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Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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The interdepartmental undergraduate BPM I major is designed for students who want to combine their interests and aptitudes in science and art. Based on the theme of Communicating Science Through Art, the major prepares students for careers in biological visualization/illustration or for graduate education in medical visualization/illustration. Graduates enter fields such as biocommunications, environmental display design, freelance illustration, UX/UI and museum display design, creative technologies, instructional design, and various careers in the publishing, research and education, and visual communication industries.

Student Learning Outcomes

Throughout its over 35-year existence, the underlying philosophy of BPM I has been to emphasize both art and science; students take approximately equal credit hours in the two major areas. Another important guiding principle has been visual thinking and problem-solving, and a third is maintaining student proficiency in a wide range of visual communication methods and technologies so they have the skill to choose the most effective tools for a given communication objective. Upon completion of the BPM I Program, graduates will:

  • implement effective academic research methods and concept development processes for producing meaningful educational visual solutions
  • demonstrate advanced science knowledge in a science focus area of choice (for example, pre-medical, or non-medical areas of life and earth science)
  • demonstrate the ability to deconstruct and visualize complex science in order to create accessible, accurate, aesthetic, and meaningful visual representations, including diagrammatic, realistic, and symbolic, for a range of outputs (print, modeled, online, mobile)
  • implement interdisciplinary thinking in team-based and independent projects
  • flexibly adapt to new technology and communication challenges
  • showcase and analyze works by articulating key visual elements in formal presentations, in written and oral format, and during assessments and critiques
  • demonstrate effective use of design principles, problem solving skills, and visual organization
  • demonstrate career-readiness and professional practice competencies
  • exhibit an academic trajectory for engaging in life-long learning

Entrance Requirements

Entrance into the BPM I program is by application to the BPM I Advisory Committee. Eligibility is based on an academic standard of at least 2.00 cumulative GPA on 30 credits of university level work and a consideration of artistic ability as demonstrated through submission of a portfolio of representative drawings or other art work. Freshman and transfer students usually declare pre-BPM I as their major while satisfying the conditions for entrance into the major, although other majors can be declared.

Degree Requirements

The information below outlines the specific requirements for a BA degree in Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration (BPM I). There are four components to a degree in BPM I:

  • Liberal arts general education
  • Science core and advanced courses
  • Art core and advanced courses
  • Electives

Part 1. College Requirements

a. Communication Proficiency Requirements

ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communication (grade of C or better)3
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition (grade of C or better)3
LIB 160Introduction to College Level Research1
Choose one course from the following:3
Business Communication
Creative Writing: Playwriting
Two semesters of college-level world language0-8
Students with 3 years in high school world language are exempt
Total Credits10-18

B. Liberal Arts and Sciences Requirements*

Arts and Humanities **12
Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines
MATH 104Introduction to Probability3-4
or MATH 140 College Algebra
or MATH 143 Preparation for Calculus
or MATH 165 Calculus I
or STAT 101 Principles of Statistics
or STAT 104 Introduction to Statistics
or COM S 107 Windows Application Programming
or more advanced
CHEM 163
College Chemistry
and Laboratory in College Chemistry
or CHEM 177
General Chemistry I
and Laboratory in General Chemistry I
CHEM 231
Elementary Organic Chemistry
and Laboratory in Elementary Organic Chemistry
Social Sciences ***9
Total Credits33-34

Choose courses to meet International Perspectives & US Diversity requirements


Consider HIST 280, HIST 281; ART H 280, ART H 281; DSN S 183



Part 2. Course Requirements for Major in BPM I (continued in Part 3)

A. Biological Sciences Core

LAS 293DSpecial Projects: General (F.)1
or LAS 101 Orientation for Open Option and Preprofessional Students
BIOL 211
Principles of Biology I
and Principles of Biology Laboratory I (F.S.)
BIOL 212
Principles of Biology II
and Principles of Biology Laboratory II (F.S.)
BIOL 255
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
and Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory
or BIOL 256
Fundamentals of Human Physiology
and Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory
or BIOL 313
Principles of Genetics
and Genetics Laboratory
or BIOL 335
Principles of Human and Other Animal Physiology
and Principles of Human and Other Animal Physiology Laboratory
or BIOL 350 Comprehensive Human Anatomy
or BIOL 351 Comparative Chordate Anatomy
or BIOL 365 Vertebrate Biology
Note: BIOL 350, 351 and 365 courses include labwork.
BIOL 356Dendrology3-4
or BIOL 366 Plant Systematics
or BIOL 451 Plant Evolution and Phylogeny
or BIOL 454 Plant Anatomy
GEOL 102
History of the Earth
and History of the Earth: Laboratory
or BIOL 312 Ecology
or BIOL 315 Biological Evolution
Total Credits19-22

