ART 4940: Integrated Studio Arts in Europe Seminar
Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.
Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course Cultural and historical aspects of art and design in Western Europe in preparation for study abroad. Area of study varies each time offered. Meets International Perspectives Requirement. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
ARTH 4940: Women/Gender in Art
(Cross-listed with WGS 4940).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Issues of gender related to cultural environments from the Middle Ages to contemporary times in Europe and America. Feminist movement beginning in the 1970s and specifically gender issues in art that are becoming widespread in the artistic culture.
WGS 4940: Women/Gender in Art
(Cross-listed with ARTH 4940).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Issues of gender related to cultural environments from the Middle Ages to contemporary times in Europe and America. Feminist movement beginning in the 1970s and specifically gender issues in art that are becoming widespread in the artistic culture.