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Search Results for "WGS 4020"

WGS 4020: Feminist Research in Action

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: WGS 2010; WGS 3010
Feminist research methods and scholarship. Class collaborates on a community research and action project to improve women's lives. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Women's and Gender Studies
The Women’s and Gender Studies Program is a cross-disciplinary program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The program offers students opportunities to analyze issues concerning women, gender, and sexuality in diverse cultural contexts and to investigate a variety of disciplines from feminist perspectives. The field of women's and gender studies creates an understanding that interrelated factors--e.g., race, ethnicity, class, age, disability, gender identity, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation--inform knowledge of women’s history, culture, and social roles.