Any experimental courses offered by EL PS can be found at: registrar.iastate.edu/faculty-staff/courses/explistings/
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
Cr. 1-3. F.S.SS.
Prereq: EL PS 620
Supervised field experience in equity and social justice inside/outside higher education.
Courses for graduate students:
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 1. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Admission to educational leadership doctoral program
Cr. 3. F.S.
Prereq: 4 credits of EL PS 615
This experience is designed to explore a topic addressed in one of the thematic seminars. The product of the capstone experience is a written paper of sufficient quality to be submitted to a scholarly journal for review.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Introduction to social justice theory, research, and practice from a variety of theoretical perspectives in the context of education and broader society.
(Cross-listed with WGS). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: EL PS 620
Critical examination of the theoretical foundations of contemporary and historical pedagogical traditions that seek to challenge the status quo, expand justice, and deepen democracy.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: EL PS 620
Critically probes the philosophical and historical foundations of anti/post-colonial theory. Examination of policy, social, theoretical and educational issues from an anti/post-colonial perspective.
(3-0) Cr. 3. SS.
Exploration of the central tenets of critical race theory. Examination of policy, social and educational issues from a critical race perspective.
(3-0) Cr. 3. SS.
Exploration of gender and sexuality in education.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: EL PS 621
An examination of how changes in the interest of social justice have occurred historically in education. Exploration of social movements and theories of social change.
Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: Advanced graduate standing
Introduction to current theoretical, practical, and research-based policy debates related to the P-20 educational system. Critical analysis and evaluation of government policies, initiatives, funding, and other regulatory levers related to education. Intensive reading and discussion of the nature of theory, evidence, practice of education policy.