
This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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In order to register for classes students must first accept their offer of admission by the university. Registration and the payment of assessed fees are required of all who attend classes. Enrollment is not complete until fees are paid, including room and board fees for those living in residence halls.

Registration is a process by which students become officially enrolled in classes for a given term. The process involves consultation between the student and the student's academic advisor. All undergraduate students are assigned an academic advisor based on their major/curriculum. A new advisor assignment is made when a student changes majors/curricula.

Students who attend classes must complete registration and pay their assessed fees. Registration is not complete until all fees are paid, including board and room fees for those living in residence halls.

Disabled students who need assistance with any phase of registration should contact the Student Disability Resources office.

Validating Enrollment

To validate their enrollment in each course at the beginning of the semester, students must attend the first or second meeting (first meeting if the class meets only once a week). Students who add a course after the term begins must attend the next class meeting. The instructor has the option to offer a registered place in the course to another student when a registered student fails to attend and has not obtained prior approval of the instructor. Students who do not validate their enrollment must drop the course or they will receive an F grade.

Enrollment Status

Enrollment status is defined for certification purposes as either full-time or half-time.

Full-time status, fall or spring semester
Undergraduates: 12 credits
Graduates: 9 credits
Professional: 12 credits

Three-quarters status, fall or spring semester
Undergraduates: 9 credits
Graduates: 7 credits
Professional: 9 credits

Half-time status, fall or spring semester
Undergraduates: 6 credits
Graduates: 5 credits
Professional: 6 credits

Full-time status, summer semester
Undergraduates: Summer status depends on the number of weeks a student is enrolled.
Graduates: Summer status depends on the number of weeks a student is enrolled.
Professional: 8 credits

Always contact the Office of the Registrar to verify a student's status for a summer session. Additional enrollment status information is available on the Office of the Registrar webpage.

With the exception of enrollment certification for veterans' benefits, credit hours are rounded up to the next whole number. For example, credit load of 11.5 credits is rounded up to 12 credits. Contact the Office of the Registrar for more information.

Registration Responsibilities

The registration process includes advising, enrollment in courses, and schedule changes. In addition to the student, this process may involve the student's advisor; the student services staff of the student's college; and the dean of the college. Each is responsible for knowing and following the academic policies and procedures.


  • knowing and adhering to university policies and procedures that apply to registration and schedule changes
  • checking the accuracy of his/her schedule on AccessPlus, including schedule adjustments (i.e., adds, drops, section changes)
  • knowing the degree requirements of his or her major and/or curriculum
  • planning course schedules to meet those requirements; and monitoring the accuracy of the degree audit.


  • consulting with advisees during the advising/registration period
  • providing information about student’s major and curriculum requirements
  • providing guidance in the student’s course selection
  • assisting in monitoring the degree audit for accuracy
  • notifying the college student services office with corrections to the degree audit.

College Student Services Staff

  • assisting new and reentering students with the registration process
  • resolving unusual scheduling problems
  • updating the degree audit or solving problems concerning the degree audit.


  • making decisions with respect to requests for deviations from university policies, deadlines, etc.

Students and staff should check with the college office to find out who is authorized to grant approvals or exceptions on behalf of the dean.

Class Schedule Planner

The Class Schedule Planner is an application that allows students to plan their schedules using courses displayed in the Schedule of Classes. Students can select courses and/or sections they want to take for a particular term, as well as block out unavailable class days and times. Based on those selections, Class Schedule Planner can return all possible schedules to the student in a color coded grid format.

Though it is a Web-based application, the Class Schedule Planner does not require authentication (no user ID, PIN, or password). Therefore, it is essential that students understand this is a planner and as such, it does not register them in courses and cannot be used to complete their registration. The application requires that the user have Java on their computer. The first screen of the Planner provides information about how to use the planner and simple instructions for downloading the Java application. A useful Help link also has been provided. The Class Schedule Planner is available at

Using AccessPlus Registration

Students enter the system via AccessPlus by using university ID and password. A registration access number (RAN) also is needed, if required by their college.

The registration system provides messages after each entry indicating whether each request has been processed. Students also may review their current schedules at any time during registration. Students are held accountable for all changes made to their schedules.

All students are encouraged to register for courses through the AccessPlus registration system. However, students who are unable to use the system may register in person by processing their signed Registration Worksheet in the Registrar's Student Scheduling Office, 10 Enrollment Services Center.

Registration System Abuse

Using the AccessPlus registration system is a privilege, which may be revoked if abuse is detected. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, creating and using an automated program to search for course openings and/or enrolling in a section with the intent of reserving space in that particular section for another student. The Office of the Registrar, college office, and/or advisors have the right to determine abuse and revoke privileges for any type of registration system abuse.