B. Art Core

DSN S 131Drawing I (F.S.)4
ARTIS 230Drawing II (F.S.)3
ARTIS 233Watercolor Painting (F.S.)3
ARTIS 308Computer Modeling, Rendering and Virtual Photography (F.S.)3
ARTIS 330Drawing III: Life Drawing (F.S.)3
BPM I 323Scientific Illustration Principles and Techniques (F.)3
BPM I 326Illustration and Illustration Software (S.)3
BPM I 327Illustration as Communication (F.)3
BPM I 337Application of Scientific Illustration Techniques (S.)3
BPM I 497Illustration Internship1
Total Credits29

Beyond the core preparation, students must take 9 credits in the advanced science area and 12 credits in the advanced art area. The courses acceptable in these areas follow. Other courses in art and biological science may be acceptable. See BPM I advisors and/or the BPM I Advisory Committee.

C. Advanced Art Area

Select 12 total credits from below. At least 6 credits must be studio classes. Some courses can be considered either pre-med illustration or general art; speak with your advisor for guidance.
Pre-Med Illustration Area
ARCH 335Three-Dimensional Studio3
ARTIS 330Drawing III: Life Drawing3
ARTIS 408Principles of 3D Animation3
ARTIS 430Drawing IV (F.S.)3
ARTIS 431Character and Scene Design3
ARTIS 432Sequential Narrative Drawing3
ARTIS 475Interactive Art3
ARTIS 482Selected Topics in Studio Art1-3
BPM I 323Scientific Illustration Principles and Techniques3
BPM I 326Illustration and Illustration Software3
BPM I 337Application of Scientific Illustration Techniques3
BPM I 490Independent Study1-3
BPM I 491Portfolio Design and Professional Development (S.)2
BPM I 494Special Topics in Illustration1-3
General Art Area
ARTIS 213Studio Fundamentals: Painting (F.S.)2
ARTIS 227Introduction to Creative Digital Photography3
ARTIS 238Painting I (F.S.)3
ARTIS 329Creative Photography3
ARTIS 338Painting II3
ARTIS 356Relief Printmaking: Digital/Traditional3-4
ARTIS 357Intaglio and Monotype Printmaking: Digital / Traditional3-4
ARTIS 358Lithography: Digital / Traditional3
ARTIS 407Principles of Character Animation3
ARTIS 409Computer/Video Game Design and Development3
ARTIS 438Painting III (F.S.)3
ARTIS 473Video Art3
BPM I 395Field Illustration (S.SS.)1-3
BPM I 406XIntroduction to 3D Organic Modeling in ZBrush3
BPM I 470XData, Code, and Form3
JL MC 306Broadcast Media Production (F.S.)3
JL MC 315Digital Storytelling (F.S.)3
STAT 332Visual Communication of Quantitative Information3

D. Advanced Science Area

Select 9 credits total from below.
Pre-Med Illustration Science Area - required/recommended courses by most graduate schools
BBMB 316Principles of Biochemistry (F.)3
BIOL 313Principles of Genetics (F.S.SS.)3
BIOL 314Principles of Molecular Cell Biology (F.S.)3
BIOL 335Principles of Human and Other Animal Physiology (S.)3
BIOL 352Vertebrate Histology (S.)4
BIOL 423Developmental Biology (S.)3
B M S 329Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals (S.)3
B M S 448Principles of Human Gross Anatomy (S.)4
GEN 340Human Genetics (F.S.SS.)3
General Science Area
A ECL 321Fish Biology (S.)3
A ECL 366Natural History of Iowa Vertebrates (S.)3
A ECL 457Herpetology (F.)2
A ECL 458Ornithology (S.)2
A ECL 459Mammalogy (S.)2
ANTHR 307Biological Anthropology (S.)3
ANTHR 319Skeletal Biology (F.)3
ANTHR 424Forensic Anthropology (S.)3
BBMB 301Survey of Biochemistry (S.SS.)3
BIOL 312Ecology (F.SS. )4
BIOL 255
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
and Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory
BIOL 256
Fundamentals of Human Physiology
and Fundamentals of Human Physiology Laboratory
BIOL 313LGenetics Laboratory (F.S.)1
BIOL 315Biological Evolution (F.S.)3
BIOL 328Molecular and Cellular Biology of Human Diseases (F.)3
BIOL 336Ecological and Evolutionary Animal Physiology3
BIOL 350Comprehensive Human Anatomy (F.)4
BIOL 346XHuman Physiology for Health Assessment (plus 346L)
BIOL 351Comparative Chordate Anatomy5
BIOL 353Introductory Parasitology (S.)3
BIOL 354Animal Behavior (F.)3
BIOL 355Plants and People (S.)3
BIOL 356Dendrology (F.)3
BIOL 364Invertebrate Biology (F)3-4
BIOL 365Vertebrate Biology (F.)4
BIOL 366Plant Systematics (S.)4
BIOL 393North American Field Trips in Biology1-4
BIOL 394International Field Trips in Biology1-4
BIOL 402Introduction to Pathology (F.)3
BIOL 430Principles of Plant Physiology3
BIOL 436Neurobiology (F.)3
BIOL 451Plant Evolution and Phylogeny4
BIOL 454Plant Anatomy (F.)4
BIOL 455Bryophyte and Lichen Biodiversity3
BIOL 456Principles of Mycology (F.)3
BIOL 474Plant Ecology (S.)3
BIOL 488Identification of Aquatic Organisms (F.S.)1
BPM I 395Field Illustration (S.SS.)1-3
DS 201Introduction to Data Science3
DS 202Data Acquisition and Exploratory Data Analysis3
ENT 370Insect Biology (F.)3
ENT 374Insects and Our Health (S.)3
GEOL 102History of the Earth3
GEOL 103Age of Dinosaurs1
GEOL 108Introduction to Oceanography3
GEOL 111Geological Disasters1
GEOL 140Climate and Society3
GEOL 160Water Resources of the World3
GEOL 324Energy and the Environment3
GEOL 412Micropaleontology3
GEOL 415Paleoclimatology3
MICRO 302Biology of Microorganisms (F.S.SS.)3
MICRO 302LMicrobiology Laboratory (F.S.)1
MICRO 310Medical Microbiology (F.)3
MTEOR 206Introduction to Weather and Climate3
MTEOR 360Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions3
MTEOR 404Global Change3
NREM 301Natural Resource Ecology and Soils (F.)4
NREM 330Principles of Interpretation (S.)3
PSYCH 310Brain and Behavior (F.S.)3
V PTH 401Basics of Medical Terminology (F.)1

