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Early Childhood Education - Unified

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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Administered by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies and the School of Education. Leading to the degree bachelor of science.

The curriculum in early childhood education – unified (ECE) prepares graduates to teach young children and work with their families. This curriculum has been approved by the Iowa Department of Education and meets requirements for candidates to seek a teaching endorsement in PK-3, Inclusive Settings, which permits individuals to teach general and special education for children from birth through third grade. Graduates may be employed by either public or private agencies or schools to teach in early childhood classrooms (preschool through third grade) or in home-based programs.

Students who enroll in the early childhood education – unified program must apply to and be accepted into the teacher education program prior to enrolling in advanced courses. 

Additional information is also available from the student’s academic advisor.

Students in early childhood education – unified must meet the performance outcome standards for teacher licensure. Standards are assessed in coursework through artifacts such as assignments, projects, or practicum participation. These standards assessments are based on the early childhood content standards for endorsements 1001 and 262 in the State of Iowa. These include competencies in (1) promoting child development, learning and individual learning differences, (2) building family and community relationships, (3) observing, documenting, and assessing to support young children and families, (4) using developmentally and individually effective approaches to connect with children and families, (5) using content knowledge to build a meaningful curriculum, (6) professional responsibilities, and (7) early childhood field experiences. Pre-student teaching field experiences in at least three settings, and student teaching experiences in at least two different settings is required.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Early Childhood Education program will meet the following learning objectives, as defined by the InTASC standards for teacher preparation.

Standard 1: Learner Development

The student understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Standard 2: Learning Differences

The student uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Standard 3: Learning Environments

The student works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge

The student understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Standard 5: Application of Content

The student understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Standard 6: Assessment

The student understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction

The student plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies

The student understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

Standard 8A: Technology

The student integrates current and emerging technology in instruction to encourage student creativity, problem solving, collaboration, and digital literacy. Teachers practice and advocate safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The student engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration

The student seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

Curriculum in Early Childhood Education – Unified

Degree Requirements

121 total credits required

 Professional Education core: 15 credits

EDUC 201Educational Technologies in the PK-6 Classroom **3
EDUC 205Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Early Childhood and Elementary Education3
EDUC 332Educational Psychology of Early Childhood and Elementary Education **3
EDUC 405Social Justice Education and Teaching: Early Childhood and Elementary3
SP ED 250Education of the Exceptional Learner **3
Total Credits15

 **Must receive a "C" or above

Preprimary Inclusive: 24 credits

HD FS 240Literature for Children **3
HD FS 340Assessment and Curriculum: Ages Birth through 2 Years **4
HD FS 342Social and Emotional Development and Child-centered Guidance in Early Childhood **3
HD FS 343Assessment and Curriculum: Ages 3 through 6 Years **4
HD FS 345Inclusive Teaching and Interaction Strategies **3
HD FS 455Curriculum and Interventions: Ages 3 through 6 Years **4
HD FS 456Working with Families in Early Intervention **3
Total Credits24

 **Must receive a "C" or above

Primary Inclusive: 21 credits

EDUC 245Landscape of Teaching **3
EDUC 377Teaching Literacy in the Primary Grades **4
EDUC 433Teaching Social Studies in the Primary Grades **2
EDUC 438Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Grades **2
EDUC 439Teaching Science in the Primary Grades **2
EDUC 468FPre-Student Teaching Experience III: Primary Grades Inclusive, Literacy **1
EDUC 468GPre-Student Teaching Experience III: Primary Grades Inclusive, Mathematics **1
EDUC 468IPre-Student Teaching Experience III: Primary Grades Inclusive, Science **1
SP ED 405Assessment and Instructional Methods in Inclusive Primary Settings (K-3) **4
SP ED 458Pre-Student Teaching Experience III: Mild/Moderate Disabilities in Primary Grades (K-3) **1
Total Credits21

 **Must receive a "C" or above

Student Teaching**: 16.5 credits

EDUC 416ASupervised Student Teaching - Elementary: Primary grades (K-3)8
HD FS 417CSupervised Student Teaching: Early Childhood Special Education Programs.8
HD FS 418AProfessional Practice Reflection/Discussion: Teaching.5
Total Credits16.5

