Any experimental courses offered by NUTRS can be found at: registrar.iastate.edu/faculty-staff/courses/explistings/
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(4-0) Cr. 4. F.
Prereq: Credit or enrollment in BBMB 404 or BBMB 420
Integration of the molecular, cellular, and physiologic aspects of energy, macronutrient, and micronutrient metabolism in mammalian systems. Survey course that includes interactions among nutrients (dietary carbohydrate, fiber, lipid, protein, vitamins, and minerals) and non-nutrients, metabolic consequences of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, relevant polymorphisms, and major research methodologies.
(2-0) Cr. 2. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: Undergraduate: consent of instructor; Graduate: NUTRS 501
Principles regarding the development of adipose tissue and its role in energy balance, and will focus considerably on endocrine and immune actions of the adipocyte. Course material will be in lecture format, including handouts and selected journal articles. Students will be asked to lead critical discussions of key research findings as summary material for a given topic. Species differences will be highlighted, particularly as they relate to research models.
(1-0) Cr. 1. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: graduate standing; undergraduate with consent of instructor
Discussion of epigenetic regulation of gene expression and the role that nutrition plays in this process. Examination of current research literature to understand how different nutrients and physiological states influence epigenetics, as well as, the research methodology used to address these relations.
(1-0) Cr. 1. SS.
Prereq: Permission of instructor
(Cross-listed with TOX). (1-0) Cr. 1. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: BBMB 404 and BBMB 405 or BBMB 420
Principles of cancer biology and cancer etiology will be integrated with the impacts of diet on cancer development and prevention. Contributions of research with humans, animals, cultured cells and cell free systems will be included. The importance of dietary contaminants, macronutrients and micronutrients will be examined with an emphasis on the strength of the evidence and mechanisms of action.
(Cross-listed with B M S, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Sessions in basic molecular biology techniques and related procedures.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.S.
Includes genetic engineering procedures, sequencing, PCR, and genotyping.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. S.SS.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Techniques. Includes: fermentation, protein isolation, protein purification, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, NMR, confocal microscopy and laser microdissection, Immunophenotyping, and monoclonal antibody production. Sessions in basic molecular biology techniques and related procedures.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.S.
Includes: immunophenotyping, ELISA, flow cytometry, microscopic techniques, image analysis, confocal, multiphoton and laser capture microdissection.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. S.
Includes: Agrobacterium and particle gun-mediated transformation of tobacco, Arabidopsis, and maize, and analysis of tranformants.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.
Includes: two-dimensional electrophoresis, laser scanning, mass spectrometry, and database searching.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.
Includes: metabolomics and the techniques involved in metabolite profiling. For non-chemistry majoring students who are seeking analytical aspects into their biological research projects.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with B M S, BBMB, EEOB, FS HN, GDCB, HORT, NREM, V MPM, VDPAM). Cr. 1. Repeatable. S.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with AN S, KIN). (4-0) Cr. 4. F.
Prereq: recommended: an undergraduate physiology course and a biochemistry course
Overview of mammalian physiology. Cell biology, endocrinology, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, digestive, skeletal muscle and reproductive systems.
(4-0) Cr. 4. F.
Prereq: FS HN 360, FS HN 361, FS HN 367, BIOL 256 and 256L or BIOL 306 or BIOL 335
(Dual listed with FS HN 461.) Pathophysiology of selected chronic disease states and their associated medical problems. Specific attention will be directed to medical nutrition needs of patients in the treatment of each disease state.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: FS HN 265 or FS HN 360; FS HN 366 recommended
Dual listed with FS HN 463. Survey of current public health nutrition problems among nutritionally vulnerable individuals and groups. Discussion of the multidimensional nature of those problems and of community programs addressing them. Grant writing as a means for funding community nutrition program development. Significant emphasis on written and oral communication at the lay and professional level. Field trip.
(3-0) Cr. 3-4. S.
Prereq: FS HN 360, FS HN 461, or NUTRS 561.
(Dual listed with FS HN 464.) Pathophysiology of selected acute and chronic disease states and their associated medical problems. Specific attention will be directed to medical nutrition needs of patients in the treatment of each disease state.
(Cross-listed with DIET, FS HN). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: B.S. in nutrition, dietetics, biology, or related discipline.
Understanding of basic cancer biology and methodology used to study nutrition and cancer relationships. Using current research as a basis, the role of nutrition in specific cancers will be explored. Students will learn about sources of information for cancer prevention programs, and how to apply this information to clinical patient management.
Courses for graduate students:
(Cross-listed with AN S). Cr. 2. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: Biochemistry, physiology, basic nutrition
Understanding molecular aspects of vitamin and mineral metabolism and homeostasis in humans and animals. An in-depth examination of the chemistry of vitamins and minerals, including genetic mutations, proteins involved in absorption and excretion, and their necessity in biological processes.
(Cross-listed with AN S). (2-0) Cr. 2.
Prereq: BBMB 405
Digestion, absorption, and intermediary metabolism of amino acids and protein. Regulation of protein synthesis and degradation. Integration of cellular biochemistry and physiology of mammalian protein metabolism.
(Cross-listed with AN S). (2-0) Cr. 2. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: BBMB 405
Energy constituents of feedstuffs and energy needs of animals as related to cellular biochemistry and physiology. Interpretations of classical and current research.
Cr. R. Repeatable. F.
Current concepts in nutrition and related fields. Required for all graduate students in nutrition.
Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.
(Cross-listed with FS HN). (1-0) Cr. 1. F.
Prereq: 3 credits of graduate course work in food science and/or nutritional sciences
Grant proposal preparation experiences including writing and critiquing of proposals and budget planning. Understanding the grand funding process from federal, foundation, and commodity agencies. Includes preparing a grant for possible submission and participation in the review of proposals. Discussion of the role of successful grant writing in career development.
Cr. arr. F.S.SS.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.