Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

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MCDB Interdepartmental Graduate Program

Work is offered for the doctor of philosophy degree with a major in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Faculty are drawn from sixteen university departments along with researchers from the National Animal Disease Center. Participating departments include: Agronomy; Animal Science; Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry; Chemical & Biological Engineering; Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology; Entomology; Food Science & Human Nutrition; Genetics, Development & Cell Biology; Horticulture; Kinesiology; Physics & Astronomy; Plant Pathology; Veterinary Microbiology & Preventive Medicine; and Veterinary Pathology. Facilities and qualified faculty are available in these departments for conducting fundamental research in the various aspects of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Ongoing research projects include molecular and cellular studies of viral, prokaryotic, fungal, plant, and animal systems. Additional information about the program and faculty is available at:

Prospective students are admitted by the MCDB program following receipt of a complete application and after review by the MCDB Admissions Committee. Students are admitted either to participate in research rotations with several faculty before deciding on a major professor and laboratory, or by direct admission into a specific lab and department. Ph.D. students typically enter via rotation and are required to complete a minimum of three research lab rotations with faculty of interest and take MCDB 6970 Graduate Research Rotation during their first two semesters. At the end of their second semester, students on rotation must select a major professor from the faculty participating in the program. Current ISU graduate students may be admitted as a co-major or minor with MCDB.

Before entering the MCDB program, prospective students should have a strong background in the biological sciences; typically including work in biological sciences (two years), organic chemistry (one year), physics (one year), and mathematics (through one year of calculus). Prior research experience is highly encouraged.