MCDB Interdepartmental Graduate Program
Work is offered for the doctor of philosophy degree with a major in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Faculty are drawn from sixteen university departments along with researchers from the National Animal Disease Center. Participating departments include: Agronomy; Animal Science; Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry; Chemical & Biological Engineering; Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology; Entomology; Food Science & Human Nutrition; Genetics, Development & Cell Biology; Horticulture; Kinesiology; Physics & Astronomy; Plant Pathology; Veterinary Microbiology & Preventive Medicine; and Veterinary Pathology. Facilities and qualified faculty are available in these departments for conducting fundamental research in the various aspects of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Ongoing research projects include molecular and cellular studies of viral, prokaryotic, fungal, plant, and animal systems. Additional information about the program and faculty is available at:
Prospective students are admitted by the MCDB program following receipt of a complete application and after review by the MCDB Admissions Committee. Students are admitted either to participate in research rotations with several faculty before deciding on a major professor and laboratory, or by direct admission into a specific lab and department. Ph.D. students typically enter via rotation and are required to complete a minimum of three research lab rotations with faculty of interest and take MCDB 6970 Graduate Research Rotation during their first two semesters. At the end of their second semester, students on rotation must select a major professor from the faculty participating in the program. Current ISU graduate students may be admitted as a co-major or minor with MCDB.
Before entering the MCDB program, prospective students should have a strong background in the biological sciences; typically including work in biological sciences (two years), organic chemistry (one year), physics (one year), and mathematics (through one year of calculus). Prior research experience is highly encouraged.
A special program in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology is not offered for the baccalaureate. Undergraduates wishing to prepare for graduate study in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology should elect courses in biochemistry, biology, genetics, microbiology; and mathematics through calculus; chemistry through organic; and one year of physics.
The following are recommended to undergraduates desiring an introduction to this area:
Ph.D. candidates majoring in MCDB must take at least 72 graduate credits. These 72 credits include the core course requirements (below) and applicable research credits earned.
Additional coursework may be selected by the student in consultation with their Program of Study (POS) Committee to meet departmental requirements and to satisfactorily prepare the student for their research project.
Graduate credits of B or better earned in another Iowa State program, or at another institution, may be transferred at the discretion of the POS Committee and with the approval of the MCDB Program and the ISU Graduate College.
Additional information relating to credits required for graduate degrees can be found in the ISU Graduate College Handbook.
MCDB Core Curriculum requirements include:
All Ph.D. students must take one course from each of the following areas: A) Cellular Biology, B) Developmental Biology, & C) Molecular Biology.
A. Cellular Biology
B. Developmental Biology
GDCB 5330 | Advances in Developmental Biology | 3 |
GDCB 5450 | Plant Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology | 3 |
C. Molecular Biology
*Footnote: GDCB 5450 - Plant Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology may be used to fulfill any one of the required component areas.
In addition to the above course requirements, MCDB graduate students are required to take:
1. Two semesters of research seminar every year.
Fall semester students will enroll in 1) a "for credit" research seminar series offered by the student's home department, 2) a workshop comprised of a research seminar series, or 3) another ISU research seminar series, typically chosen from one of the following departments: Agronomy, Animal Science; Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry; Chemical & Biological Engineering; Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology; Entomology; Food Science & Human Nutrition; Genetics, Development & Cell Biology; Horticulture; Kinesiology; Physics & Astronomy; Plant Pathology; Veterinary Microbiology & Preventive Medicine; and Veterinary Pathology. (Options 2 and 3 are subject to approval by the POS committee).
Spring semester register for MCDB 6980, Seminar in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. In seminar, students will make journal and research presentations and attend MCDB seminars. Three semesters of MCDB 6980 are required. Beyond this requirement, students must enroll in additional semesters of MCDB 6980 or enroll in seminar series as described above for fall semesters.
2. One credit hour of ethics training.
GRST 5650 | Responsible Conduct of Research in Science and Engineering | 1 |
Not required, but highly recommended for MCDB graduate students:
Non-native English speakers must pass the English Requirement as established by the university. Depending on the results of this exam additional courses may be required to meet English proficiency standards.
MCDB graduate students need to teach one semester as part of their training for an advanced degree. Students whose first language is not English must take and pass the Oral English Certification Test (OECT) to be eligible to teach.
Curriculum Requirements for Graduate Students Seeking a MCDB Minor
Graduate students studying at Iowa State University with an interest in completing a MCDB minor for their Ph.D. are required to complete the following curriculum requirements.
Students must be approved for the minor by the MCDB program and must follow Graduate College guidelines for POS Committee membership.
Graduate students wishing to seek a minor in MCDB are encouraged to contact the MCDB Interdepartmental Graduate Program Coordinator for further information. Inquiries can be submitted to
MCDB Minor Curriculum at the Ph.D. Level Includes:
One course in each of two of the following three areas: A) Cellular Biology, B) Developmental Biology, & C) Molecular Biology.
A. Cellular Biology
B. Developmental Biology
GDCB 5330 | Advances in Developmental Biology | 3 |
GDCB 5450 | Plant Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology | 3 |
C. Molecular Biology
*Footnote: GDCB 545 - Plant Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology may be used to fulfill any one of the required component areas.
In addition to the above course requirements, MCDB graduate minors are required to register once for:
MCDB 6980 | Seminar in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | 1-2 |
Expand all courses
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(Cross-listed with GDCB 5110).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Mechanisms of molecular genetic processes in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, including DNA replication and repair, transcription, translation and regulation of gene expression. Critical evaluation and discussion of current primary literature, methodologies and experimental data.
(Typically Offered: Spring)
(Cross-listed with GDCB 5280).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Cell biological processes including cell signaling, cell division, intracellular trafficking, biogenesis of organelles, cell adhesion and motility. Offered even-numbered years.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
(Cross-listed with GDCB 5330).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Fundamental principles in multicellular development. Emphasis on cellular and molecular regulation of developmental processes, and experimental approaches as illustrated in the current literature. Offered odd-numbered years.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
(Cross-listed with GDCB 5450/ PLBIO 5450).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Plant nuclear and organelle genomes; regulation of gene expression; hormone signaling; organization, function, and development of plant cells and subcellular structures; regulation of plant growth and development. Offered odd-numbered years.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Courses for graduate students:
Credits: 1-6. Repeatable.
Graduate research projects performed under the supervision of selected faculty members in the molecular, cellular, and developmental biology program.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.
Prereq: Department Permission for Course