**Must receive a "C" or above

Orientation: 2 credits

HD FS 110Freshman Learning Community Orientation1
or HD FS 111 New Transfer Student Seminar
HD FS 208Early Childhood Education Teacher Orientation1
Total Credits2

Human Development and Family Studies: 3 credits

HD FS 224Development in Young Children: Birth through Age 8 **3
Total Credits3

Communications and Library: 10 credits

ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communication **3
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition **3
LIB 160Introduction to College Level Research1
Communication course from approved general education options list3
Total Credits10

**Must receive a "C" or above

Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Health: 14 credits

MATH 195Mathematics for Elementary Education I *3
MATH 196Mathematics for Elementary Education II *3
H S 105First Aid and Emergency Care2
Biological Sciences course from approved general education options list3
Physical Sciences course from approved general education options list3
Total Credits14

*Must receive a "C-" or above

Social Sciences: 9 credits

HD FS 102Human Development3
One of the following:3
Survey of United States History I
Survey of United States History II
Introduction to American Government
Social Sciences course from approved ECE list3
Total Credits9

Humanities: 6 credits

Humanities courses from approved ECE list6
Total Credits6

Electives: .5 - 1.5 credits to equal 121 total credits

Total Credits: 121

U.S. Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in early childhood education – unified fulfill the U.S. Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements by choosing three credits of coursework from university-approved Humanities or Social Sciences included on the approved general education options list.

The courses listed in this section are approved general education course options for this major.

Communication Skills: 3 credits

COMST 210Communication and U.S. Diversity3
COMST 211Interpersonal Communication3
COMST 214Professional Communication3
COMST 218Conflict Management3
SP CM 212Fundamentals of Public Speaking3

Natural Sciences and Mathematics:  6 credits. Coursework designed to facilitate students' understanding of the structure and behavior of the natural world, appreciate mathematics as a valuable tool of the sciences, and an intrinsically important way of thinking.

Biological Sciences: 3 credits

ANTHR 202Human Origins3
BIOL 101Introductory Biology3
BIOL 155Human Biology3
BIOL 173Environmental Biology3
BIOL 211Principles of Biology I3
BIOL 255Fundamentals of Human Anatomy3

Physical Sciences: 3 credits

ASTRO 120The Sky and the Solar System3
ASTRO 150Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology3
CHEM 160Chemistry in Modern Society3
CHEM 163College Chemistry ((4 credits))4
GEOL 100How the Earth Works3
GEOL 101Environmental Geology: Earth in Crisis3
MTEOR 206Introduction to Weather and Climate3
PHYS 101Physics for the Nonscientist3
PHYS 102LPhysical Sciences for Elementary Education3

Social Sciences: 9 credits. Coursework designed to help students develop an understanding of the principal methods of studying human behavior and an understanding of the structure and functioning of institutions.

AESHM 421Developing Global Leadership: Maximizing Human Potential3
AF AM 330Ethnic and Race Relations3
A M D 165Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society3
A M D 362Cultural Perspectives of Global Dress3
A M D 467Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products3
AM IN 310Contemporary Topics in American Indian Studies3
AM IN 315Archaeology of North America3
AM IN 322Peoples and Cultures of Native North America3
Anthropology (ANTHR) - except 202
Economics (ECON)
FS HN 342World Food Issues: Past and Present3
HD FS 239Consumer Issues3
HD FS 249Parenting and Family Diversity Issues3
HD FS 276Human Sexuality3
HD FS 360Housing and Services for Families and Children3
HD FS 367Abuse and Illness in Families3
HD FS 377Aging and the Family3
HD FS 395Children, Families, and Public Policy3
INTST 235Introduction to International Studies3
LING 219Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 471Language and Reading Development in Children3
Political Science (POL S)
Psychology (PSYCH) - except 131, 332/333
Sociology (SOC), including Criminal Justice (C J)
WGS 201Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS 203Introduction to Lesbian Communities3
WGS 301International Perspectives on Women and Gender3
WGS 320Ecofeminism3
WGS 327Gender and Sexualities in Society3
WGS 328Sociology of Masculinities and Manhood3
WGS 346Psychology of Women3
WGS 350Women of Color in the U.S3
WGS 385Women in Politics3

Humanities:  6 credits. Coursework designed to assist students to develop an understanding of human cultural heritage and history, and an appreciation of reasoning and the aesthetic value of human creativity.

