
This is an archived copy of the 2012-2013 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Human Development and Family Studies (HD FS)


Courses primarily for undergraduates:

HD FS 102. Individual and Family Life Development.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS.
Development of individuals, families, and their reciprocal relationships as affected by external factors; examined within a framework of life-span developmental tasks.

HD FS 110. Freshman Learning Community Orientation.

(1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: Membership in HD FS Learning Community
Introduction to the Department of Human Development and Family Studies including academic requirements and opportunities, strategies for transitioning to college, learning and study strategies, reading and reflection, and career awareness.

HD FS 111. Orientation.

(1-0) Cr. 1.
Orientation to HD FS curricula. Development of a long-term curriculum plan. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 183. Personal Finance in Early Adulthood.

(1-0) Cr. 1. F.S.
Introduction to basic concepts and budgeting practices for management of resources and prevention of financial problems commonly associated with college, including credit and student loans. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 208. Early Childhood Education Orientation.

(Cross-listed with C I). Cr. 1. F.S.
Overview of early childhood education (birth-grade 3) teacher licensure requirements. Program planning and university procedures. Required of all students majoring in early childhood education. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 218. Professional Orientation and Service Learning.

Cr. 2. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 102
Restricted to CH FS majors. Ethics, professional development, and career exploration in child, adult and family services. Visits to and service learning with programs that serve children, adults and families with diverse needs. Participation in service learning project required. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 224. Development in Young Children: Birth through Age 8.

(3-1) Cr. 3. F.S.Alt. SS., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 102
Learning, growth, and development (typical and atypical) of children from birth through age eight. Explores importance of family, programs, and a diverse society. Strategies for observing, recording, and interpreting children?s cognitive, communication, motor, social, and emotional development. Practicum.

HD FS 226. Development and Guidance in Middle Childhood.

(2-2) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 102 or PSYCH 230
Typical and atypical development from 5 to 12 years of age. Development in the contexts of family, school, and society. Guidance of children in family and group settings; practicum.

HD FS 227. Adolescent Development.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: HD FS 102 or PSYCH 101 or PSYCH 230
Physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development of adolescents and young adults in the context of family, relationships, and culture.

HD FS 234. Young Adulthood and Midlife Development.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 102
Introductory exploration of the health, individual and social factors associated with adult development including young adulthood thru middle age. Information is presented from a life-span developmental framework.

HD FS 239. Housing and Consumer Issues.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Introduction to factors affecting housing consumption of individuals and families, including current housing consumer issues related to housing choices, housing context of neighborhoods and communities, housing structure types, and credit and housing finance. Issues such as homelessness, housing discrimination, indoor air quality, accessible design.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 240. Literature for Children.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Evaluation of literature for children. Roles of literature in the total development of children. Literature selection and use.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 249. Parenting and Family Diversity Issues.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Parenting practices and family relationships across the lifespan. Practical knowledge and techniques about how to be an effective parent. Diverse families, discipline, and parent education programs.

HD FS 269. Research in Human Development and Family Studies.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 102 or PSYCH 230
Understanding and evaluating research. Use of primary and secondary data to identify and study problems related to human development and family issues, including finance and housing. An introduction to statistical concepts and computer analysis. Research participation.

HD FS 270. Family Communications and Relationships.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.Alt. SS., offered 2013. Prereq: HD FS 102 or PSYCH 230
Introduction to and application of family theories. Family communication and its functions to develop, maintain, enrich and limit family relationships. Communication and ethical considerations when working with families.

HD FS 276. Human Sexuality.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS.
Behavioral, biological, and psychological aspects of human sexuality within the social context of family, culture, and society. Role of sexuality in human development. Critical analysis of media and research. Communication and decision-making skills relating to sexuality issues and relationships.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 283. Personal and Family Finance.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS.
Introduction to basic principles of personal and family finance. Budgeting, record keeping, checking and savings accounts, consumer credit, insurance, investments, and taxes.

HD FS 317. Field Experiences.

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317A. Early Childhood Education Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 343.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317B. Family Services Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: 9 credits in HD FS.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317C. Early Childhood Special Education Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 220, HD FS 221.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317D. School-Age Child Care Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 226.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317E. Infant/Toddler Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 340.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317F. Research..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 269.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317G. Family Finance Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 269.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317K. Housing Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 269.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 317L. Policy Programs..

Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 269.
Consult department office for procedure. Supervised field experience in human development and family studies programs. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 340. Assessment and Curricula: Ages Birth through 2 Years.

(3-3) Cr. 4. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 224
Assessment strategies for infants and toddlers, including those with special needs. Curricula, learning environments, teaching strategies, health and nutritional practices, and schedules that are developmentally, individually, and culturally appropriate. Using assessment to plan, implement, and evaluate activities to promote physical, motor, cognitive, communication, and social emotional development; practicum.

HD FS 341. Housing Finance and Policy.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: 6 credits in social sciences
The social, economic, and governmental contexts of housing and financial decision-making at the household level. Financial considerations for residential property management.

HD FS 342. Guidance and Group Management in Early Childhood.

(2-2) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 224, HDFS 343 or HD FS 344
Guiding prosocial development, self-regulation, and task engagement of children birth to age 8. Focus is on promoting prosocial behaviors through supportive relationships and environments within diverse home, center, or school settings. Functional behavior assessment and ongoing progress monitoring for targeted and intensive interventions. Practicum.

HD FS 343. Assessment and Programming: Ages 3 through 6 Years.

(3-3) Cr. 4. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 224; HD FS 240; HD FS 269 or PSYCH 332 or PSYCH 333
Assessment strategies for preschool and kindergarten children, including those with special needs. Learning environments, schedules, activities, nutritional practices, and teaching strategies that are developmentally, individually, and culturally appropriate. Using assessment to plan, implement, and evaluate activities to promote physical motor, cognitive, communication, and social emotional development; practicum.

HD FS 344. Programming for Children in Early Care and Education.

(3-3) Cr. 4. S. Prereq: HD FS 224
Programming in inclusive child care centers and family child care homes, including those with special needs, aged birth through 8 years. Developing, implementing, and evaluating learning environments; activities and materials; behavioral guidance and classroom management practices; health and nutritional practices; and schedules to ensure developmental, individual, and cultural appropriateness. Monitoring children s development and behavior to promote physical, motor, cognitive, communication, and social emotional development. Collaborating effectively with parents and staff.

HD FS 345. Adapting Programming in Inclusive Settings.

(3-1) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Credit or concurrent enrollment in HD FS 340 or HD FS 343; SP ED 250
Adapting instruction, materials, and equipment to meet developmental needs of young children birth through age 8 with diverse learning needs and multiple disabilities in inclusive settings. Addressing individualized education programs; special health care needs, challenging behavior, and positioning and handling techniques; practicum.

HD FS 360. Housing and Services for Families and Children.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: 6 credits in social sciences
Approaches to and assessment of housing and services that assist those with special needs including those with disabilities, low-income, children at risk, single-parents, and the homeless. Emphasis on community settings; e.g., residential facilities, group housing, shelters and transitional housing.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 367. Abuse and Illness in Families.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.Alt. SS., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 102 or PSYCH 230; HD FS 270
Causes and consequences of family stressors including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; substance abuse; and mental and physical illness across the life span. Interplay between victims, offenders, and the treatment system.

HD FS 373. Death as a Part of Living.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.Alt. SS., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 102
Consideration of death in the life span of the individual and the family with opportunity for exploration of personal and societal attitudes.

HD FS 377. Aging and the Family.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. F.Alt. SS., offered 2013. Prereq: HD FS 102
Interchanges of the aged and their families. Emphasis on role changes, social interaction, and independence as influenced by health, finances, life styles, and community development.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 378. Retirement Contexts and Planning.

(Cross-listed with ECON, GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: 3 credits in Principles of Economics and 3 credits in Human Development and Family Studies
Economic well-being in the context of demographic change, the present and future of social security, family retirement needs analysis, investment strategies and characteristics of retirement plans, helping others to work towards financial security, family economic issues for retired persons.

HD FS 395. Children, Families, and Public Policy.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.Alt. SS., offered 2013. Prereq: 6 credits in social sciences
Public policy and politics as they affect children and families. Examination of how individuals and groups influence policy. Investigation of current issues and programs influencing the well-being and welfare of children and families.

HD FS 416. Human Development and Family Studies Seminar.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: 8 credits in human development and family studies
Intensive study of a selected topic in human development and family studies.

