
This is an archived copy of the 2012-2013 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Agriculture and Life Sciences

Agricultural Biochemistry, B.S. - option 1

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177N1MATH 1664
MATH 1654ENGL 2503
ENGL 1503BBMB 1021
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L*1Student choice3
BBMB 1011 
LIB 1601 
 18 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 2215PHYS 2225
CHEM 2112CHEM 3323
CHEM 211L2BIOL 3143
CHEM 3313BBMB 2012
CHEM 331L1MATH 265 or 2663-4
BIOL 3133 
 16 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BBMB 4043BBMB 4053
BBMB 4113Student choice3
SP CM 2123Student choice3
Student choice3Student choice3
Student choice3-6Student choice3-6
 15-18 15-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 3243CHEM 3253
Student choice3CHEM 322L3
Student choice3Student choice3
Student choice3Student choice3
Student choice3-6Student choice3-6
 15-18 15-18
Total credit hours: 127-140


Students may elect to take either 211L or 212L or both.

'Student choice 'are for courses in Humanities, Ethnics, Social Sciences, Agriculture Sciences, and Electives.

Agricultural Biochemistry, B.S. - option 2

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2015MATH 1664
CHEM 201L1ENGL 2503
MATH 1654BBMB 1021
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L*1LIB 1601
BBMB 1011CHEM 2112
 CHEM 211L2
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 2215PHYS 2225
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323
CHEM 331L1BIOL 3143
BIOL 3133BBMB 2012
Student choice3MATH 265 or 2663-4
Student choice3 
 18 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BBMB 4043BBMB 4053
BBMB 4113Student choice3
SP CM 2123Student choice3
Student choice3Student choice3
Student choice3-6Student choice3-6
 15-18 15-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 3243CHEM 3253
Student choice3CHEM 322L3
Student choice3Student choice3
Student choice3Student choice3
Student choice3-6Student choice3-6
 15-18 15-18
Total credit hours: 125-138


Students may elect to take either 211L or 212L or both.

 'Student choice 'are for courses in Humanities, Ethnics, Social Sciences, Agriculture Sciences, and Electives.

Agricultural Bus iness, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ECON 1100.5BIOL 101 or 2113
ECON 101-101L4ECON 1023
ENGL 1503ECON 2353
LIB 1601ECON 207 or MATH 1663
MATH 160 or 1654Ag Science or Humanities3
Ag Science or Humanities3 
 15.5 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ACCT 2843Business elective or FIN 301a,b3
ECON 3013-4CHEM 163-163L or PHYS 1114-5
ENGL 2503ECON 302 or 3533
ECON 2921International or Diversity3
Ag Science or Humanities3Life Sciences 3
 13-14 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Business elective or FIN 301a,b3Business elective or FIN 301a,b3
ECON course (from approved list)3ECON course (from approved list)3
SP CM 212 (or AgEds 311)3STAT 3263
STAT 2263International or Diversity3
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ECON 400-489 or ECON course (from approved list)3ECON 400-489 or ECON course (from approved list)3
ENGL 302 or 309 or 3143ECON 4920
 15 15
Total credit hours: 119.5-121.5


Select six credits from:  Acct 285 or any 300-489 Acct, Fin, Mkt, Mgmt, MIS or SCM courses.


Students interested in taking additional Finance courses beyond 301 should take Stat 226 during the first semester of their sophomore year, and Fin 301 instead of Business Elective in the second semester of their sophomore year.

Agricultural and Life Sciences Education, B.S - communications option

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 1100.5BIOL 2123
Ag elective3ENGL 2503
BIOL 2113Psych elective3
ENGL 1503Life Science Elective3
LIB 1601Ag Elective3
MATH 104 or 1503 
ECON 101 or 1023 
 16.5 15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 163 and Lab5BMBB 221 or PHYS 1063-4
Prof Comm Elective3Prof Comm Elective3
Ag Elective3Ag Elective6
Ethics Elective3Intl Perspectives Elective3
STAT 1043AGEDS 2151
 AGEDS 2111
 17 17-18
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 3153Prof Comm Elective6
Prof Comm Elective3Ag Elective6
U.S. Diversity Elective3AGEDS 3113
Ag Elective3Humanities Elective3
 15 18
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 4122-6Prof Comm Elective3
Ag Elective5Elective6-7
Prof Comm Elective3Ag Elective3
 13-17 12-13
Total credit hours: 123.5-129.5


Communications Option: In addition, students would have to meet requirements in the following areas.

Select one technical agricultural area in which you will complete at least 10 credits (6 of these must be 300-400 level courses)

Select two other technical agricultural areas in which you will complete at least 6 credits (2 courses) in each area.

A 2.0 grade point average is required.

Agricultural and Life Sciences Education, B.S - teacher cert. option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 1100.5C I 2023
AGEDS 1161ENGL 2503
AN S 1142AGRON 1143
AN S 1012ECON 1013
BIOL 211 & 211L4BIOL 212 & 212L4
ENGL 1503 
LIB 1601 
MATH 140 or 1503 
 16.5 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 163 & 163L5PSYCH 2303
C I 2043Ethics Elective3
NREM 1203STAT 1043
ACCT 2843American History Elective3
AGEDS 3103AGEDS 2111
 HORT 2213
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ECON 2303Intl Perspectives Elective3
C I 3333AGEDS 3113
AGEDS 3153AGRON 1543
AGEDS 4883Elective6
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 4013AGEDS 4161
AGEDS 4023AGEDS 4171-16
C I 4063 
SP ED 4013 
 18 2-17
Total credit hours: 115.5-130.5

Agricultural Studies, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 110B0.5AGRON 1543
ECON 1013AN S 1142
MATH 104 or 1503AN S 1012
NREM 120/1303STAT 1043
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
LIB 1601Humanities Elective3
AGRON 1143 
 16.5 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 2151ACCT 2843
AGRON 2123BIOL 212 & 212L4
BIOL 211 & 211L4U.S. Diversity Elective3
Intl Perspective Elective3AN S Elective3
ECON 2353Elective3
 14 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S Elective3AGEDS 3113
AG Elective (300+ level)3ECON 2303
AGEDS 3153Ethics Elective3
CHEM 163 & 163L5Elective7
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 4503AGEDS 4514
ECON 3343Elective12
AGEDS 3273 
 16 16
Total credit hours: 127.5


A 2.00 grade point average is required.

