MGMT 6200JX: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data in Management and Entrepreneurship Research
(Cross-listed with ENTSP 6200JX).
Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 2 times.
Provide a deeper understanding of research methodology implications of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data for management and entrepreneurship scholars. Introduce students to the fundamental concepts and emerging capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning and investigate their applications in the context of data collection, data analysis and communication of research findings. Explore broader implications of these technologies for the objects of management research: organizations and their members. Designed to complement knowledge students can gain in MGMT 6090 Organizational Methods and ENTSP/MGMT 6200GX Bayesian Alysis in management and Entrepreneurship Research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)