Dean of Students Office
1010 Student Services Building
(515) 294-1020
The Dean of Students Office (DSO) at Iowa State University uses an integrated approach to support student-centered learning through personal, community and academic development culminating in a transformative experience. Reporting through the Division of Student Affairs, the DSO provides numerous opportunities for students to engage in learning beyond the classroom. The sixteen departments that comprise the DSO collaborate to create and support a common community experience for Iowa State University students. Our common goal across all areas within the DSO is to support student success.
Helping Cyclones Succeed
Vernon Hurte, Ph.D. ̶ Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
For more information see the individual DSO department web sites.
Academic Success Center
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center
(515) 294-6624
Center for LGBTQIA+ Student Success
3224 Memorial Union
(515) 294-5433
Hixson Opportunity Awards
1080 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center
(515) 294-6479
International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO)
3241 Memorial Union
(515) 294-1120
Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity
205 Sloss House
(515) 294-4154
Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA)
2080 Student Services Building
(515) 294-6338
National Student Exchange (NSE)
1080 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center
(515) 294-6479
Parent and Family Programs
1010 Student Services Building
(515) 294-6054
Sorority and Fraternity Engagement
0355 Memorial Union
(515) 294-1023
Student Accessibility Services
1076 Student Services Building
(515) 294-7220
Student Assistance
1010 Student Services Building
(515) 294-1020
Student Conduct
1010 Student Services Building
(515) 294-1020
Student Legal Services
0367 Memorial Union
(515) 294-0978
Student Support Services Program
2010 Student Services Building
(515) 294-0120
Veterans Center
3540 Memorial Union
(515) 294-9801
Writing & Media Center
208 Carver Hall
(515) 294-8889
Student Counseling Service
Director of Counseling: Dr. Chris Hanes
The Student Counseling Service (SCS) assists students in enhancing their academic success and personal well-being with a staff of professional psychologists and counselors. Services are available to help students sort through their feelings, strengths, and options to develop new perspectives and coping skills.
Services include:
One-on-one counseling for any issue of personal concern, such as depression, anxiety, stress management, relationship issues, identity issues, and other forms of personal challenge. Students may also receive therapeutic services to deal with more severe mental health issues.
Couples counseling for ISU students and their partners during times of relationship difficulty.
Eating disorders assessment and treatment for students concerned with eating or body image issues. Students receiving treatment for eating disorders might also work with physicians, nutritionists, and personal trainers as their needs require.
Substance abuse assessments to help students determine the nature and extent of their alcohol or other drug use and the impact of this use on their well being. Counselors offer recommendations and referrals for any concerns identified through the assessment.
Career counseling to assist students having difficulty choosing a major or making decisions about their future after college.
Group counseling is offered to facilitate personal growth and social skills learning. A list of the current semester's groups is available on the SCS web site.
A variety of outreach programs are also available.
Counseling services are offered at no cost to ISU students. However, a nominal fee for testing may be required. Nominal fees are also charged for uncancelled missed appointments. Counseling is strictly confidential. SCS staff will not release any information to anyone outside of the Student Counseling Service without the written permission of the client unless an imminent harm condition exists.
In addition to providing counseling and outreach services to students, SCS provides training and consultation to faculty and staff to assist them in addressing the psychological needs of students.
SCS hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Student Counseling Service phone number is 515-294-5056.
Thielen Student Health Center
Thielen Student Health Center is a full-service medical clinic in Ames, Iowa, that specializes in students. The clinic is staffed with physicians, advanced registered nurse practitioners and nurses. The medical team is available to care for your primary health care needs.
The clinic offers a full range of medical services including illness and injury care, women's health, allergy and travel care, immunizations, mental health care, laboratory and x-ray services, physical therapy and a full-service pharmacy. After hour service is available for urgent or emergency problems at McFarland Urgent Care Clinic or Mary Greeley Medical Center Emergency Room.
The Prevention Services department provides campus-wide leadership for a comprehensive approach to reduce health risks for students. In collaboration with our campus and community partners, they strive to foster a healthy campus environment and support the academic success of our students. Areas of focus include high-risk drinking and sexual and interpersonal violence.
The mission of the Thielen Student Health Center is to promote the optimal health of our university community by providing high quality, accessible, affordable and accountable health care that encompasses prevention, wellness and education and to support the academic success of the Iowa State University students while building healthy habits for a lifetime.
We provide an inclusive, non-judgmental environment for our diverse student body and are conveniently located on the corner of Sheldon Avenue and Union Drive, right across from State Gym.