Agricultural Systems Technology, B.S. - Agricultural and biosystems management opiton

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 110(F)1TSM 111(S)1 
TSM 116(FS)3TSM 115(FS)3 
ENGL 150(FS)3MATH 160(FSSS)4 
LIB 160(FSSS)1PHYS 111(FSSS)4 
MATH 142(FSSS)3ECON 101(FSS)3 
CHEM 1634Humanites - See list(FSSS)3 
CHEM 163L1  
 16 18
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 201(FS)1TSM 322(S)2 
TSM 210(FS)3TSM 322L(S)1 
TSM 270(F)3STAT 104(FSSS)3 
ENGL 250(FSSS)3Ethics - See list(FSSS)3 
Technical Elective(FSSS)3BIOL 101 or BIOL 211(FSSS)3 
PHYS 112(FSSS)4Speech Communicaiton - See list(FSSS)3 
 17 15
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
TSM 327(F)3TSM 310(S)3TSM 397(FSSS)0
US Diversity - See list(FSSS)3TSM 324(S)3 
ACCT 284(FSSS)3TSM 330(FS)3 
Life Science - See list(FSSS)3English - See list(FSSS)3 
TSM 325(F)3TSM 363(S)4 
 15 16 0
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
Technical Elective(FSSS)6TSM 416(S)3 
TSM 333(F)3Technical Elective(FSSS)6 
TSM 415(FS)3International Perspecitve - See list(FSSS)3 
TSM 399(FSSS)2Business Core - See list(FSSS)3 
 14 19
Total credit hours: 130

See list - Speak with an academic advisor for options for each list.

Agricultural Systems Technology, B.S. - MACHINE SYSTEMS OPTION

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 110(F)1TSM 111(S)1 
TSM 116(FS)3TSM 115(FS)3 
LIB 160(FSSS)1PHYS 111(FSSS)4 
MATH 142(FSSS)3US Diversity - See list(FSSS)3 
CHEM 1634  
CHEM 163L1  
 16 15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 201(FS)1TSM 216(FS)3 
TSM 210(FS)3ENGL 250(FSSS)3 
TSM 240(FS)3STAT 104(FSSS)3 
TSM 270(F)3Speech Communication - See list(FSSS)3 
PHYS 112(FSSS)4BIOL 101 or BIOL 211(FSSS)3 
ECON 101(FSSS)3Elective 3 
 17 18
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
TSM 333(F)3TSM 310(S)3TSM 397(FSSS)0
TSM 335(F)4TSM 337(S)3 
Humanities - See list (FSSS)3English - See list(FSSS)3 
ACCT 284(FSSS)3TSM 363(S)4 
Life Science - See list(FSSS)3TSM 370(S) (Double counts as Ethnics requirement)3 
 16 16 0
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 399(FSSS)2TSM 330(S)3 
TSM 415(FS)3Business Core - See list(FSSS)3 
Technical Elective(FSSS)5TSM 416(FS)3 
Elective3TSM 443(S)3 
International Perspective(FSSS)3TSM 465(S)3 
 16 15
Total credit hours: 129

 See list - Speak with an academic advisor for options for each list.

Agronomy, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGRON 1100.5AGRON 1543
AGRON 1143BIOL 2113
AGRON 2063BIOL 211L1
General Chemistry & Lab5ENGL 2503
ENGL 1503College Algebra or Calculus4
LIB 1601ECON 1013
 15.5 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGRON 2101General Physics4
STAT 1043Ethics Choice3
CHEM 231 (& Chem 231L or BBMB 221)3-4SP CM 212 or AGEDS 3113
Humanities Choice3Advising Option Choice3
GEOL 1003Elective3
 13-14 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGRON 3543AGRON 3163
AGRON 354L1Genetics Choice3
Agricultural Issues Choice3ENGL 302, 309, or 3143
Advising Option Choice3International Perspectives Choice3
Advising Option Choice3Advising Option Choice3
 16 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Problem Solving Choice3AGRON 4101
U.S. Diversity Choice3Advising Option Choice3
Advising Option Choice6Elective10-11
 18 14-15
Total credit hours: 127.5-129.5

Animal Ecology, B.S.  - fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
NREM 1100NREM 1203
MATH 1403ENGL 1503
CHEM 1634MATH 1423
CHEM 163L1LIB 1601
Required Elective3STAT 101/1043-4
 15 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
A ECL 3654CHEM 2313
NREM 2111CHEM 231L1
A ECL 3124SP CM 2123
MATH Calculus Elective4Free Elective / Restricted Elective6
ENGL 2503Required Elective3
 16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 115 & 115L5A ECL 3213
A ECL 4863Communications Elective3
A ECL 486L1Restricted Elective3
Restricted Elective6Required Elective3
Required Elective3Free Elective3
 18 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Required Elective3Restricted Electives7
Restricted Elective6Communications Elective3
Free Electives8Free Electives6
 17 16
Total credit hours: 130-131



To complete degree program in 4 years students must maintain an average of 16 credits per semester.


 Initial math course is determined on the basis of high school math and placement test scores. A non-credit course (Math 10) maybe be required at additional costs.


 In scheduling coursework, students should pay particular attention to courses with limited offerings (e.g., offered only on alternate years) and to course sequences (i.e., where a course serves as a prerequisite for another course).

Animal Ecology, B.S. - interpretation of natural resources option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
NREM 1100NREM 1203
Required Elective3ENGL 1503
MATH 140**3MATH 142**3
CHEM 1634STAT 101/1043-4
CHEM 163L1LIB 1601
 15 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
A ECL 3654CHEM 2313
NREM 2111CHEM 231L1
A ECL 3124SP CM 2123
Earth Science Elective3Free Elective/ Restricted Elective6
ENGL 2503Required Elective3
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 1154NREM 3303
PHYS 115L1Communications Elective3
Botany or Restricted Elective3-4A ECL 3663
ENT 3703Required Elective3
Required Elective3BIOL 3664
Free Elective3 
 17-18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Restricted Elective6-7Botany or Restricted Elective3
Required Elective3Restricted Elective3
Free Electives7Communications Elective3
 NREM 3031-3
 Free Electives (if needed)8
 16-17 18-20
Total credit hours: 130-135



To complete degree program in 4 years students must maintain an average of 16 credits per semester.