HD FS 417. Supervised Student Teaching.

Cr. 8. Repeatable. Prereq: Reservation required

HD FS 417C. Early Childhood Special Education Programs. F.S..

Cr. 8. Repeatable. Prereq: GPA 2.5, full admission to teacher education program, HD FS 455; HD FS 456. Teaching experience with preschool children with disabilities.

HD FS 418B. Student Teaching Discussion and Reflection.

(0.5-0) Cr. 0.5. Prereq: Taken concurrently with HD FS 417
Supervision and discussion of HD FS 417 student teaching field experience.

HD FS 449. Linking Families and Communities.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 269 or PSYCH 332 or PSYCH 333; senior classification
Assessing family needs and community resources across the lifespan. Characteristics of successful community-based family intervention and support programs. Strategies and skills needed by community-based professionals, including grant writing skills. Linking families to community resources. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 455. Curricula for Ages 3 through 6 Years.

(3-3) Cr. 4. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 343, HD FS 345, SP ED 355 and SP ED 455
Program models and methods leading to development and organization of appropriate curricula in preschool and kindergarten programs for young children with diverse learning needs. Government regulations and professional standards for child programming. Teaming with parents, colleagues, and paraprofessionals to plan, implement, and evaluate developmentally and culturally appropriate individualized education plans in inclusive settings; practicum. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 456. Building Partnerships and Engaging Families.

(3-1) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: HD FS 340,HD FS 345
Family systems and the application of family centered principles in early intervention and home-based services. Impact of disability on families with young children and strategies for delivering family-centered interventions and service coordination. Understanding and measuring family outcomes of early intervention. Understanding foundations of theory and policy, establishing effective partnerships, and building family capacity through effective supports and services. Experiences with families. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 463. Environments for the Aging.

(Dual-listed with 563). (Cross-listed with ARTID, GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 360 or 3 credits in housing, architecture, interior design, rehabilitation, psychology, or human development and family studies
Emphasis on independent living within residential settings including specialized shelter, supportive services, and housing management. Application of criteria appropriate for accessibility and functional performance of activities; universal design principles. Creative project provides service learning opportunities.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 479. Family Interaction Dynamics.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: HD FS 102 or equivalent; HD FS 269 or equivalent; 9 hours in social sciences; junior or senior status
Analysis of research related to family interaction processes across the family life span. Emphasis on relationship dynamics and cultural differences. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 483. Advanced Personal and Family Finance.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 283
Investigate the financial planning process, client/planner interactions, time value of money applications as well as analyses of ethics review, financial statements, cash flow and debt management, education planning, retirement planning, tax planning, and estate planning needs of families. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 486. Administration of Programs for Children, Adults and Families.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Junior classification; 6 credits in HD FS at 300 level and above
Examination of purpose, policies, staffing, operations, and clientele of organizations serving children, adults and families with diverse needs. Management/leadership principles and techniques, including an introduction to financial management involved. Administrators/supervisors role in staff hiring, supervision, evaluation and development, as well as program evaluation, goal setting, strategic planning, and advocacy will be explored.,.

HD FS 488. Families in the Economy.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 283
Analysis of the family as an economic unit in society. Structure and composition of the family. Patterns of resource use and activities pursued by the family. Family economic transitions such as marriage, divorce, and childbirth. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 489. Financial Counseling.

(Dual-listed with 589). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: HD FS 283
Personal, social/psychological, and legal climates affecting family financial decisions. A life-cycle approach to financial decision-making. Development of financial counseling and planning skills to assist families and individuals to become self-sufficient in family financial management. Nonmajor graduate credit.

HD FS 489L. Financial Counseling Laboratory.

(Dual-listed with 589L). (0-2) Cr. 1-4. Repeatable. F.S. Prereq: Instructor permission
Practical experience in remedial, preventative, and productive approaches to both financial and housing counseling in one-on-one and/or group settings.

HD FS 490. Independent Study.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490A. Child and Family Studies.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490B. Housing.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490C. Family Finance.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490F. Early Childhood Education.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490G. Early Childhood Special Education.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490H. Honors.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490I. Human Development and Family Studies.

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 490L. Policy Programs..

