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This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

COM S 227: Object-oriented Programming

(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Credit or Enrollment in MATH 143 or higher; recommended: a previous high school or college course in programming or equivalent experience.
Computer programming using objects as the mechanism for modularity, abstraction, and code reuse. Instance variables, methods, and encapsulation. Review of control structures for conditionals and iteration. Developing algorithms on strings, arrays, and lists. Recursion, searching, and sorting. Text parsing and file I/O. Interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstract classes. Exception handling. Tools for unit testing and debugging. Emphasis on a disciplined approach to specification, code development, and testing. Course intended for Com S majors. Credit may not be applied toward graduation for both Com S 207 and 227.

Computer Science

The undergraduate curriculum in Computer Science leading to the Bachelor of Science degree is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, . This degree equips students with a sound knowledge of the foundations of Computer Science as well as problem solving and system design skills necessary to create robust, efficient, reliable, scalable, and flexible software systems. The B.S. degree in Computer Science prepares students for graduate study in Computer Science and for various business, industry, and government positions including computer scientists, information technologists, and software developers.  The main educational objectives of the Computer Science program at Iowa State University are that its graduates demonstrate expertise, engagement, and learning within three to five years after graduation.

Entry Level Courses lectures and recitations. For example, COM S 227 Introduction to Object-oriented Programming is...

Information About Courses

...time devoted to lectures. For example, COM S 227 Object-oriented Programming is listed as...