 As majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration students must meet College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University-wide requirements for graduation in addition to those stated above for the major.

LAS majors require a minimum of 120 credits, including a minimum of 45 credits at the 300/400 level. You must also complete the LAS world language requirement and career proficiency requirement.

Students in all ISU majors must complete a three-credit course in U.S. diversity and a three-credit course in international perspectives. Check ( for a list of approved courses. Discuss with your advisor how the two courses that you select can be applied to your graduation plan.

Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration, B.A.
120 minimum credits required.

LAS 1011LIB 1601Prepare application for BPMI entry / apply during second year 
ENGL 1503Humanities3Consider taking a science course over the summer 
CHEM 1634BIOL 2123 
CHEM 163L1BIOL 212L1 
BIOL 2113ARTIS 2303 
BIOL 211L1Soc Sci Choice3 
DSN S 1314CHEM 231 & 231L or STAT or MATH3-4 
 17 17-18 0
Foreign Lang. or Humanities (ART 280)3-4For Lang or Social Sci3-4Consider study abroad, or attending summer AMI / GNSI Conferences and enrolling in Art/Science/Techniques Workshops or Iowa Lakeside Lab to take advanced biology courses 
CHEM 231 & 231L or STAT or MATH3-4BPM I 3263Consider conducting BPMI 497 Internship over the summer 
BPM I 3233ARTIS 3303 
ENGL 2503Humanities3 
Science Core Course3-4Science Core Course3-4 
LAS 2031  
 16-19 15-17 0
BPM I 3273BPM I 3373Work with BPMI Advisory Committee to fine tune/plan senior portfolio 
Advanced Science or Science Core Course3-4Science Core Course or Advanced Science3-4If planning to attend graduate school, take GRE over the summer, or at the latest in the fall, and prepare up to 20 portfolio pieces for submission over the summer and fine tune in the fall 
ARTIS 3083Soc Sci3 
Humanities or Social Sci3ARTIS 2333 
Advanced Science or Art3Humanities and Advanced Art3 
 Consider taking BPMI 491, Portfolio Design and Professional Development, to begin preparing for post-graduation steps  
 15-16 15-16 0
Advanced Science3-5Advanced Science3-4 
Advanced Art3-6Advanced Art3-6 
Humanities/Social Elective3Humanities/Social Sci/Elective3-6 
BPMI 4971Advance English or Elective (ENGL 302 through ENGL 316 count as Advanced English)3 
Advanced English or Elective2-3  
 12-18 12-19


A minor in biological/pre-medical illustration is offered. A minimum of 17 credits must be taken, including 8 credits in biological science courses and 9 credits in art and design courses. The minor must include at least 9 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.

The biological sciences must include:

BIOL 211Principles of Biology I3
BIOL 211LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory I1
BIOL 212Principles of Biology II3
BIOL 212LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory II1

The art and design courses must include:

BPM I 323Scientific Illustration Principles and Techniques3
BPM I 337Application of Scientific Illustration Techniques3
Advanced drawing, illustration, electronic media or painting course3

For more information, contact the BPM I advisor or view the website listed above.