Student Health receives no funding from the state of Iowa and relies on the health fee for approximately 50% of its operating budget. Please note that the health fee is not health insurance. All students are encouraged to maintain adequate health insurance coverage while enrolled at Iowa State University. Those taking 4 or fewer credits may still access services by paying the health fee. Spouses/domestic partners of students who opt to pay the health fee also have access to services.
Clinic hours:
Monday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-12 noon. Hours vary during breaks and summer session. Patients are seen by appointment. Please call 515-294-5801.
The University Library
Dean of the Library Services: Beth McNeil
General Information (515) 294-3642
The University Library provides extensive research collections, services and information literacy instruction/information for all students. Facilities consist of the main Parks Library, the Veterinary Medical Library, Design Reading Room, and a remote library storage building.
The library's extensive collections include electronic and print resources that support research and study for all undergraduate and graduate programs. Nationally recognized collections support the basic and applied fields of biological and physical sciences. Library holdings include more than 2,858,448 volumes and approximately 121,125 current serial titles. The library has access to 447,689 electronic books.
The library's instruction program includes an undergraduate information literacy course as well as a wide variety of subject-based seminars on effective use of library resources for undergraduate and graduate students.
The library website provides access to local and web-based resources including electronic journals and books, local collections, online indexes, electronic course reserves and guides, and a broad range of subject research guides. Assistance in using this vast body of electronic resources is available at the Help Desk on the first floor, on the library website through the Ask Us! link, and through individually arranged appointments with librarian liaisons. The Digital Repository @ Iowa State provides free, public access to the research and scholarship of Iowa State's faculty, students and staff.
A limited number of semiprivate study rooms available for graduate students, intended for research and other scholarly activities that require extensive use of library material, are available. Parks Library has group study rooms, multi-media production studios, a presentation room and collaborative multi-media study areas. The library has over 232 public computers and a laptop checkout program with over 100 Apple and Windows laptops, iPads, Apple Pencils, and iPad chargers that may be checked out from the Tech Lending room (Rm 117 Parks Library). Also located in Parks Library - ITS Solution Center, Online Learning Hub, and The Bookends Café.
Career Services Offices
Agriculture and Life Sciences: 15 Curtiss Hall
Business: 1320 Gerdin Business Building
Design: 297 College of Design
Engineering: 4th Floor Memorial Union
Graduate Business: 1360 Gerdin Business Building
Human Sciences: 131 MacKay Hall
Liberal Arts and Sciences: 131 Carver Hall
Veterinary Medicine: 2270A Veterinary Medicine Complex
Career Services is a coordinated network of career services offices offering a broad range of programs and services for undergraduate, professional, and graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, and employers. These services include career exploration, career development, experiential learning, and professional career search assistance programs. The goal is to provide constituents with life-long skills to assist with career development and exploration.
Programs and services are offered including online registration, position listing and interview scheduling; résumé referral; coordination of co-op and internship programs; workshops and seminars on career exploration, résumé preparation, letter writing, job search techniques, interview skills, applying to graduate and professional schools, and adjusting to the first job.
Each year career services sponsors multiple career fairs, which bring to the ISU campus hundreds of employers. The career services offices also coordinate on-campus interview opportunities. Each college career services office serves as a point of entry for students, alumni, and employers to the entire ISU network of coordinated, decentralized career services.
In addition to the college-based career services offices, the Career Exploration Service provides a variety of services to students who are unsure about their major or future career path. Students can work one-on-one with a trained career counselor, use the many books and electronic resources in the Career Exploration Center, or enroll in UST 104, Personal Career Development.
Additional information on career services is available at http://www.career.iastate.edu/.
Child Care
Child Care Administration, a unit of Human Resource Services, supports Iowa State University families by linking them with programs and services that can help meet their child care needs. The university child care coordinator is available to assist families in accessing services available both on the campus and in the community.
Child care programs located on campus include:
Center for Child Care Resources: Assistance in locating campus and community child care services, 100 University Village, Suite 1010, 515-294-8833 or 1-800-437-8599
University Community Childcare, Family Resource Center, 100 University Village, 515-294-9838
The Comfort Zone: Childcare for kids who don't feel so good, 100 University Village, 515-294-3333.
Flex-Care: Part time care for children of ISU students, 100 University Village, 515-294-9838.
University Child Care Center at Veterinary Medicine, 1700 Christensen Drive, 515-294-2273.
ISU Child Development Laboratory School, Palmer HDFS Building, 515-294-3040.
For more information about child care options, contact the university child care coordinator at 515-294-8827.