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ENTSP 5830: Formulating and Implementing Innovation Strategies

(Cross-listed with MGMT 5830).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: MGMT 5040 or permission of instructor
Key strategies, models, and tools to foster and drive organizational innovation. Analysis of industry dynamics, sources and types of innovations, timing of entry; formulation of innovation strategies; developing innovation portfolios and collaboration strategies, protecting innovation; implementing technological innovation strategy, including new product development and deployment strategy. Essential traits of innovative strategic leaders. Critical analysis and discussion of cases focused on entrepreneurship and innovation and project requiring hands-on practical application of course concepts.

Success in entrepreneurship requires a broad base of conceptual knowledge, personal skills, and competencies. By majoring in entrepreneurship, you will sharpen your creative thinking and problem-solving skills, develop your entrepreneurial mindset to start your own business, develop a new product, or become an innovator in an established company. The required courses in the major provide a variety of rich developmental experiences that include applied learning, case analysis, research projects, team-based learning, and guest speakers, in addition to traditional classroom lectures and discussions. The Entrepreneurship major places a strong emphasis on written and oral communication skills, teamwork, creativity, leadership, and personal initiative.