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Search Results for "AGEDS 2150"

AGEDS 2150: Professional Development in Agricultural Education and Studies: Career Seminar

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Prereq: Sophomore classification, credit or concurrent enrollment in AGEDS 1100 or ANS 1100 or AGRON 1100 or ECON 1100 or NREM 1100 or BIOL 1100 or HORT 1100 or SOC 1100 or FSHN 1100 or TSM 1100 or BUSAD 1020 or BUSAD 1030 or LAS 1010 or ENGR 1010
Career preparation including assessments, networking, interviewing skills and related life skill development. Survey of current issues in agriculture that impact career goals. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)