your adventure in

Physics and Astronomy

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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The Physics Major

Physics and astronomy are basic natural sciences which attempt to describe and provide an understanding of both our world and our universe. Physics serves as the underpinning of many different disciplines including the other natural sciences and technological areas. Graduates are proficient in the methods of rigorous scientific analysis, relevant mathematical techniques, and modern computational and laboratory methods. They have a broad knowledge of physics, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and modern physics. They are able to communicate clearly and effectively at general and technical levels. They are prepared to pursue a wide range of careers as a professional physicist, astronomer, or science educator. They are also prepared to pursue advanced studies and careers in areas as diverse as engineering, medicine, law, and business administration. Many opportunities exist for students who terminate their studies with a bachelor’s degree, especially when combined with technology studies in other areas. Students who meet the necessary scholastic standards often continue their studies in a graduate college, exploring and contributing to new developments in the field.

Faculty have approved a variety of completion pathways for the physics major for students who wish to establish a clear strength in a field of application of physics, such as computer science, science education, mechanical engineering, or even science writing.  These pathways make double majors more feasible and are appropriate for students planning to enter the job market with their bachelor’s degree.

Student Learning Outcomes

The expected outcomes for students in the program are:

  1. a broad knowledge of physics, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, wave motion and modern physics

  2. proficiency in laboratory methods

  3. proficiency in modern scientific computational methods

  4. a sound foundation in the liberal arts including proficiency in communication skills.


All Physics students complete 49 credits of required classes in Physics and Math and additional credits of Advanced Coursework. For the Advanced Coursework, students choose one of three focus areas selected based on the career goals of the student: Standard Physics, Teacher Preparation, or Physics Applications.  

Physics Core

PHYS 199Introductory Seminar1
PHYS 241Principles and Symmetries in Classical Physics I *5
PHYS 242Principles and Symmetries in Classical Physics II *5
PHYS 321Introduction to Modern Physics I3
PHYS 321LIntroductory Laboratory in Modern Physics I1
PHYS 361Classical Mechanics3
PHYS 364Electricity and Magnetism I3
PHYS 304Thermal Physics3
PHYS 480Quantum Mechanics I3
* PHYS 231/PHYS 231L and PHYS 232/PHYS 232L may be substituted for PHYS 241 and PHYS 242.
Total Credits27

Math Core

MATH 165Calculus I4
MATH 166Calculus II4
MATH 265Calculus III4
MATH 267Elementary Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms4
MATH 385Introduction to Partial Differential Equations3
MATH 207Matrices and Linear Algebra3-4
or MATH 317 Theory of Linear Algebra
All physics majors are encouraged to take STAT 341.
Total Credits22-23

Advanced Coursework

In addition to the 49 credit core, students choose one of three focus areas: Standard Physics, Teacher Preparation, or Physics Applications.  

Standard Physics Focus

Students with the Standard Physics focus will complete these additional 19 credits.

PHYS 322
Introduction to Modern Physics II
and Introductory Laboratory in Modern Physics II
PHYS 362Intermediate Mechanics3
PHYS 365Electricity and Magnetism II3
PHYS 310Electronic Instrumentation for Experimental Physics4
A minimum of 2 additional lab credits from the following:2
Astronomy Laboratory
Undergraduate Research
Intermediate Laboratory
Intermediate Laboratory for Secondary Physics Teachers
Undergraduate Research
Applied Physics Laboratory
And at least 3 credits from:3
Introduction to Solar System Astronomy
Introduction to Astrophysics
Astrophysical Cosmology
Ultrafast Laser Science and Spectroscopy
Foundations of Quantum Computing
Molecular and Cell Biophysics
Physics of Biomolecules
Quantum Mechanics II *
Modern Optics
Condensed Matter Physics I
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences
Statistical Mechanics
Symmetry and Group Theory in Physics
General Relativity
*Students intending to pursue graduate study in physics or astronomy/astrophysics should choose the option PHYS 481 Quantum Mechanics II.
Total Credits19
Optional Minor

Students completing the Standard Physics Focus who plan to continue their studies in Astronomy and Astrophysics should complete the Astronomy minor by using the following courses. The department has created a sample four-year plan for those who want to add this minor to their Physics major. 

