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ENGL 1010C: English for Native Speakers of Other Languages: Academic English II--Undergraduates

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: For students in EPT Advisory Program - [(Result of “Test attempted and course is Not Required” or “Test attempted and course was Waived” on EPT for ENGL 1010B OR Credit in ENGL 1010B) AND (Undergraduate Student)]
For undergraduates: Completion of ENGL 1010 requirement prepares students for ENGL 1500. For graduates: Completion of ENGL 1010 satisfies the English requirement of the Graduate College. ENGL 1010 courses are limited to students who are nonnative speakers of English. See English Requirement for International Students in Index for additional information about placement exam. Graduation Restriction: Credit from ENGL 1010 does not count toward graduation. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)