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Human Sciences courses provide integrative study and enriching experiences in areas that cut across the diverse curricula of the College of Human Sciences. These may include such areas as leadership, global understanding, social justice/responsibility, and ethics. Students in any college may take these courses.
Any experimental courses offered by H SCI can be found at: registrar.iastate.edu/faculty-staff/courses/explistings/
Courses primarily for undergraduates:
(2-0) Cr. 2. F.S.
Orientation and adjustment to the university and college; review of policies and procedures; academic resources; and course selection and planning. Comprehensive approach to career development; intensive self-analysis; and in-depth examination of majors in Human Sciences. Required for all students declared as an Undecided major in the College of Human Sciences.
(1-0) Cr. 1. F.S.
An exploration of diversity within the context of the Iowa State University community through understanding human relations issues.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement
Cr. R. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Permission of CHS Career Services
For use for cooperative education students seeking full-time status while on internship. Students must register for this course prior to commencing each work period. No more than three credits may be taken in addition to H SCI 398 during any given semester. Course cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements. Therefore, this cannot be used for a required, academic internship.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. This course cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
Cr. 1-4.
Cr. 1-4.