 Initial math course is determined on the basis of high school math and placement test scores. A non-credit course (Math 10) maybe be required at additional costs.


 In scheduling coursework, students should pay particular attention to courses with limited offerings (e.g., offered only on alternate years) and to course sequences (i.e., where a course serves as a prerequisite for another course).


Animal Ecology, B.S. - Pre-vet & wildlife care option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
NREM 1100NREM 1203
Required Elective3ENGL 1503
MATH 1403MATH 1423
CHEM 1634STAT 101/1043-4
CHEM 163L1LIB 1601
 15 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
A ECL 3654CHEM 2313
NREM 2111CHEM 231L1
A ECL 3124SP CM 2123
Restricted Elective3Free Elective/ Restricted Elective6
ENGL 2503Required Elective3
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 115 & 115L5NREM 3303
Restricted Elective3AN S 214 or BMS 3293
Required Elective3Natural History Elective3
Free Elective6Required Elective3
 Free Elective6
 17 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Restricted Elective6Restricted Elective3
Genetics/Development Elective3Communications Elective3
Required Elective3Free Elective9
Communications Elective3 
Free Elective2 
 17 15
Total credit hours: 130-131



 To complete degree program in 4 years students must maintain an average of 16 credits per semester.


 In scheduling coursework, students should pay attention to courses with limited offerings, (e.g., offered only on alternate years) and to course sequences (i.e., where a course serves as a prerequisite for another course).


 Admission to the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine requires a different set of Chemistry and Physics courses. Students should plan to enroll in Chemistry 177, 177L, 178, 331, 331L and 332. The Physics requirement is PHYS 111.

Animal Ecology, B.S. - wildlife option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
NREM 1100NREM 1203
MATH 1403ENGL 1503
CHEM 163#4MATH 1423
CHEM 163L#1LIB 1601
Required Elective3STAT 101/1043-4
 15 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
A ECL 3654CHEM 231#3
NREM 2111CHEM 231L#1
A ECL 3124SP CM 2123
MATH Calculus Elective4Free Elective / Restricted Elective6
ENGL 2503Required Elective3
 16 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 115X & 115L5BIOL 3664
A ECL 3713Communications Elective3
Restricted Electives6Restricted Electives6
Required Elective3Required Elective3
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
A ECL 4513Restricted Electives9
Restricted Electives6Communications Elective3
Required Elective3Free Elective3
Free Electives6 
 18 15
Total credit hours: 130-131



To complete degree program in four years students must maintain an average of 16 credits per semester.


Initial math course is determined on the basis of high school math and placement test scores. A non-credit course (Math 10) maybe be required at additional costs.


In scheduling coursework, students should pay attention to courses with limited offerings, (e.g., offered only on alternate years) and to course sequences (i.e., where a course serves as a prerequisite for another course). It is critical that students take A ECL 371 fall semester of the junior year and A ECL 451 fall semester of the senior year.

Animal Science, B.S. - general

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 1100AN S 1142
AN S 1012CHEM 177, 177L or 163, 163L5
BIOL 2113Humanites Elective3
BIOL 211L1SP CM 212, AGEDS 311, or COMST 2143
ENGL 1503STAT 101, 104, or 2263-4
LIB 1601 
MATH 140, 150, 160, 165, or 1813-4 
Soc. Sci. - elective list3 
 16-17 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2111AN S 2101
AN S 200 - elective list3AN S 2143
AN S 200 - elective list3AN S 214L1
BIOL 2123AN S 200 - elective list3
BIOL 212L1ENGL 2503
BBMB 2213MICRO 201 & 201L or MICRO 302 & 302L3-4
ECON 101, 102 or ACCT 2843Free elective3
 17 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 3193AN S 3203
AN S 3313AN S 3523
GEN 320 or BIOL 3133AN S 300 - elective list3
US Diversity - elective list3Ethics - elective list3
Free elective3Free elective3
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 4111AN S 400 - Option 23
AN S 400 - Option 13International perspecitve - elective list3
ENGL302, 309, 312 or 3143Free elective3
Free elective3Free elective3
Free elective3Free elective4
Free elective3 
 16 16
Total credit hours: 128-131

Inportant Note:

This is only one of many equally-sound schedule sequences.

Free electives and specified group electives are chosen to complement the student's "specialized degree option' or other career interest. Lists of courses that satisfy group requirements are maintained int he Animal science advising offices. Degree options are explained in AN S 100 and through appointments with the stude4nt's academic advisor in Animal Science. Specialized options include: General Animal Science, Animal Products, Companion Animal Management, Equine Management, Livestock Management, Pre-Graduate Studies and Pre-Veterinary Medicine. 

Animal Science, B.S.  - pre-veterinary medicine

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 1100AN S 1142
AN S 1012CHEM 1774
BIOL 2113CHEM 177L1
BIOL 211L1Humanities - elective list3
ENGL 1503SP CM 212, AGEDS 311, or COMST 2143
LIB 1601STAT 101 or 2263-4
MATH 140, 150, 160, 165, or 1813-4 
Soc. Sci. - elective list3 
 16-17 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2111AN S 2143
AN S 200 - elective list3AN S 214L1
AN S 200 - elective list3AN S 200 - elective list3
BIOL 2123CHEM 3313
BIOL 212L1CHEM 331L1
CHEM 1783ENGL 2503
ECON 101, 102 or ACCT 2843Ethics - elective list3
 17 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2101AN S 3203
AN S 3193AN S 3523
AN S 3313AN S 300 - elective list3
GEN 320 or BIOL 3133BBMB 3013
CHEM 3323US Diversity - elective list3
MICRO 201 & 201L or MICRO 302 & 302L3-4 
 16-17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 4111AN S 400 - Option 23
AN S 400 - Option 13International Perspective - elective list3
ENGL 302, 309, 312, or 3143Free elective3
PHYS 1114Free elective3
Free elective3Free elective3
Free elective2 
 16 15
Total credit hours: 128-131

Important Note:

This is only one of many equally-sound schedule sequences.