Cr. arr. Prereq: 6 credits in human development and family studies
Consult department office for procedure.

HD FS 491. Internship.

Cr. 4-9. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: HD FS 449; permission of instructor; senior classification
Reservation required one semester before placement; minimum 2.0 GPA. Supervised work experience related to the student's curriculum. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 493. Workshop.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Senior classification
(Dual-listed with 593).

HD FS 499. Research.

Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits. F.S.SS. Prereq: Consult department office for procedures.
Supervised research experience.

Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:

HD FS 501. Graduate Study Orientation.

(1-0) Cr. R. F. Prereq: Admission to HDFS Graduate program
Orientation to graduate study, professional development and the field of human development and family studies.

HD FS 503. Quantitative Research Methodology.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: STAT 401 or RESEV 553, concurrent enrollment in HD FS 505
Concepts, methods, and strategies for research in human development and family studies. Topics include the nature of scientific research, measurement, types of research in human development and family studies, validity of research designs, methods of data gathering, and strategies for and issues in the study of change.

HD FS 504. Qualitative Research Methods I.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: 9 credits of social sciences
Introduction to qualitative research methodology. Application of fieldwork methods, analysis, interpretation, and writing through individual qualitative research projects.

HD FS 505. Application of Quantitative Research Methodology.

(1-2) Cr. 2. S. Prereq: STAT 401 or RESEV 553, concurrent enrollment in HD FS 503
Coding, entry and manipulation of research data. Practical applications with interactive statistical software.

HD FS 510. Theories of Human Development.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.SS. Prereq: 9 credits of social sciences
Theoretical approaches and current research in child, adolescent, and adult development. Individual life span perspectives. Policy implications.

HD FS 511. Family Theory.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
Theoretical approaches and current research in family development. Review the nature and value of theory to the study of the family and evaluate the use of theory in empirical research. Policy implications.

HD FS 521. Community Context of Individual and Family Well-being.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2012. Prereq: Graduate classification; HD FS 511 or 6 credits in social sciences
Impact of community contextual influences on human development and families. Analysis of conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches, and current research. Socio-psychological and economic impact of housing and community on children and families.

HD FS 525. Theories and Research in Early Childhood Education.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2013. Prereq: HD FS 510 or 6 credits in social sciences
Analysis of contemporary and historical models, including early intervention programs. Examination of relationships among physical environment, programming, teacher effectiveness, and child outcomes.

HD FS 530. Perspectives in Gerontology.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. F.
WWW only. Overview of current aging issues including theory and research, critical social and political issues in aging, the interdisciplinary focus of gerontology, career opportunities, and aging in the future.

HD FS 534. Adult Development.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.
F: on campus. S: WWW only. Exploration of the biological, psychological and social factors associated with aging. Although the focus is on the later years, information is presented from a life-span developmental framework. Empirical studies are reviewed and their strengths, limitations and implications for normative and optimal functioning are discussed.

HD FS 538. Developmental Disabilities in Children.

(Cross-listed with PSYCH). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2011. Prereq: 9 credits in human development and family studies or psychology
Theories, research, and current issues regarding development in children with disabilities. Investigation of interventions with children and families. WWW only.

HD FS 541. Housing and Real Estate in Family Financial Planning.

(Cross-listed with FFP). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. SS., offered 2012.
WWW only. The role of housing and real estate in the family financial planning process, including taxation, mortgages, financial calculations, legal concerns, and ethical issues related to home ownership and real estate investments. Emphasis on emerging issues in the context of housing and real estate.

HD FS 545. Economics, Public Policy, and Aging.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2012.
WWW only. Policy development in the context of the economic status of the older adult population. Retirement planning and the retirement decisions; social security and public transfer programs; intra-family transfers to/from the aged; private pensions; financing medical care; prospects and issues for the future.

HD FS 548. Parent Education.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2013. Prereq: HD FS 510 or HD FS 511 or 6 credits in social sciences
Needs assessments, models, delivery systems, and evaluation procedures used in parent education programs for families with diverse needs, including single parents, adolescent parents, and parents of children with developmental disabilities. Developmental aspects of parenting. Effects of values, family structures, family goals, and parenting styles on parent education.