AESHM 342Aesthetics of Consumer Experience3
AF AM 201Introduction to African American Studies3
AF AM 334Africana Religions3
AF AM 347Studies in African American Literature3
AF AM 353History of African Americans I3
AF AM 354History of African Americans II3
A M D 257Museum Studies3
A M D 354Euro-American Dress History: Prehistoric to Mid-19th Century3
A M D 356Euro-American Dress History: Mid-19th Century to the Present3
AM IN 210Introduction to American Indian Studies3
AM IN 240Introduction to American Indian Literature3
AM IN 346American Indian Literature3
ANTHR 230Globalization and the Human Condition3
ANTHR 340Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion3
ARCH 221Histories and Theories of Architecture to 17503
ARCH 420Topics in American Architecture3
Art History (ART H)
Classical Studies (CL ST)
DANCE 270Dance Appreciation3
DANCE 360History and Philosophy of Dance3
History (HIST) except 221 or 222
HSP M 260Global Tourism Management3
Literature (ENGL) except 205
MUSIC 102Introduction to Music Listening3
MUSIC 302Masterpieces of Music and Art in Western Culture.3
MUSIC 304History of American Rock 'n' Roll3
MUSIC 383History of Music I3
MUSIC 384History of Music II3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Religious Studies (RELIG)
THTRE 106Introduction to the Performing Arts3
THTRE 110Theatre and Society3
THTRE 465Theatre History: Ancient to 19th Century3
THTRE 466Theatre History: 19th Century to Present3
US LS 211Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Studies3
WGS 201Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS 336Religion, Sex and Gender3
WGS 338Feminist Philosophy3
WGS 345Women and Literature: Selected Topics3
WGS 370Studies in English Translation3
WGS 374Sex, Gender, and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean World3
WGS 386History of Women in America3
World Languages and Cultures (ARABC, CHIN, FRNCH, GER, GREEK, RUS, SPAN)

Early Childhood Education - Unified, B.S.

HD FS 1023HD FS 2081
HD FS 110 or 1111Humanities Option*3
LIB 1601HIST 221 or 2223
EDUC 2053MATH 1953
ENGL 1503SP ED 2503
Humanities Option*3Social Sciences Option*3
PSYCH 131 (recommended elective)1 
 15 16
MATH 1963EDUC 2453
ENGL 2503EDUC 3323
EDUC 2013HD FS 2243
Physical Sciences Option*3Biological Sciences Option*3
HD FS 2403Communication Option*3
 Apply to Educator Preparation program 
 15 15
EDUC 377B4EDUC 433B2
EDUC 438B2EDUC 439B2
EDUC 468GB1SP ED 405B4
HD FS 3404SP ED 458B1
HD FS 3453HD FS 3423
Finalize Degree Audit HD FS 3434
 15 17
HD FS 4554EDUC 416AB8
HD FS 4563HD FS 417CB8
EDUC 4053HD FS 418A.5
H S 1052 
Electives, if needed to equal 121 total credits.5-3 
Take Praxis II prior to Licensing  
Apply to graduate  
Apply to student teaching  
 12.5-15 16.5

This sheet provides a guide to the sequence of HD FS and EDUC courses; courses adhere to a prescribed sequence of semesters. Your academic advisor will help you develop an individual long range plan.


Block of courses listed together in the semester must be taken concurrently as sequenced


See approved general education options list of courses for courses in Biological Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences


ISU requires a 3 credit U.S. Diversity course (satisfied by HD FS 240) and a 3 credit international perspective course (usually met through a University approved humanities or social science options from the approved general education options list).