Credits currently required for application to Veterinary Medicine program at ISU (60 credits)

General Chemistry with lab (7)

Organic Chemistry with lab (7)

Biochemistry (3)

General Physics with lab (4)

General Biology with lab (8)

Genetics (3)

Mammalian Anatomy and/or Physiology (3)

English Composition (6)

Oral Communication (3)

Humanities and/or Social Sciences (8)

Other Electives (8)

Biology, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 150 or 2503BIOL 1110.5
LIB 1601BIOL 2123
BIOL 1101BIOL 212L1
BIOL 2113Chemistry*4
CHEM 163/L or 177/L5Social Science Choice3
 17 15.5
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 250 or Elective3BIOL 3133
Chemistry or Biochemistry*4-3BIOL 313L1
BIOL 3124Biochemistry / Elective*3
SP CM 2123Ethics3
Advanced Biology3Advanced Biology with Lab4
 17-16 14
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 3143BIOL 3153
PHYS 111 or 115X*5PHYS 112 / Elective*5-3
Advanced Biology3Advanced Biology4
MATH/STAT Choice4U.S. Diversity / Elective3
 15 15-13
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Advanced Biology4Advanced Biology with Lab4
International Perspective / Elective3Minor or Elective11
Minor or Electives8 
 15 15
Total credit hours: 123.5-120.5



Students should meet with a Biology Program Adviser to determine the proper plans for chemistry, math and physics before selecting those options above.

Students must have 120 credits minimum to graduate

students are required to take 21 credits in advanced biology of which 9 credits must be from the Biology Program (BIOL), and 2 advanced BIOL courses must have a lab or field component.


Culinary Science, B.S.

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1013
CHEM 163 or 1774FS HN 1041
CHEM 163L or 177L1FS HN 1673
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
MATH 140, 142, 160, 165 or 1813-4ECON 1013
ENGL 1503STAT 101 or 1043-4
LIB 1601 
 16-17 16-17
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013
CHEM 231L1FS HN 2653
ENGL 2503MICRO 201 or 3022-3
FS HN 2031MICRO 201L or 302L1
HRI 2333FS HN 2143
AESHM 340 or MKT 3403FS HN 2152
 14 14-15
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2702FS HN 3141
AN S 270L1FS HN 4032
FS HN 3113FS HN 4053
FS HN 311L1FS HN 491B or 491D (FS or CS)**2
FS HN 4112HRI 3803
FS HN 4203HRI 380L2
Humanities (H Sci) or ENV S course (AgLS)2-3SP CM 2123
 14-15 16
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3423AESHM 4743
FS HN 4063AN S 4603
FS HN 491B or 491D (FS or CS)**2FS HN 4123
HRI 3832FS HN 4801
HRI 4873Humanities or Social Science (H Sci) or elective (AgLS)3
Humanities dual listed with U.S. Diversity3Electives*1-2
 16 14-15
Total credit hours: 120-125



Chose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 123 credits. 


Choose two, 2-credit internship experiences, one with a restaurant chef and one in the food processing industry (FS HN 491B and 491D). Experience could be obtained during the academic year or during summers.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Dairy Science, B.S. - general

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 1100AN S 1142
AN S 1012CHEM 177, 177L or 163. 163L5
BIOL 2113Humanities - elecitve list3
BIOL 211L1SP CM 212, AGEDS 311, or COMST 2143
ENGL 1503STAT 101 or 104 or 2263-4
LIB 1601 
MATH 140, 150, 160, 165, or 1813-4 
Social Science - elective list3 
 16-17 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2111AN S 2101
AN S 2353AN S 270 & 270L or FS HN 1013
BIOL 2123AN S 2143
BIOL 212L1AN S 214L1
BBMB 2213ENGL 2503
ECON 1013MICRO 201 & 201L or MICRO 302 & 302L3-4
Free elective3Free elective3
 17 17-18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 3193AN S 3203
AN S 3313AN S 3523
GEN 320 or BIOL 3133AN S 3373
US diversity - elective list3Free elective3
Free elective3Ethics - elective list3
 15 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 4111AN S 4353
AN S 4343International perspective - elective list3
AN S elective3AN S elective3
Free Elective3Free elective3
Free elective3Free Elective4
Free elective3 
 16 16
Total credit hours: 128-131

Important Note:

This is only one of many equally-sound schedule sequences.

Free electives and specified group electives are often chosen to complement the student's career focus. The student's academic advisor assists with developing scheduling schemes that prepare students individually for careers in the animal industry.  They are explained fully in AN S 110 and through appointments with the student's advisor in Dairy Science.  Typical career areas include Advanced Degree in Dairy Science, Business and Finance, Agriculture Promotion and Information, Dairy Food Industry, Agricultural Sales and Marketing, International Agriculture, Animal Production and General Agribusiness and Pre-Veterinary Medicine.

Dairy Science, B.S. - pre-veterinary medicine option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 1100AN S 1142
AN S 1012CHEM 1774
BIOL 2113CHEM 177L1
BIOL 211L1Humanities - elective list3
ENGL 1503SP CM 212, AGEDS 311, or COMST 2143
LIB 1601STAT 101 or 104 or 2263-4
MATH 140, 150, 160, 165, or 1813-4 
Social Science - elective list3 
 16-17 16-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 2111AN S 2101
AN S 2353AN S 270 & 270L or FS HN 1013
BIOL 2123AN S 2143
BIOL 212L1AN S 214L1
CHEM 1783CHEM 3313
ECON 1013CHEM 331L1
Ethics - elective list3ENGL 2503
 Free elective3
 17 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 3193AN S 3203
AN S 3313AN S 3523
GEN 320 or BIOL 3133AN S 3373
CHEM 3323BBMB 3013
MICRO 201L & 201L or MICRO 302 & 302L3-4US diversity - elective list3
 15-16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AN S 4111AN S 4353
AN S 4343International Perspective - elective list3
AN S elective3AN S elective3
PHYS 1114Free elective3
Free elective4Free elective4
 15 16
Total credit hours: 128-131


Credits currently required for application to Veterinary Medicine program at ISU (60 credits)

General Chemistry with lab (7)

Organic Chemistry with lab (7)

Biochemistry (3)

General Physics with lab (4)

General Biology with lab (8)

Genetics (3)

Mammalian Anatomy and/or Physiology (3)

English Composition (6)

Oral Communication (3)

Humanities and/or Social Science (8)

Other Electives (8)

Diet and Exercise, B.S./M.S.