ASTRO 150Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology3
ASTRO 342Introduction to Solar System Astronomy3
ASTRO 344LAstronomy Laboratory (*)3
ASTRO 346Introduction to Astrophysics3
ASTRO 405Astrophysical Cosmology3
*ASTRO 344L can be applied to meet the requirements for the ASTRO Minor and to meet the additional 2 credit lab experience requirement of the major.
Total Credits15

Teacher Preparation Focus

Students who are preparing to become a teacher meet the advanced coursework requirement of the Physics Major by completing the following 20 credits and meeting the requirements of the Secondary Major in Education.  Note: Teacher license requirements are established by the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners and are subject to change. Recent changes may not be reflected in this catalog, but advisers and faculty will be aware. 

STAT 201Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods4
PHYS 322Introduction to Modern Physics II3
PHYS 311TIntermediate Laboratory for Secondary Physics Teachers3
ASTRO 150Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology3
or ASTRO 120 The Sky and the Solar System
PHYS 399Seminar on Secondary School Physics1-2
EDUC 418Secondary Science Methods I3
EDUC 419Secondary Science Methods II3
Total Credits20-21

Students who are seeking to add a Math endorsement to their Teacher Preparation program in Physics will also need to complete the following courses in Mathematics.

MATH 397Teaching Secondary Mathematics Using University Mathematics3
MATH 497Teaching Secondary School Mathematics3
MATH 435Geometry I3

Physics Applications Focus

Students who are not planning to attend graduate school in Physics or become teachers, can meet the advanced coursework requirements of the Physics major by completing one of several approved completion pathways for the physics major. This coursework can help a Physics graduate establish a clear strength in a field of application of physics, such as computer science, mechanical engineering, data science, or even science writing.  These pathways, ranging from 16 to 24 additional credits, also make double majors with physics more feasible. Contact the Physics advisor for further information concerning programs of study in Physics Applications. Sample Physics with applications programs are listed at the department web site.

Additional Requirements

As majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Physics students must meet College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University-wide requirements for graduation in addition to those stated above for the major. This includes meeting the university-wide Communication Proficiency Grade Requirement, by earning credit for ENGL 150, a grade of C or better in ENGL 250 (or ENGL 250H) and a grade of C- or better in ENGL 302ENGL 305ENGL 309 or ENGL 314.

Students in all ISU majors must complete a three-credit course in U.S. diversity and a three-credit course in international perspectives. Check ( for a list of approved courses. Discuss with your advisor how the two courses that you select can be applied to your graduation plan.

LAS majors require a minimum of 120 credits, including a minimum of 45 credits at the 300/400 level. You must also complete the LAS world language and career proficiency requirements (LAS 203 Professional Career Preparation).

Physics, B.S

The plan below is a sample program of study for a student completing the Standard Physics Focus.

ENGL 1503PHYS 2425
PHYS 199RMATH 2654
PHYS 2415Social Science Choice3
MATH 1664Natural Science Choice5
Humanities Choice3 
LIB 1601 
 16 17
ENGL 2503PHYS 3613
PHYS 3213PHYS 3223
PHYS 321L1PHYS 322L1
MATH 2674MATH 3853
Humanities Choice3LAS 2031
Natural Science Choice 3Social Science Choice3
 Humanities Choice3
 17 17
PHYS 3623PHYS 3043
PHYS 3643PHYS 3653
ENGL 302, 305, 309, or 3143Social Science Choice3
MATH 317 or 2073-4Humanites Choice3
World Language (or Elective)4-3World Language (or Elective)4-3
 16 16-15
PHYS 3104PHYS 31112
PHYS 4803PHYS 48123
ASTRO 344L13Elective3
 13 14

Students must earn a minimum of two laboratory credits from PHYS 311, 311T, 450L, 470L; ASTRO 344L, 450L.


Recommended but not required. Highly recommended for those students planning gradate study.

Four year plans for advanced coursework options to complete the Physics major are listed at

Students in all ISU majors must complete a three-credit course in U.S. diversity and a three-credit course in international perspectives. Check ( for a list of approved courses. Discuss with your advisor how the two courses that you select can be applied to your graduation plan.

