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Search Results for "COMST 4040"

COMST 4040: Research Seminar

(Dual-listed with COMST 5040).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits.

Prereq: COMST 3010 and 3 Credits in COMST 3100, COMST 3110, COMST 3130, COMST 3140, COMST 3170, COMST 3190, COMST 3250, COMST 3300, COMST 4500, or SP CM 3230
Capstone communication studies course. Students develop an original research study linked to the study of communication. Data are collected and analyzed. Results are presented in a final research paper and a presentation. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)