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
FS HN 110 or KIN 252 and 2531-2FS HN 1673 
CHEM 163 or 1774CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 taken) or Elective3 
CHEM 163L or 177L1BIOL 2123 
BIOL 2113PSYCH 1013 
ENGL 1503H S 1103 
LIB 1601  
MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4  
 16-18 15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013KIN 220 or H S 3053
CHEM 231L1BIOL 2563 
BIOL 2553BIOL 256L1 
BIOL 255L1FS HN 2143 
PSYCH 2303FS HN 115 or 2151-2 
ENGL 2503FS HN 2653 
MICRO 2012  
 16 14-15 3
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3603Acceptance into the graduate program required before spring semester of the third year.KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5991
KIN 2582FS HN 3612STAT 4014
PHYS 106, 111, or 1154FS HN 3671 
SP CM 2123H S 3803 
STAT 101, 104, or 2263-4HRI 3803 
 HRI 380L2 
 KIN 2592 
 KIN 3583 
 15-16 16 5
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
KIN 355, 360, 366, or 3723FS HN 4112KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5993
KIN 5013KIN 4623FS HN 4032
KIN 5052KIN 511 (odd years) or HRI 3923 
KIN 558 (odd years) or NUTRS 5633Humanities/Ethics course3 
NUTRS 5614NUTRS 5643 
 15 14 5
Fifth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
KIN 550 or 5703FS HN 4663KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5991
NUTRS 5014FS HN 5811 
NUTRS 563 or KIN 558 (odd years)3HRI 392 or KIN 551 (odd years)3 
Humanities/International Perspectives3KIN 3453 
 FS HN 590C (FSHN Dept.)1 
 KIN 699 or NUTRS 699 or KIN 599 or FS HN 5992 
 13 13 1
Total credit hours: 161-165


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Dietetics, B.S.

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1673
CHEM 163 or 177 4CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 taken) or elective*3
CHEM 163L or 177L1BIOL 2123
BIOL 2113BIOL 212L1
MATH 140, 142, 160, 165 or 1813PSYCH 1013
ENGL 1503Humanities Course3
LIB 1601 
 16 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 301 or BIOL 3143
CHEM 231L1FS HN 2653
BIOL 2553BIOL 306 or 3553-4
BIOL 255L1MICRO 2012
ENGL 2503MICRO 201L1
FS HN 2031Elective*3
STAT 101 or 1043-4 
 15-16 15-16
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3401FS HN 3623
FS HN 3603FS HN 3671
FS HN 3612HRI 3803
FS HN 2143HRI 380L2
FS HN 115 or 2151-2FS HN 3423
SP CM 2123Humanities course (H Sci) or Elective (AgLS)*3
Humanities/social sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3 
 15-17 15
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4614FS HN 4643
HRI 3913HRI 3923
FS HN 4112FS HN 4032
FS HN 4633FS HN 4801
FS HN 4663Electives*4-6
 15 13-15
Total credit hours: 120-126



Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


 This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.


Environmental Science, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503BIOL 211 & 211L or Elective3-4
ENSCI 11011CHEM 1783
ENSCI 20112CHEM 178L1
CHEM 1774MATH 160, 165 or 1814
CHEM 177L1Social Science or Humanities Choice23
LIB 1601 
STAT 101 or 1043 
 15 14-15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENSCI 25013Organic Chemistry Choice33
Social Science or Humanities Choice23Earth Science Choice33
PHYS 1154Social Science or Humanities Choice23
ENGL 2503Communications (Speech)3
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENSCI 38113-4ENSCI 38213
Environmental Science Choice13Environmental Science Choice13
Social Science or Humanities Choice23Social Science or Humanities Choice23
 15-16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Environmental Science Choice13Environmental Science Choice16
 15 15
Total credit hours: 120-122



Students complete at least 27 credits in Environmental Science including ENSCI 110,201, 250, 381, 382, and 15 additional credits of approved ENSCI coursework.


Students complete at least 15 credits in humanities and social science including at least 3 credits each in ethics, humanities, social science, U.S. Diversity, and International Perspectives from approved lists.


Students choose one course from the following Earth Science related courses: AGRON 154, AGRON 260, BIOL 212, GEOL 100,  GEOL 201, MTEOR 206. Students choose from one of the following Organic Chemistry options: CHEM 231 & 231L, CHEM 331 & 331L, BBMB 221, or AGRON 259X.

Food Science, B.S. - Food Science & industry option

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1013FS HN 1673
FS HN 1101CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 was taken) or Elective*3
CHEM 163 or 1774BIOL 2123
CHEM 163L or 177L1MATH 160, 165, or 1814
BIOL 2113ECON 1013
ENGL 1503 
LIB 1601 
 16 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013
CHEM 231L1TSM 1153
PHYS 106, 111, or 1154MICRO 201 or 3022-3
ENGL 2503MICRO 201L or 302L1
FS HN 2031Humanities/Social Sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
STAT 101 or 104 or 1053-4Humanities (H Sci) or elective (AgLS)*3
 15-16 14-16
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3113FS HN 3423
FS HN 311L1FS HN 3513
FS HN 4203FS HN 4032
FS HN 4213SP CM 2123
Humanities course3Business Course3
 16 14
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4063FS HN 4053
FS HN 4112FS HN 4103
FS HN 4713FS HN 4123
U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or Elective*3FS HN 4723
Business Course3FS HN 4801
 14 15-16
Total credit hours: 120-124


Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point considerations.

Food Science, B.S. - Food Science & technology option

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1013
CHEM 1774FS HN 1673
CHEM 177L1CHEM 1783
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
ENGL 1503MATH 166 or 1824
LIB 1601 
MATH 165 or 1814 
 17 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323
CHEM 331L1PHYS 1124
PHYS 1114TSM 1153
ENGL 2503STAT 101 or 104 or 1053-4
MICRO 3023FS HN 2031
MICRO 302L1 
 15 14-15
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BBMB 3013FS HN 3423
FS HN 3113FS HN 3513
FS HN 311L1FS HN 4032
FS HN 4203ECON 1013
FS HN 4213SP CM 2123
Humanities course3 
 16 14
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4063FS HN 4053
FS HN 4112FS HN 4103
FS HN 4713FS HN 4123
Humanities/Social Sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3FS HN 4723
Humanities (H Sci) or elective*2-3FS HN 4801
US Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3 
 15-17 13
Total credit hours: 120-123


Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.


