your adventure in

Interior Design

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The department offers the degrees Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Interior Design, Master of Arts (M.A.) in Interior Design, and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Interior Design.

BFA Interior Design

Emphasis is on the student's application of design processes to creatively solve problems of the interior environment based on knowledge of human safety, functional utility, and physical, psychological, and contextual fit. Graduates in interior design are competent in visual communication (sketching, drafting, and computer-aided design), design problem solving, space planning, lighting and color specification for interiors, finish and furniture selection, detailing interior construction, and application of human factors. The curriculum is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) as providing professional-level education.

Transfer students with studio credits from other colleges and universities must present a portfolio of work done in those courses to determine if these credits can be applied toward specific studio requirements. Students are required to present their portfolio upon admission and prior to registration for classes. Arrangements for this process must be made with department advisors.

Graduate Study

A 34-graduate-credit program is offered leading to the Master of Arts, for students planning to undertake professional or design research-oriented pursuits. (NOTE: Applicants without a previous undergraduate degree in interior design may be required to complete up to 40 additional credits of deficiency work).

A 60-graduate-credit post-professional graduate program is also offered leading to the degree Master of Fine Arts.

Note: This program of study is not offered as an additional major. It is only offered as a full degree program.

Student Learning Outcomes

All graduating students with a BFA in Interior Design will:

  • Develop an understanding of the design process to creatively solve a design problem and apply the design elements and principles to design solutions.
  • Communicate ideas and design solutions effectively in written, oral, and visual form, including presentations of studio-based work.
  • Collaborate in team-based projects with other students in interior design and work effectively in interdisciplinary teams, including an understanding of the role of interior designers in practice.
  • Apply research and theories to projects, including the evidence of human-centered design in the built environment; develop an appreciation of global cultures and the history of interiors, architecture, and art.
  • Demonstrate knowledge in the technical aspects of interior design, specifically in light and color, products and materials, environmental systems and human wellbeing, construction, and regulations and guidelines.