Engineering Management

Administered by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
Work is offered for the master of engineering with a major in Engineering Management. The graduate major in Engineering Management is primarily an off-campus program. It is an interdisciplinary program in which students take courses across a variety of departments from both the College of Engineering and the College of Business. The Master of Engineering in Engineering Management will prepare engineers for leadership/management positions within their organizations. The program will give the students the knowledge and skills necessary to manage and develop a highly qualified and trained staff of engineers, scientists, and technicians in a rapidly changing technological environment.
The program is broadly based and uses courses from various departments. The student will take fifteen credits from the College of Engineering and fifteen credits from the College of Business. The 30 credits necessary for graduation includes 30 semester credits of formal coursework. Courses are delivered to off-campus students through various distance education systems, including video-streaming, podcasting, and ftp downloading.
Admission to the program requires a baccalaureate degree in engineering and admission to the graduate college. Students with degrees in other areas will be considered on an individual basis. The degree awarded is a Master of Engineering in Engineering Management.
For additional information students should contact the Chair of the Supervisory Committee, 3004 Black Engineering Building, ISU, Ames, Iowa 50011.