First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1013FS HN 1673
FS HN 1101CHEM 178 (if CHEM 177 taken) or Elective*3
CHEM 163 or 1774BIOL 2123
CHEM 163L or 177L1MATH 160, 165, or 1814
BIOL 2113ECON 1013
ENGL 1503 
LIB 1601 
 16 16
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313BBMB 3013
CHEM 231L1FS HN 214 & 215, or FS HN 265**5
PHYS 106, 111, or 1154TSM 1153
ENGL 2503Humanities (H Sci) or Elective* (AgLS)3
FS HN 2031 
STAT 101 or 104 or 1053-4 
 15-16 14
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3113FS HN 3423
FS HN 311L1FS HN 3513
SP CM 2123FS HN 4032
MICRO 201 or 3022-3JL MC 220, 305, 347; MKT 340, 447, or 4483
MICRO 201L or 302L1Humanities/social sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
Humanities course3Elective*3
 13-14 16-17
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4063FS HN 4053
FS HN 4112FS HN 4103
FS HN 4203FS HN 4123
FS HN 421 or elective**1-3FS HN 4801
FS HN 4713JL MC 220, 305, 347; MKT 340, 447, or 4483
U.S. Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3FS HN 472 or elective**1-3
 15-17 14-16
Total credit hours: 119-126



Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


Select a minimum of 5 credits from FS HN (214 and 215), 265, 421, or 472.


 This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Forestry, B.S. - forest ecosystem mgmt option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2113MATH 1503
BIOL 211L1CHEM 1634
NREM 1100CHEM 163L1
ENGL 1503STAT 1014
MATH 140**3LIB 1601
NREM 1203NREM 2111
SOC 130/1343Free Elective3
 16 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FOR 2012SP CM 2123
FOR 2022ENGL 2503
FOR 2032BIOL 2123
FOR 2042BIOL 212L1
FOR 2053FOR 2804
FOR 2064Free Elective3
 15 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
MATH 151/1813FOR 3023
FOR 3564FOR 4514
NREM 3014Required Electives6
NREM 345 or FOR 3423Free Elective3
Required Elective3 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FOR 342 or NREM 3453Policy Elective3
FOR 4164FOR 4543
FOR 4523Required Elective3
Communications Elective3Free Elective6
Free Electives3 
 16 15
Total credit hours: 129



To complete degree program in 4 years students must maintain an average of 16 credits per semester.


 Initial math course is determined on the basis of high school math and placement test scores. A non-credit math course (MATH 10) may be required at additional course.


In scheduling coursework, students should pay particular attention to courses with limited offerings (e.g., offered only on alternate years) and to course sequences (i.e., where a course serves as a prerequisite for another course).


In addition to coursework listed above, students must complete departmental requirements for Practical Work Experience requirement (NREM 104). See

Genetics, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
ENGL 150 or 2503ENGL 250 or Humanity Choice3 
GEN 1101LIB 1601 
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123 
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1 
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783 
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1 
MATH/STAT choice or Social Sciences Choice3-4MATH/STAT choice3-4 
 16-17 15-16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
BIOL 3133SP CM 2123Consider Internship, Study Abroad
BIOL 313L1BIOL 3143 
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323 
CHEM 331L1CHEM 332L1 
US Diversity/Social Sciences Choice3MICRO 3023 
MATH/STAT Choice*3-4MATH/STAT Choice or Social Sciences*3 
 14-15 16 0
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
GEN 4093GEN 4103Consider Research with Faculty
PHYS 1114PHYS 1124 
BIOL 3124BIOL 3153 
ENGL 302-3163International Perspecitve/Humanity3 
Elective0-3GEN 4911 
 14-17 14 0
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
Advanced Science Elective, e.g. GEN 490R3GEN 4623 
Electiove or STAT 4013Elective or STAT 4013 
BBMB 4043BBMB 4053 
Ethics Choice3Social Sciences Choice or Elective3 
Elective0-3Advanced Science Elective3 
 12-15 15
Total credit hours: 116-125

Global Resource Systems, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
GLOBE 1101MATH 1403
GLOBE 2111ENGL 2503
ENGL 1503GLOBE 2013
LIB 1601BIOL 2113
CHEM 1634BIOL 211L1
CHEM 163L1STAT 1043
ECON 1013 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
GLOBE 2111GLOBE 3013
Technical Area3AGEDS 311 or SP CM 2123
Global Politics or Global Culture3AGRON 154/155 or Geol 1013
Elective4Technical Area3
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
GLOBE 3023Language4
GLOBE 2111AGRON 3423
ENGL 3093Global History or Global Culture3
WLC course3Technical Area3
Language4General Elective3
US Diversity3 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
GLOBE 3213GLOBE 4013
Life Science3GLOBE 4023
International Perspectives3Global Culture3
Global Economics or Global Culture3Technical Area3
Technical Area3General Elective3
Generall Elective2 
 17 15
Total credit hours: 129

Horticulture, B.S. - Horticulture food crop production & mgmt option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
CHEM 1634BIOL 2113
CHEM 163L1HORT 2213
MATH 140 or 1503AGRON 1553
HORT 1212BIOL 211L1
LIB 1601 
HORT 1101 
 18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2123Humanities3
ECON 1013ENT 3763
International Perspectives3PHYS 1154
PL P 3912HORT 276X3
AGRON 2603HORT 3223
 14 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
General Elective2ACCT 2843
US Diversity3General Elective2
HORT 3911ENT 3753
CHEM 2313SP CM 212 or AgEds 3113
CHEM 231L1HORT 4713
HORT 4224HORT 4243
HORT 4452 
 16 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HORT 3213Elective1
Option Class3HORT 4613
General Elective2ACCT 2853
Option Class3Hort Elective3
HORT 3911Ethics/SOC 3253
ENGL 302 or 3143HORT 3543
 15 16
Total credit hours: 128

Horticulture, B.S. Ornamental plant Production & garden center & mgmt. option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
CHEM 1634BIOL 2113
CHEM 163L1HORT 2213
MATH 140 or 1503STAT 1043
HORT 1212BIOL 211L1
LIB 1601 
HORT 1101 
 18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2123Humanity3
ACCT 2843ENT 3763
International Perspectives3PHYS 1154
HORT 2403AGRON 2603
HORT 3324Elective2
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 2313US Diversity3
CHEM 231L1HORT 3223
HORT 4224HORT 4354
HORT 3423SP CM 212 or AGEDS 3113
PL P 3912ENT 3753
HORT 4344 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Elective2ECON 1013
HORT 3213ACCT 2853
HORT 4452ENGL 302 or 3143
HORT 4422Ethics3
HORT 3911 
HORT 3303 
 16 15
Total credit hours: 129

