MGMT 6200DX: Special Topics: Crafting Research Ideas
(Cross-listed with ENTSP 6200DX).
Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Role as a scholar is more than publishing research. The purpose of scholarship is to add to usable knowledge - which means knowledge that can be used to solve real - world problems. To publish an article, students need to convince other scholars of the quality of their research. To create usable knowledge, you need to solve a problem that managers face and communicate that solution to managers. Most managers do not read academic journals, so the publication of an article does not guarantee that anyone who needs the knowledge will find it. Introduction an ideal form of scholarship that Andy Van de Ven calls 'engaged scholarship.' This form of scholarship requires the rigorous theory and methods by adds the additional component of connecting research to practitioners throughout the research process. (Typically Offered: Spring)