Cyber Security Graduate Programs

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Iowa State University has been offering courses in cyber security since 1995 and has one of the largest programs in the country.  Graduate degrees can be obtained in a traditional on campus setting or as an on-line program.  For information about the online Cyber Security program visit Iowa State Online.

Students graduating from the major will help to fill the need for well-educated system security specialists in the government, private sector, and academia. The program objectives identified as being critical to the accomplishment of this mission are:

  1. Impart and enhance knowledge about information infrastructure security
  2. Expand and develop the ability to engineer complex systems
  3. Instill and nurture social awareness, and the ability to function in a team
  4. Instill and nurture a sense of ethics
  5. Develop an understanding of strategic and policy issues

We offer 4 different graduate degree options:

  1. Masters of Science with thesis
  2. Masters of Science without thesis
  3. Masters of Engineering (coursework only)
  4. Graduate certificate