy. Our general pharmacology courses provide students with a background in basic pharmacology to include pharmacodynamics, toxicology, and the clinical application of drugs. Special emphasis is placed on chemical agents and therapeutic practices specific to both human and veterinary medicine.