Speech Communication

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.iastate.edu.

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The Speech Communication Major will be discontinued Fall 2023 pending Board of Regents State of Iowa approval.


Speech Communication, a major in the Department of English, helps students develop their understanding and appreciation of the human communication process and enhances their oral and written communication practice. Speech Communication students develop an awareness of the importance of oral communication and listening for success in their personal, civic, and professional lives; become familiar with behavioral research in persuasion; understand how language is used to create social change; develop competent delivery skills; assess the quality of arguments; evaluate information found in research and public discourse; and cultivate rhetorical sensitivity in order to better connect with individuals and audiences. In this way, the program contributes to the humanistic, aesthetic, and critical development of liberally educated students in order to prepare them for full and effective participation in society.

Undergraduate Study

The cross-disciplinary program in speech communication offers courses designed for all students as part of their general education and as a complement to their professional training. It also offers a major or minor in speech communication as well as an additional endorsement for secondary teachers who already have an endorsement in another content area.

Students who major or minor in speech communication will prepare themselves for a wide variety of employment opportunities in business, industry and government, as well as in non-profit and educational organizations. With their effective oral communication, listening, teamwork, problem-solving and leadership skills, speech communication students find positions in general business management: human resources, benefits, financial services, retail, sales and marketing and serve various organizations as recruiters, trainers, promotions managers, communication specialists, community outreach personnel and event planners. The program also prepares students for the study of law, theology, and for graduate level work in speech communication and related disciplines.

The program participates in the interdisciplinary program in Linguistics. Speech Communication also offers a core course and several optional courses in the undergraduate certificate program in Leadership Studies.

Learning Outcomes

Students who major in Speech Communication will be able to

  • understand and apply technical vocabularies, theories, and perspectives to analyze contemporary problems and one’s own communication practice.
  • speak and listen well and have the self-confidence to become an active leader in communities.
  • recognize persuasive strategies, assess reasoning, and perform research in the discipline.

The Speech Communication Major will be discontinued Fall 2023 pending Board of Regents State of Iowa approval.

Speech Communication Major

As majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Speech Communication students must meet College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University-wide requirements for graduation in addition to those stated below for the major.

A student electing to major in speech communication must earn at least 120 credits with 45 credits at the 300/400 level. A minimum of 33 of those credits must be earned in Speech Communication courses where the student earns a grade of C or better. Our flexible curriculum with few prerequisites can help you meet the 33 hour requirement in a timely way.

Core Requirements (18 credits)

SP CM 110Listening3
SP CM 212Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
SP CM 216America Speaks: Great Speakers and Speeches in US History3
SP CM 310Rhetorical Analysis3
COMST 327Persuasion and Social Influence3
or SP CM 350 Rhetorical Traditions
SP CM 497 or SP CM 4903

Additional Coursework (Choose at least 5 of the following for 15 credits)

ENGL 418Seminar in Argumentation3
SP CM 275Analysis of Popular Culture Texts3
SP CM 312Business and Professional Speaking3
SP CM 323Gender and Communication3
SP CM 324Legal Communication3
COMST 327Persuasion and Social Influence3
SP CM 350Rhetorical Traditions3
SP CM 417Campaign Rhetoric3

Credits in SP CM 290 Special Projects or SP CM 499 Communication Internship cannot be applied toward the minimum required credits for the major.

The Communication Proficiency requirement may be met by (1) completion of ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication; (2) completion of or credit for  ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition (or ENGL 250H Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition: Honors), or its equivalent, with a grade of C or better; (3) one additional writing course beyond ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition with a grade of C or better from the following approved list:

ENGL 302Business Communication3
ENGL 303Free-Lance Writing for Popular Magazines3
ENGL 304Creative Writing: Fiction3
ENGL 305Creative Writing: Nonfiction3
ENGL 309Proposal and Report Writing3
ENGL 314Technical Communication3
ENGL 415Business and Technical Editing3
JL MC 201Reporting and Writing for the Mass Media3

Students in all ISU majors must complete a three-credit course in U.S. diversity and a three-credit course in international perspectives. Check (http://www.registrar.iastate.edu/courses/div-ip-guide.html) for a list of approved courses. Discuss with your advisor how the two courses that you select can be applied to your graduation plan. 

LAS majors require a minimum of 120 credits, including a minimum of 45 credits at the 300/400 level. You must also complete the LAS world language requirement and career proficiency requirement.

Speech Communication Education

Students working toward a primary teaching endorsement in another discipline may take coursework toward a speech communication endorsement. Please contact the Iowa State University School of Education's Teacher Education Services. 

The Speech Communication Major will be discontinued Fall 2023 pending Board of Regents State of Iowa approval.

Speech Communication, B.A.

ENGL 1503Math Choice3
SP CM 1103Humanities Choice3
Humanities Choice3Natural Science Choice3
Natural Science Choice3Social Science Choice3
Social Science Choice3Elective3
LIB 1601 
 16 15
ENGL 2503Social Science Choice3
Humanities Choice3World Language/Elective4-3
Natural Science Choice3Humanities Choice3
SP CM 2123Speech Communication Choice3
World Language/Elective4-3Elective3
 16-15 16-15
COMST 3273SP CM 2163
Speech Communication Choice - 300/400 Level3Speech Communication Choice - 300/400 Level3
Elective - 300/400 Level3JL MC 201, ENGL 302, ENGL 303, ENGL 304, ENGL 305, ENGL 309, ENGL 314, or ENGL 3153
2 Electives - 300/400 Level62 Electives - 300/400 Level6
 15 15
Speech Communication Choice3Speech Communication Choice 300/400 Level3
SP CM 3103SP CM 497 or SP CM 4903
2 Electives - 300/400 Level62 Electives - 300/400 Level6
 15 15
Total Credits: 123-121

Speech Communication choices include SP CM 305, 312, 313, 322, 323, 324, 350 (also ENGL 350), and SP CM 417. Note: Students must earn a C or better in all Speech Communication courses used to meet the 33 credits required for the major.

Speech Communication Minor

Students from any major can complement their studies with a Speech Communication Minor. The requirements for a minor in speech communication may be fulfilled by credit in SP CM 212 Fundamentals of Public Speaking plus at least 15 additional hours from the lists above, of which 9 credits are in courses numbered 300 or above taken at Iowa State University. The minor must include at least 9 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college or university requirement.

Graduate Study

The program offers courses for a graduate minor in speech communication as well as supporting work for other disciplines. The requirements for a graduate minor in Speech Communication include:

SP CM 310Rhetorical Analysis3
Plus 9 additional hours selected from the following9
Gender and Communication
Campaign Rhetoric
Teaching Fundamentals of Public Speaking
The History of Rhetorical Theory from the Classical Era to the Present
Cultural and Critical Theories of Communication and Rhetoric
Special Topics
Core Studies in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication

The Program of Speech Communication also participates in the interdepartmental program leading to a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies.