ENSCI 4660: Ecosystm Services
(Dual-listed with ENSCI 5660/ NREM 5660).
(Cross-listed with NREM 4660).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 2, Discussion 1.
Prereq: 15 credits in AECL, AGRON, BIOL, CHEM, FOR, GEOL, NREM
Ecosystem services are the societal benefits provided by natural and managed ecosystems. Benefits such as provision of food, purification of air and water, and regulation of climate are essential to human survival and prosperity, but rely upon maintenance of healthy ecosystems. This course will cover the science, policy, and practice of ecosystem services assessment and management, with a special focus on biodiversity, water quality, food production, and climate. Offered odd-numbered years.
(Typically Offered: Spring)