Horticulture, B.S. - landscape design, installation, and management

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
CHEM 1634BIOL 2113
CHEM 163L1BIOL 211L1
MATH 140 or 1503STAT 1043
LIB 1601HORT 2213
HORT 1212 
HORT 1101 
 18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2123ENT 3763
Elective3CHEM 2313
AGRON 2603CHEM 231L1
HORT 2403ACCT 2843
HORT 2812HORT 3412
 17 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PL P 3912Option3
AGEDS 3113ENGL 302 or 3143
HORT 3303International Perspective3
HORT 3423HORT 3802
HORT 3513HORT 3812
HORT 3911Elective3
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
PHYS 1064ACCT 2853
HORT 3213ECON 1013
HORT 3911Ethics3
HORT 4443US Diversity3
HORT 4452Elective1
HORT 4812Elective3
 15 16
Total credit hours: 130

Horticulture, B.S. - public horticulture option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
CHEM 1634BIOL 2113
CHEM 163L1HORT 2213
MATH 140 or 1503AGRON 1553
ECON 1013STAT 1043
HORT 1212BIOL 211L1
LIB 1601 
HORT 1101 
 18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2123Elective1
HORT 2403BIOL 3664
ENT 3753Humanities3
ACCT 2843HORT 3223
CHEM 2313PHYS 1154
CHEM 231L1 
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGEDS 311 or SP CM 2123JL MC 2203
HORT 3423HORT 2832
HORT 3911ENGL 302 or 3143
US Diversity3ENGL 3033
PL P 3912HORT 2823
HORT 3213 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
International Perspectives3AGRON 2603
HORT 3303Elective1
MGMT 3703ENGL 3093
HORT 4452HORT 4243
ENGL 3133Ethics3
HORT 3911ENT 3763
 15 16
Total credit hours: 129

Horticulture, B.S. - science option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
CHEM 1774BIOL 2113
CHEM 177L1AGRON 1553
MATH 165 or 1813HORT 2213
HORT 1212BIOL 211L1
LIB 1601 
HORT 1101 
 18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2123MATH 166 or 1823
CHEM 1783BIOL 3303
CHEM 178L1Option3
HORT Elective3CHEM 3313
BIOL 212L1CHEM 331L1
PHYS 1114HORT Elective3
 15 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
Humanity3HORT Elective3
HORT 3213HORT 3223
HORT 3911ENGL 302 or 3143
International Perspectives3CHEM 3323
BIOL 3133CHEM 332L1
BIOL 313L1PHYS 1124
BBMB 3013 
 17 17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HORT Elective3US Diversity3
BIOL 3143PL P 4083
HORT 4452HORT Elective2
Hort Elective3GEN 4103
BBMB 4043Ethics Elective3
HORT 3911General Elective1
 15 15
Total credit hours: 129

Horticulture, B.S. - turfgrass management option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503
CHEM 1634BIOL 2113
CHEM 163L1STAT 1043
MATH 140 or 1503AGRON 1553
HORT 1212BIOL 211L1
LIB 1601 
HORT 1101 
 18 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2123AGRON 2603
HORT 2403HORT 3223
Humanities3PHYS 1154
ACCT 2843HORT 5512
HORT 3513PL P 4523
HORT 351L1 
 16 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
HORT 4543ENT 3763
HORT 3213SpCm 212, AgEds 3113
Elective1HORT 4512
PL P 3912HORT 4243
CHEM 2313Elective2
CHEM 231L1International Perspectives3
US Diversity3 
HORT 3911 
 17 16
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
AGRON 2063Option Elective3
AGRON 3173AGRON 3543
HORT 3911Elective3
HORT 4533ENGL 302 or 3143
HORT 3423Ethics Elective3
HORT 4452 
 16 15
Total credit hours: 129

Industrial Technology, B.S. - MANUFACTURING OPTION

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 110(F)1TSM 111(S)1 
TSM 116(FS)3TSM 115(FS)3 
LIB 160(FSSS)1PHYS 111(FSSS)4 
CHEM 163(FSSS)4  
CHEM 163L1  
 16 15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
TSM 201(FS)1Speech Communication - See List(FSSS)3 
TSM 210(FS)3ENGL 250(FSSS)3 
TSM 240(FS)3STAT 104(FSSS)3 
TSM 270(F)3TSM 216(FS)3 
PHYS 112(FSSS)4International Perspecitve - See list(FSSS)3 
Elective3BIOL 101 or BIOL 210(FSSS)3 
 17 18
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.SummerSem. Hrs.
Life Sciences - See list(FSSS)3TSM 310(S)3TSM 3970
US Diversity - See list(FSSS)3TSM 370(S) (Doubles counts as Ethnics requirement)3 
TSM 340(FS)3Humanities - See list(FSSS)3 
TSM 363(FS)4TSM 337(S)3 
ACCT 284(FSSS)3English - See list(FSSS)3 
 16 15 0
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs. 
Elective3TSM 443(S)3 
Technical Elective - See List (FSSS)3TSM 416(S)3 
TSM 415(FS)3TSM 440(FS)3 
TSM 399(FSSS)2TSM 465(S)3 
TSM 444(F)3Technical Elective - See list (FSSS)3 
Business Core - See list(FSSS)3  
 17 15
Total credit hours: 129

See list - Speak with an academic advisor for options for each list.

Industrial Technology, B.S. - OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY OPTION

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
TSM 110(F)1TSM 111(S)1
TSM 116(FS)3TSM 115(FS)3
MATH 142(FSSS)3BIOL 101 or BIOL 211(FSSS)3
CHEM 1634 
CHEM 163L1 
 16 15
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
TSM 201(FS)1ENGL 250(FSSS)3
TSM 210(FS)3STAT 104(FSSS)3
TSM 240(FS)3TSM 371(S)2
TSM 270(F)3BIOL 1553
PHYS 112(FSSS)4Speech Communication - See list(FSSS)3
ECON 101(FSSS)3 
 17 14
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
TSM 376(E-F)3TSM 310(S)3
US diversity - See list(FSSS)3I E 271(S)3
TSM 363(F)4International Perspecitve - See list(FSSS)3
Electives3ACCT 284(FSSS)3
TSM 372(O-F)2English - See list(FSSS)3
 Humanities - See list(FSSS)3
 15 18
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
H S 105(FS)2TSM 370(S) (Doutlbe counts as Ethnic requirement)3
Elective2TSM 416(FS)3
TSM 415(FS)3TSM 470(E-S)3
TSM 399(FSSS)2TSM 471(even S)1
TSM 477(E-F)3Business Core - See list(FSSS)3
Technical Elective - See list(FSSS)5Technical Elective - See list(FSSS)3
 17 16
Total credit hours: 128

See list - Speak with an academic advisor for options for each list.