Minor in Physics

The department offers a minor in physics which may be earned by completing 20 credits in physics courses chosen as follows:

PHYS 241Principles and Symmetries in Classical Physics I *5
PHYS 242Principles and Symmetries in Classical Physics II *5
PHYS 321Introduction to Modern Physics I3
One of the following
Introductory Laboratory in Modern Physics I
Introductory Laboratory in Modern Physics II
Electronic Instrumentation for Experimental Physics
Intermediate Laboratory
Intermediate Laboratory for Secondary Physics Teachers
Other acceptable courses
Thermal Physics
Physics of Wave Motion
Introduction to Modern Physics II
Classical Mechanics
Intermediate Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism I
Electricity and Magnetism II
Ultrafast Laser Science and Spectroscopy
Molecular and Cell Biophysics
Physics of Biomolecules
Quantum Mechanics I
Quantum Mechanics II
Modern Optics
*PHYS 231/231L and PHYS 232/232L may be substituted for PHYS 241 and PHYS 242

Minor in Astronomy

The department offers a minor in astronomy which may be earned by completing 15 credits as laid out below. 12 or more credits must be at the 300 level or higher. Note that only ASTRO 344L may be used to satisfy both the requirements of a physics major and an astronomy minor.

ASTRO 344LAstronomy Laboratory3
ASTRO courses*9-12
3 credits from the following (if only 9 Astro credits)3
Thermal Physics
Introduction to Modern Physics I
Classical Mechanics
Intermediate Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism I
Electricity and Magnetism II
Quantum Mechanics I
Quantum Mechanics II
Modern Optics
Astrodynamics I
The department has a set of recommended courses for Physics students interested in pursuing graduate school in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The minor must include at least 9 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.

Graduate Study

The department offers studies for the degrees master of science and doctor of philosophy with majors at both levels in astrophysics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, and physics; and minor credit courses for students majoring in other departments.

Facilities of various research groups of the department and the Ames Laboratory are available for research.

Students with bachelor’s degrees in physics or astronomy from other institutions ordinarily will qualify for graduate study at Iowa State University provided they have satisfactorily completed course work similar to that suggested for undergraduate majors here intending to go on to graduate school. In some cases, additional instruction at the intermediate level may be required.

Graduates have a broad understanding of physical science, as well as mastery of state-of-the-art methods in their area of specialization. They are able to communicate effectively to a wide range of audiences, from the general public to research colleagues. Their skills in rigorous scientific thinking prepare them for leadership in the broader community. They are skilled in carrying out research, communicating research results, and soliciting research support. They have considerable teaching experience. They have developed problem solving skills that prepare them for careers in either industry or academia.

All candidates for an advanced degree in physics are expected to complete:

PHYS 531Statistical Mechanics3
PHYS 564Advanced Classical Mechanics3
PHYS 571Electricity and Magnetism I3
PHYS 572Electricity and Magnetism II3
PHYS 591Quantum Physics I4
PHYS 592Quantum Physics II4

Candidates for an advanced degree in astrophysics should complete:

PHYS 531Statistical Mechanics3
or PHYS 564 Advanced Classical Mechanics
PHYS 571Electricity and Magnetism I3
PHYS 591Quantum Physics I4
ASTRO 505Astrophysical Cosmology3
ASTRO 510Observational Astrophysics3

Astrophysics Ph.D. candidates must take at least three of the 580 level Astro courses, while candidates for the M.S. must take at least two 580 level Astro courses.

A thesis is always required for all Ph.D. majors. The degree master of science is offered both with and without thesis. For all graduate majors the basic requirements for the M.S. are the same: at least 30 credits of acceptable graduate work must be completed, not less than 21 of which must be in physics or astronomy. Students choosing a M.S. degree with thesis may apply up to 8 credits of 699 but no credits of 599 toward the minimum 30 credits. Students choosing a degree without thesis should apply 2 credits of 599, but may not apply any credits of 699, toward the minimum 30 credits. 

In addition to course work in the major area of study, all candidates for the Ph.D. degree must complete 9 credits of graduate course work outside this area including at least one 500 or 600 level introductory course in another area of physics. Each candidate for the Ph.D. degree is required to teach one year of elementary physics or astronomy. 

Graduate students interested in a physics minor should contact the department for requirements.