(Interdepartmental Graduate Major)
The Interdepartmental Plant Biology major (IPB) coordinates graduate education and research in the areas of plant biology including but not limited to plant biochemistry, plant cellular and molecular biology and plant physiology. Graduate study in IPB, leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees, is offered through eight participating departments: Agronomy, Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Genetics Development & Cell Biology, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology.
Research conducted by the faculty and students of the major represents both basic and applied aspects of plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology. The experimental approaches represented in the major span the range of complexity from molecular studies, to cellular, organismal and the ecological level (crop monocultures and natural populations). Graduates have a broad understanding of basic, functional plant biology with emphases on fundamental biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. They are able to address complex research and policy problems in agriculture, biotechnology, and basic plant biology.
M.S. Program
A total of 36 credits, which includes a minimum of 16 course credits and at least a B grade or better, are required for an M.S.
All M.S. candidates take a core curriculum comprising courses recommended from the following four categories, attend research seminars (PLBIO 6960), take research credits (PLBIO 6990 Research), and attend the annual Loomis Distinguished Lecture and mini-symposium and retreats. Students will take additional courses of interest as directed by their Program of Study (POS) Committee members.
| |
STAT 5101 | Statistical Methods for Data Analysis | 4 |
BBMB 3160 | Principles of Biochemistry | 3-6 |
or BBMB 4040 & BBMB 4050 | Biochemistry I and Biochemistry II |
or BBMB 5040 & BBMB 5050 | Amino Acids and Proteins and Bioenergetics and Metabolism |
GDCB 5130 | Plant Metabolism | 2 |
GDCB 5450 | Plant Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology | 3 |
GRST 5650 | Responsible Conduct of Research in Science and Engineering | 1 |
PLBIO 6960 | Research Seminar * | 1 |
PLBIO 6990 | Research | 1-30 |
| |
| Crop Physiology | |
| Genetic Strategies in Plant Breeding | |
| Plant Biochemistry | |
| Molecular Cell Signaling | |
| Nucleic Acid Structure and Function | |
| Plant Anatomy | |
| Plant Ecology | |
| Agrostology | |
| Molecular Phylogenetics | |
| Molecular Evolution | |
| Transmission Genetics | |
| Advanced Molecular Genetics | |
| Advances in Molecular Cell Biology | |
| Analysis of Gene Expression Data for the Biological Sciences | |
Ph.D. Program
A total of 72 credits, which includes a minimum of 24 course credits and at least a B grade or higher, are required for a Ph.D.
All Ph.D. candidates take a core curriculum comprising courses recommended from the following four categories, attend research seminars, research credits (PLBIO 6990 Research), annual Loomis Distinguished Lecture in Plant Biology and mini-symposium and retreats. Students will take additional courses of interest as directed by their Program of Study (POS) Committee members.
| |
STAT 5101 | Statistical Methods for Data Analysis | 4 |
BBMB 3160 | Principles of Biochemistry | 3-6 |
or BBMB 4040 & BBMB 4050 | Biochemistry I and Biochemistry II |
or BBMB 5040 & BBMB 5050 | Amino Acids and Proteins and Bioenergetics and Metabolism |
GDCB 5130 | Plant Metabolism | 2 |
GDCB 5450 | Plant Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology | 3 |
GRST 5650 | Responsible Conduct of Research in Science and Engineering | 1 |
PLBIO 6960 | Research Seminar * | 1 |
PLBIO 6990 | Research | 1-30 |
| |
| Transmission Genetics | |
| Advanced Molecular Genetics | |
| Plant Evolution and Phylogeny | |
| Molecular Evolution | |
| |
| Crop Physiology | |
| Genetic Strategies in Plant Breeding | |
| Plant Biochemistry | |
| Molecular Cell Signaling | |
| Nucleic Acid Structure and Function | |
| Plant Anatomy | |
| Plant Ecology | |
| Agrostology | |
| Molecular Phylogenetics | |
| Molecular Evolution | |
| Transmission Genetics | |
| Analysis of Gene Expression Data for the Biological Sciences | |
Requirements for students seeking a Minor in Plant Biology:
Ph.D. and M.S. candidates in other programs who desire a graduate minor in Plant Biology must take the required courses listed below, achieving a grade of B or better. One member of the student's POS committee must have IPB faculty membership.
| |
STAT 5101 | Statistical Methods for Data Analysis | 4 |
BBMB 4040 | Biochemistry I | 3 |
| |
| Crop Physiology | |
| Plant Anatomy | |
| Plant Metabolism | |
| Plant Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology | |
Expand all courses
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(Cross-listed with GDCB 5130).
Credits: 2. Contact Hours: Lecture 2.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Photosynthesis, respiration, and other aspects of plant metabolism. Offered even-numbered years.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
(Cross-listed with MCDB 5450/ GDCB 5450).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Plant nuclear and organelle genomes; regulation of gene expression; hormone signaling; organization, function, and development of plant cells and subcellular structures; regulation of plant growth and development. Offered odd-numbered years.
(Typically Offered: Fall)
Courses for graduate students:
(Cross-listed with AGRON 6960/ BBMB 6960/ FOR 6960/ GDCB 6960/ HORT 6960).
Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.
Research seminars by faculty and graduate students. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.