HD FS 555. Current Issues in ECSE.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2012. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
WWW only. Examination of research and current issues in early childhood special education with special emphasis on inclusion, activity-based intervention, and developmentally appropriate programming. Emphasis on continuum of strategies to embed learning opportunities that promote physical, language, cognitive, and social development.

HD FS 556. Families and Disability Across the Lifespan.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2013. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
Review of research, policy, and practice regarding regarding families of children with a disability. Educational, environmental, economic, and social issues faced by families. Communication and consultation skills to work collaboratively with interdisciplinary professionals and families to implement individualized family and educational programs.,.

HD FS 563. Environments for the Aging.

(Dual-listed with 463). (Cross-listed with ARTID, GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 360 or 3 credits in housing, architecture, interior design, rehabilitation, psychology, or human development and family studies
Emphasis on independent living within residential settings including specialized shelter, supportive services and housing management. Application of criteria appropriate for accessibility and functional performance of activities; universal design principles. Creative project provides service learning opportunities.

Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

HD FS 566. Impact of Public Policy on the Family.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2013. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
Explores current, enduring, and some controversial family policies and programs. Examines the effect of public policies on families and children, especially those at risk. Describes work roles in family policy and the interaction of family researchers and policymakers.

HD FS 567. Family Stress, Abuse, and Illness.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2013. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
Contemporary theory and research on the causes and consequences of family stressors including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; substance abuse; and mental and physical illness across the life span. Interplay between victims, offenders, and the treatment system. Identification of barriers to services and supports and exploration of approaches to assist families in overcoming these barriers.

HD FS 568. Developmental Assessment.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 510
Techniques assessing cognitive, language, motor, emotional and social skills of children in school, home and community settings using criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, and curriculum- based tests and screening tools. Techniques for interviewing families and including them in assessment. Opportunities to practice using different assessments.

HD FS 575. Cross-cultural Perspectives on Families and Children.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2012. Prereq: 6 credits in social sciences
Review of methods and findings on cultural influences on the development of children and youth and on family life. Comparison of child rearing practices, family roles, values, and traditions in different cultures.,.

Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

HD FS 577. Aging in the Family Setting.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
Alt. S., offered 2012: on campus. Alt. S. offered 2013: WWW only. Theories and research related to personal and family adjustments in later life affecting older persons and their intergenerational relationships. Related issues including demographics also are examined through the use of current literature.

HD FS 579. Family Interaction Dynamics.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2013. Prereq: 9 credits in social sciences
Current research and theory in family interaction, with emphasis on family dynamics and family change across the life course.

HD FS 581. International Study in Human Development and Family Studies.

Cr. 1-12. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission by application
Limited enrollment. Supervised international study experiences in Human Development and Family Studies. Countries vary.

HD FS 581A. Practicum.

Cr. 1-12. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission by application
Limited enrollment. Supervised international study experiences in Human Development and Family Studies. Countries vary.

HD FS 581B. Exchange.

Cr. 1-12. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission by application
Limited enrollment. Supervised international study experiences in Human Development and Family Studies. Countries vary.

HD FS 581C. Group Study.

Cr. 1-12. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission by application
Limited enrollment. Supervised international study experiences in Human Development and Family Studies. Countries vary.

HD FS 583. Investing for the Family's Future.

(Cross-listed with FFP). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: HD FS 483
WWW only. Evaluation of investment markets for the household. Analysis of how families choose where to put their savings. Emphasis is on using the family's overall financial and economic goals to help inform investment choices.

HD FS 584. Program Evaluation and Research Methods in Gerontology.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. SS., offered 2012.
WWW only. Overview of program evaluation, research methods, and grant writing in gerontology. Includes application of quantitative and qualitative methods in professional settings.

HD FS 585. Family Policy Analysis and Evaluation.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2012. Prereq: 6 credits in graduate level social sciences
Theoretical and practical issues related to family policy analysis and program evaluation. Assessment of programs' success in meeting goals. Examination of concepts related to family policy development in the United States. Examination of how individuals and groups can influence family policy and evaluation.

HD FS 588. Family Economics and Public Policy.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2013. Prereq: 6 credits in sociology or economics
Analysis of family income, wealth, and economic well-being. Emphasis on effects of family behavior and public policies on the adequacy and security of income across the family life cycle. Implications of resource allocation within the family for adult and child well-being.

