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Search Results for "EDUC 4750"

EDUC 4750: International Travel Study in Education

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5750).
Credits: 1-6. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.

Prereq: Credit or enrollment in EDUC 2750
Seminar-based course for undergraduate and graduate students to develop a better understanding around global issues related to teaching, learning, curriculum, and educational policy through international travel study. 1 to 6 week duration involving study in a country other than the US. (Typically Offered: Summer)

KIN 4750: Physical Education Curriculum Design and Program Organization

(Dual-listed with KIN 5750).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Current theory, practices and principles applied to curriculum development for programs in physical education, K-12. Organizing for teaching in a variety of school settings. (Typically Offered: Fall)