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Search Results for "JLMC 4990B"

JLMC 4990B: Professional Media Internship: Optional

(Cross-listed with ADVRT 4990B/ PR 4990B/ SMC 4990B).
Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: ([JLMC major; JLMC 1100; minimum of C+ in JLMC 3020 or JLMC 3030] or [ADVRT major; JLMC 1100; ADVRT 3010 or PR 3010; minimum of C+ in JLMC 2010] or [PR major; JLMC 1100; ADVRT 3010 or PR 3010; minimum of C+ in PR 3210] or [SMC major; minimum of C+ in JLMC 2010; SMC 3040 or SMC 3510]); Advisor Approval
Optional internship in the student's specialization. Assessment based on employer evaluations, student reports and faculty reviews. Available only to Greenlee School majors. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)