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Business Economics

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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The Ivy College of Business has partnered with the Department of Economics to offer a Business Economics major.  

Where business studies the organizations and functions that deliver goods and services to customers, economics studies those good and services with respect to production, distribution, and consumption, and the choices we make about how to best utilize the resources we have.

Undergraduate Major in Business Economics

For undergraduate curriculum in business, major in business economics.

Through a partnership between the Ivy College of Business and the Department of Economics, a major in Business Economics is offered.  Students will complete the general education requirements (including business foundation courses), supporting courses/major prerequisites, business core requirements for the bachelor of science (BS) degree, and 19 additional credits in the major.

The objective of the Business Economics major is to provide a high quality education with a balanced emphasis in both business and economics. Such an education should equip graduates with a unique set of skills distinguishing them from other graduates. In particular, they will have the ability to use both business and economic reasoning to think critically and address complex issues using tools and decision making models of economics, business, mathematics, statistics, as well as concepts from the biological, physical, and social sciences; to make decisions and to communicate effectively.

For more information on the undergraduate major in Business Economics, please visit:

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, undergraduate students majoring in Business Economics will:

  1. Be effective communicators
  2. Be effective collaborators
  3. Be problem solvers
  4. Understand business concepts
  5. Recognize ethical and legal responsibilities to organizations


In addition to the basic business degree requirements (, business economics majors must also complete:

Required Courses (10 credits):
ECON 301Intermediate Microeconomics4
ECON 353Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions3
ECON 431Managerial Economics3
ECON 492Graduating Senior SurveyR
Elective Courses (9 credits):
Select one course of ECON 230-289, 300-389, or 400-4893
Select two additional 400-489 level ECON courses6


Business Economic majors must take STAT 326 Introduction to Business Statistics II as part of the supporting courses.

Business Economic majors take MATH 160 and ECON 207 instead of MATH 150 and MATH 151.

Students majoring in business economics are not permitted to take agricultural business or economics as a double major, or economics as a minor.

Students are limited to three business majors/degrees/minors within the Ivy College of Business.  This limit is on business majors/degrees/minors only, and does not apply to multiple majors/degrees/minors taken outside the Ivy College of Business.

Business Economics, B.S.

Sample 4-Year Plan (Your plan may differ)

BUSAD 102 or 1031ACCT 2843
ECON 1013STAT 2263
COM S 1133ENGL 2503
ENGL 1503ECON 1023
LIB 1601BUSAD 2031
 15 16
ECON 2073PHIL 2303
SP CM 3123STAT 3263
ACCT 2853Business Core Course3
Business Core Course3ECON 3014
Natural Science3Global/International Perspective@3
 15 16
ACCT 2153ECON Elective (200+ level or above)3
ECON 3533ECON Elective (400-level)3
Business Core Courses6Business Core Courses6
General Elective3US Diversity#3
 15 15
ECON 4313ECON 492R
ENGL 3023ECON Elective (400-level)3
Global/International Perspective@3MGMT 478*3
Business Core Course3General Electives6
 15 15
Total Credits: 122

Courses in these requirements may also be used as Global Perspective.


US Diversity courses may be used to satisfy HUM/SOC SCI.


Must have credit or enrollment in all core courses listed above, except for MGMT 372, plus senior standing, in order to enroll in MGMT 478.

Graduation Requirements:

        1.  Grade of “C” or higher in at least 30 credits of Core and Major courses.

        2.  42 credits of 300+ level courses from a four-year institution.

        3.  50% of required Business courses must be earned at ISU.

        4.  At least 32 credits and the LAST 32 credits must be earned at ISU (exceptions for study abroad and internship may be requested).

        5.  122 Credits minimum and a Cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 with no quality point deficiencies.

        6.  A grade of C or better in ENGL 250 required, and also in one other required ENGL course.

        7.  All 300-level and higher business credits must be earned at a four-year college.

        8.  Multiple business majors must have at least 15 distinct credits in each of the major requirements; when applicable, one course can be shared between business majors; see your advisor regarding multiple business degree requirements.