Courses offered every three semesters:    

  • TSM 372 - odd years, Fall only (Fall 2013, Fall 2015, etc.)    
  • TSM 376 - even years, Fall only (Fall 2012, Fall 2014, etc)
  • TSM 470 - even years, Spring only (Spring 2014, Spring 2016, etc)
  • TSM 477 - even years, Fall only (Fall 2012, Fall 2014, etc.)

Insect Science, B.S.

International Agriculture, B.S.

Microbiology, B.S.

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ENGL 150 or ENGL 2503MICRO 3023
MICRO 1100.5MICRO 302L1
MICRO 1013BIOL 2123
BIOL 2123BIOL 212L1
BIOL 211L1CHEM 1783
CHEM 1774STAT 1043
CHEM 177L1Social Science choice3
LIB 1601 
 16.5 17
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
MICRO 3103MICRO Environmental or Elective3
MICRO 310L1BIOL 3133
CHEM 3313BIOL 313L1
CHEM 331L1CHEM 3323
ENGL 2503Gen Calculus or CalcII (MATH 160 or 166 or 1824
MATH 142 or Calc I (MATH 165 or 181)3-4Humanities choice3
 14-15 17
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
MICRO Environmental or Elective3MICRO 3204
PHYS 1114PHYS 1124
BIOL 3143Advanced English3
SP CM 2123International Perspectives3
Gen Elective3 
 16 14
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
MICRO 4404MICRO elective3
MICRO elective3MICRO 4502
MICRO 4510BBMB 4053
ETHICS choice3Social Science choice3
BBMB 4043General Electives5
US Diversity3 
 16 16
Total credit hours: 126.5-127.5

This is only one of several plans that students could use. This plan illustrates the feasibility of completing a B.S. in Microbiology in 4 years. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. It is important to consult with your advisor each semester about your plans and goals.

Nutritional Science, B.S. - pre-health professional & research option

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1673
CHEM 1774CHEM 1783
CHEM 177L1CHEM 178L1
BIOL 2113BIOL 2123
BIOL 211L1BIOL 212L1
ENGL 1503MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4
LIB 1601 
 17 14-15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
CHEM 3313CHEM 3323
CHEM 331L1CHEM 332L1
BIOL 3133BIOL 314, BBMB 301, or BBMB 3163
STAT 101 or 1043-4FS HN 2653
ENGL 2503FS HN 2031
SP CM 2123Social Science3
 16-17 14
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
BIOL 2553BIOL 306 or 3353-4
BIOL 255L1FS HN 3623
FS HN 3603MICRO 201 or 3022-3
FS HN 3612MICRO 201L or 302L1
Humanities course (H Sci) or elective*3Humanities/Social Sci. (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
FS HN 3423Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3
 15 14-17
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 419 or 4203ENGL 3143
FS HN 4801FS HN 4673
FS HN 4922Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3
Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3US Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3
Additional FS HN course (from approved list)**3Elecitve*3
 15 15
Total credit hours: 120-125


Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits.


 Select at least 12 additional credits from: FS HN 242, 365, 367, 403, 461, 463, 464, 466, 490C, 499, 575; NUTRS 501, 503, 504, 562.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. 

Nutritional Science, B.S. - nutritional & wellness option

First Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1101FS HN 1013
CHEM 163 or 1774FS HN 1673
CHEM 163L or 177L1BIOL 2123
BIOL 2113BIOL 212L1
BIOL 211L1MATH 140, 142, 160, 165, or 1813-4
ENGL 1503PSYCH 101 or 2303
LIB 1601 
 14 16-17
Second Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 1112BIOL 173 or GLOBE 2013
FS HN 1151FS HN 2031
FS HN 2643FS HN 2423
BIOL 2553FS HN 2653
BIOL 255L1BIOL 2563
ENGL 2503BIOL 256L1
Humanities course3 
 16 14
Third Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 3643FS HN 3423
HORT 221 or AGRON 1143FS HN 3612
POL S 2153FS HN 3653
SP CM 2123FS HN 3662
STAT 101 or 1043-4Humanities (H Sci) or ENV S (AgLS)2-3
 US Diversity (if not already taken) or elective*3
 15-16 15-16
Fourth Year
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
FS HN 4633FS HN 4032
POL S 3443FS HN 4801
MICRO 2012FS HN 4952
MICRO 201L1300-400 level elective course*3
300-400 level elective course*3300-400 level elective course*3
 15 15-16
Total credit hours: 120-124


Choose elective courses to total 120 credits or more. At least 9 credits of electives must be 300-400 level courses.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

Public Service and Administration in Agriculture, B.S.

FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
SOC 1100ENGL 2503
ENGL 1503MATH 1503
LIB 1601SOC 1303
BIOL 1013ECON 1023
ECON 1013Agriculture Science Elective3
ECON 101L1 
POL S 2153 
Agricultural Science Elective3 
 17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
POL S 3103JL MC 3053
STAT 1014SOC 3253
SOC 380 or 3823SP CM 2123
Physical Science Elective3Ethics Elective3
Area of Concentration3Physical Science Elective3
 Area of Concentration3
 16 18
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
SOC 4153POL S 4753
POL S 3713Political Science Elective3
ENV S 120 or 1733International Perspective Elective3
US Diversity Elective3Area of Concentration3
Area of Concentration3Free Electives3
Free Electives2 
 17 15
FallSem. Hrs.SpringSem. Hrs.
ECON 235 or 3803ECON 344 or ACCT 3843
SOC 4643AGEDS 4514
Agricultural Science Elective3Humanities Elective4
Area of Concentration3Free Elective6
Free Electives3 
 15 17
Total credit hours: 130


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