HD FS 589. Financial Counseling.

(Dual-listed with 489). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate classification
Personal, social/psychological and legal climates affecting family financial decisions. A life cycle approach to financial decision making. Development of financial counseling and planning skills to assist families and individuals to become self-sufficient in family financial management.

HD FS 589L. Financial Counseling Laboratory.

(Dual-listed with 489L). (0-2) Cr. 1-4. Repeatable. F.S. Prereq: Instructor permission
Practical experience in remedial, preventive, and productive approaches to both financial and housing counseling in one-on-one and/or group settings.

HD FS 590. Special Topics.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Consult department office on procedure for filing a written plan of study.

HD FS 590I. Human Development and Family Studies.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Consult department office on procedure for filing a written plan of study.

HD FS 591. Internship.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: 10 graduate credits
Supervised experience in an area of human development and family studies.

HD FS 591I. Human Development and Family Studies.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: 10 graduate credits
Supervised experience in an area of human development and family studies.

HD FS 593. Workshop.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Senior classification
(Dual-listed with 493.).

HD FS 594. Professional Seminar in Gerontology.

(Cross-listed with GERON). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. SS., offered 2013.
WWW only. An integrative experience for gerontology students designed to be taken near the end of degree program. By applying knowledge gained in earlier coursework, students will strengthen skills in ethical decision-making behavior, applying these skills in gerontology-related areas such as advocacy, professionalism, and family and workplace issues. Students from a variety of professions will bring their unique perspectives to bear on topics of common interest.

Courses for graduate students:

HD FS 603. Advanced Quantitative Methods.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 503; STAT 402 or STAT 404
Methodological and analytical issues in research in human development and family studies. Advanced research design and measurement, selection of statistical techniques, and issues in the interpretation of findings.

HD FS 604. Advanced Qualitative Research.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: HD FS 503. Qualitative methods and related theory in human development and family studies
Research procedures, including phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case studies. Methods of data collection and analysis.

HD FS 605. Multi-level Modeling for Social and Behavioral Sciences.

(Cross-listed with PSYCH). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2013. Prereq: STAT 404
Rationale for and interpretation of random coefficient models. Strategies for the analysis of multi-level and panel data including models for random intercepts, random slopes, and growth curves. Applications including HLM, SAS, PROCMIX, and MPLUS.

HD FS 616. Seminar.

Cr. arr.
May be repeated. F.S.SS.

HD FS 631. Learning and Cognitive Development in Children.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 510
Theory and research emphasizing constructivist, Vygotskian, and information processing approaches to cognitive development. Concept, memory, and problem-solving development. Sources of individual differences in cognitive functioning of children and adolescents.

HD FS 632. Language and Literacy Development in Children.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2013. Prereq: HD FS 510
Theory and research related to language and literacy development of children from birth to age 8. Exploration of the relationship between language and literacy development during the early childhood years. Discussion of current issues.

HD FS 633. Social and Emotional Development in Children.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 510
Theory and research related to social and emotional development of infants, children, and adolescents. Dynamic socialization processes involving children, adolescents, parents, peers, and society.

HD FS 634. Adolescent Development.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 510 or HD FS 511
Theory and research on physical-motor, intellectual-cognitive, and social-personality development from early to late adolescence. Sources of developmental and individual differences in identity formation and attainment.

HD FS 650. Advanced Family Policy Theory.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered 2012. Prereq: HD FS 588
Analysis of theories, research, and current issues related to family and household economics and policy. Emphasis on theory development and empirical analyses of macro and micro family economic problems. Future policy, economic and social trends, and their meaning for the family as an economic institution.

HD FS 690. Advanced Topics.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. Prereq: Permission of instructor and enrollment in Ph.D. program

HD FS 690I. Human Development and Family Studies.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. Prereq: Permission of instructor and enrollment in Ph.D. program

HD FS 691. Internship.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Supervised practice and experience in the following specified areas:. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 691A. College Teaching.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Supervised practice and experience in the following specified areas:. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 691B. Research.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Supervised practice and experience in the following specified areas:. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 691D. Professional Experience.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: Permission of instructor
Supervised practice and experience in the following specified areas:. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 699. Research.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

HD FS 699I. Human Development and Family Studies.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.