Student Records

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Student Records

Iowa State University maintains various records concerning students, to document their academic progress as well as to record their interactions with university staff and officials. In order that their right to privacy be preserved and to conform with federal law, the university has established certain policies to govern the handling of student records. All policies conform with FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (also known as the Buckley Amendment).

Student Addresses

Students have the responsibility to notify the Office of the Registrar each time their information changes. Information changes can be made from the student's Profile via the Personal Information application in Workday.

Graduate Assistants and student employees must also report an address change to the office of University Human Resource Services. Information changes can be made through the Personal Information application in Workday.

When Records May Be Withheld

An appropriate university official may request that records be withheld in instances when disciplinary action has been taken against a student, or in instances where students have not completed all requirements placed upon them by the institution. Authorization for these actions is supported by The Iowa Code and The Iowa Administrative Code.

In order for such an action to be rescinded, the Office of the Registrar must receive written authorization from the official who originally requested the action, indicating that the student has met the obligation.

Review and Challenge of Records

A student may challenge the accuracy of handling of records maintained by the university on grounds that the records are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violate the privacy or other rights of the student. The university has established the following procedures to provide an opportunity for the student to correct or delete inaccurate records, or to insert into the record a written explanation of the content. Students who question their records should discuss the issue first with the individual staff person who established or maintains the records. Presumably most issues can be resolved at this level. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the student should submit the question to the head of the department in which the record is maintained.

The department head will discuss the issue with the staff person and the student challenging the record. If resolution cannot be reached after meeting with the department head, the student may submit the question to the dean or director to whom the department head is responsible. The dean or director will investigate, and will respond in writing.

If the record has not been reconciled through these measures, the student may direct a written request to the president of the university. The president will convene an Ad Hoc Hearing Panel of Access and Confidentiality of Educational Records, composed of two faculty members, two students, and one administrator, appointed by the president for a period of one year, with the president or a designee serving as nonvoting chairperson. The student shall be given an opportunity to present to the panel evidence relevant to the issues raised, and the panel will issue a written response.

Posting Grades and Test Scores

Instructors who wish to inform students of their performance may post grades and test scores on a secure course website as long as individual students may only access their own grades. The test scores or course grades of students may not be posted in any public location unless the instructor posts the information using a code for each student that is known only by the instructor and the student.

Release of Grades

Students who choose to release their grades to parents or other trusted third parties may do so using the Workday Friends and Family Third Party Proxy option. Reports of a student's grades are not routinely sent to the student's parents. 

ISUCard and Identification Number

Each student is assigned a random university identification number on entry to the university. This number appears on the ISUCard that is provided to each student at the time of first registration. The ISUCard, may be required for some services and/or activities. 

Loss of an ISUCard should be reported immediately to the ISUCard Office, where the lost card will be invalidated and replaced for a charge. Disciplinary sanctions may be imposed for improper use of the ID card or attempts to obtain, by fraudulent means, any form of identification.

Social Security Number

Social security numbers are collected from prospective and current students, for administrative coordination and record identification purposes only. Although procedures have been established by the registrar for assignment of an alternative number upon request, students who wish to be employed on campus, desire to claim federal educational tax benefits, or are applying to receive financial aid, are required by law to provide their social security numbers for administrative use. The social security number is a confidential record and is maintained as such by the university in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Student Names

Iowa Regent universities have a common policy regarding student names and name changes. The name on the student record should be the student's complete and legal name; however, we understand and respect that not all students identify with their legal name. If a student does not have the official legal documentation required in the standard Name Change Policy to support their legal name change, the Office of the Registrar will work with the student to still process the name change. A student may indicate a preferred name in Workday, which will be the name that is primarily visible across the student information system. In evaluating and processing all name change requests, the university reserves the right to require adequate and appropriate documentation, as warranted. After a name change, a current student must obtain a new ISUCard; a replacement fee may apply.

Consumer Information

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to enrolled and prospective students, parents, employees, and the public. The consumer information policy is available at Students without electronic access can obtain the information from the Office of the Registrar, 214 Enrollment Services Center, 515-294-1840 or from the Office of Admissions, 100 Enrollment Services Center, 515-294-5836. A paper copy of the information will be provided upon request.