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This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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Offered by the Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences.

The Bachelor of Science Major in Meteorology: The study of meteorology involves the description of the earth’s atmosphere and the processes responsible for its behavior. Students majoring in Meteorology earn a bachelor of science. The major satisfies guidelines specified by the American Meteorological Society and meets education requirements for employment with the National Weather Service and the World Meteorological Organization. Successful preparation for professional or graduate work in Meteorology requires that the student develop and integrate a diverse range of skills and knowledge bases. These include weather observing, the physics and dynamics of the global atmosphere, application of new weather technologies, advanced mathematical tools, computer programming and modeling, and effective oral and written communication. The faculty view the senior thesis (MTEOR 499 Senior Research), in particular, as a capstone experience in which students demonstrate they have achieved this integration. Also, contemporary meteorology is an earth-system science with ties to a variety of human experiences. The electives and general education requirements of the college are further experiences that the meteorology student must integrate with their core meteorology knowledge in order to function effectively in a globally-oriented profession.

Meteorology as an Additional Major: The Meteorology program allows students in academic programs with affinity to meteorology to complete an additional major in meteorology through an accelerated pathway. Students earning a BS degree in electrical or aerospace engineering who complete the designated Meteorology coursework of at least 25 credit hours can earn an additional major in Meteorology. Students should work closely with their advisors in each department to ensure that all requirements are met. Please review the information on the department website or contact the current program head for more information and sample four-year plans to earn an additional major in Meteorology.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to think critically;
  • Exhibit a broad understanding of atmospheric systems and processes;
  • Demonstrate scientific literacy and its application to scientific inquiry and societal concerns;
  • Demonstrate proficiency in data collection, management, and analysis including understanding sources of error and/or uncertainty;
  • Read and critically evaluate relevant literature and information;
  • Use appropriate tools from chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and data science to solve discipline-specific problems;
  • Present information effectively in written and oral forms;
  • Work in a team environment in alignment with the ISU principles of community;
  • Work independently;
  • Attain employment in meteorology, atmospheric science or related fields, or pursue graduate studies.

Degree Requirements

The program requires the following courses:

MTEOR 111Synoptic Applications1
MTEOR 201Introductory SeminarR
MTEOR 206Introduction to Weather and Climate3
MTEOR 227Computational Meteorology I3
MTEOR 301General Meteorology4
MTEOR 311Introduction to Synoptic Meteorology2
MTEOR 341Atmospheric Physics I3
MTEOR 342Atmospheric Physics II3
MTEOR 399Writing for Research2
MTEOR 411Synoptic Meteorology3
MTEOR 417Mesoscale Forecasting Laboratory3
MTEOR 432Instrumentation and Measurements3
MTEOR 443Dynamic Meteorology I3
MTEOR 454Dynamic Meteorology II3
MTEOR 499Senior Research2
Total Credits38

An additional 9 credits must be chosen from:

MTEOR 402Watershed Hydrology3
MTEOR 404Global Change3
MTEOR 405Soil-Plant-Animal-Atmosphere Physics3
MTEOR 406World Climates3
MTEOR 407Mesoscale Meteorology3
MTEOR 416Hydrologic Modeling and Analysis3
MTEOR 435Radar Applications in Meteorology3
MTEOR 440Tropical Meteorology3
MTEOR 452Climate Modeling3
MTEOR 489Survey of Remote Sensing Technologies3
MTEOR 489LSatellite Remote Sensing Laboratory1
MTEOR 490Independent Study1-3
GEOL 415Paleoclimatology3
GEOL 452Intro GIS for Geoscientists3
C E 372Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulics3

Supporting work is required in areas at least equivalent to:

One of the following sequences5
College Chemistry
and Laboratory in College Chemistry
General Chemistry I
and Laboratory in General Chemistry I
PHYS 231
Introduction to Classical Physics I
and Introduction to Classical Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 232Introduction to Classical Physics II4
MATH 165Calculus I4
MATH 166Calculus II4
MATH 265Calculus III4
MATH 266Elementary Differential Equations3
STAT 305Engineering Statistics3
SP CM 212Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
Total Credits35

A grade of C or better (not C-) is required in each of the following courses to meet minimum graduation requirements for a bachelor of science degree in Meteorology:

MTEOR 206Introduction to Weather and Climate3
MTEOR 301General Meteorology4

Several co-op programs are available for upper-division undergraduates. Although a range of opportunities exists for men and women who terminate their studies with a bachelor of science, students who meet the necessary academic standards are encouraged to continue their studies in a graduate program. For these students, additional coursework is recommended in mathematics or physical science. Other students can choose a wide range of supporting courses that will contribute to their particular area of interest in meteorology.

Communication Proficiency requirement: According to the university-wide Communication Proficiency Grade Requirement, students must demonstrate their communication proficiency by earning a grade of C or better in ENGL 250. 

ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
or ENGL 250H Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition: Honors
MTEOR 399Writing for Research2
MTEOR 499Senior Research2

As majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Climate Science students must meet College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University-wide requirements for graduation in addition to those stated above for the major.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) majors require a minimum of 120 credits, including a minimum of 45 credits at the 300/400 level. You must also complete the Communication Proficiency, LAS world language requirements, and LAS career proficiency requirement. Six semesters of one foreign language in high school satisfies the World Language requirement.

Students in all ISU majors must complete a 3-credit course in U.S. diversity and a 3-credit course in international perspectives. Discuss with your advisor how the two courses that you select can be applied to address general education requirements. Check for a list of approved courses at:

Four Year Plans

These plans are examples only; students should discuss their graduation plans with their advisor.

Path 1 for students prepared to start in calculus

MTEOR 1111MTEOR 1131
MTEOR 1121MTEOR 2063
MATH 1654MATH 1664
CHEM 163 or 17714PHYS 2314
CHEM 163L or 177L11PHYS 231L1
ENGL 1503Humanities/Social Science Choice3
LIB 1601 
 15 16
MTEOR 2273MATH 2663
ENGL 2503SP CM 2123
MATH 2654STAT 3053
PHYS 2324Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 LAS 2031
 14 17
MTEOR 3112MTEOR 3423
MTEOR 3413MTEOR 3992
MTEOR 4433MTEOR 4543
World Language/Elective3-4World Language/Elective3-4
Humanities/Social Science Choice3Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 14-15 17-18
MTEOR 4113MTEOR 4173
MTEOR 4992MTEOR 4323
Meteorology Elective/elective Choice2,33Meteorology Elective/Elective Choice2,31-3
Meteorology Elective/Elective choice2,33Meteorology Elective/Elective Choice2,33
Humanities/Social Science Choice3Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 14 13-15
Total Credits: 120-124

Students taking CHEM 177 should plan to take CHEM 178 as well.


Students must select at least 9 credits from a list of optional courses.


Students should select a humanities or social science course based on need. If these LAS requirements have been satisfied, students may select a meteorology elective or alternate course. Students should discuss possible alternate course options with their advisor.

Path 2 for students needing preparatory mathematics

MTEOR 1121MTEOR 1131
MATH 1434MATH 1654
ENGL 1503MTEOR 2063
CHEM 1634SP CM 2123
CHEM 163L1Humanities/Social Science Choice3
LIB 1601Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 14 17
MTEOR 1111MATH 2654
MTEOR 2273STAT 3053
ENGL 2503PHYS 2324
MATH 1664LAS 2031
PHYS 2314 
PHYS 231L1 
 16 16
MTEOR 3112MTEOR 3423
MTEOR 3413MTEOR 3992
MTEOR 4433MTEOR 4543
MATH 2663World Language/Elective3-4
World Language/Elective 3-4Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 14-15 17-18
MTEOR 4113MTEOR 4173
MTEOR 4992MTEOR 4323
Meteorology Elective/Elective Choice2,33Meteorology Elective/Elective Choice2,33
Meteorology Elective/Elective Choice2,33Meteorlogy Elective/Elective Choice2,30-3
Humanities/Social Science Choice3Humanities/Social Science Choice3
 14 12-15
Total Credits: 120-125

Students taking CHEM 177 should plan to take CHEM 178 as well.


Students must select at least 9 credits from a list of optional courses.


Students should select a humanities or social science course based on need. If these LAS requirements have been satisfied, students may select a meteorology elective or alternate course. Students should discuss possible alternate course options with their advisor.


The department offers a minor in Meteorology which may be earned by completing 15 credits including MTEOR 111 Synoptic Applications (only 1 credit may count toward the minor), MTEOR 206 Introduction to Weather and Climate and MTEOR 301 General Meteorology. The minor must include at least 6 credits in the courses numbered 300 or above taken at Iowa State University and must include at least 9 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college or university requirement. Further information concerning programs of study, including sample degree programs, is available from the department.

Concurrent Programs

Combined Degrees: A concurrent program is offered which combines a bachelor of science degree in meteorology and a master of science degree in meteorology. This program gives well-qualified Iowa State juniors and seniors the opportunity to begin working on the M.S. degree before completing the B.S. degree, reducing by at least one year the normal time period necessary to complete both degrees separately. Additionally, a concurrent program exists that gives students the opportunity to receive a B.S. in meteorology and an M.B.A. (master of business administration) within five years. Review the department website or contact the current program head for more information regarding these options.

Graduate Meteorology

The department offers programs leading to the master of science (M.S.) and doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in Meteorology. Students desiring a major in Meteorology normally will have a strong undergraduate background in the physical and mathematical sciences. Individuals desiring to enter a graduate program are evaluated by considering their undergraduate preparation and performance along with their expressed goals in the statement of purpose. Prospective students are encouraged to reach out to individual faculty members who they wish to work with prior to applying.

Programs of study are designed on an individual basis in accordance with the requirements of the Graduate College and established requirements for each departmental major. Additional coursework is normally taken in complementary areas such as aerospace engineering, agronomy (soil science), chemistry, civil and construction engineering, computer engineering, computer science, engineering mechanics, environmental science, materials engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, microbiology, physics, or statistics. Departmental requirements provide a strong, broad background in the major and allow considerable flexibility in the program of each individual.

A thesis is required of all M.S. candidates, and a dissertation is required of all Ph.D. candidates.

Course requirements for the M.S. degree include MTEOR 542 and MTEOR 543, along with at least four courses from the graduate Meteorology electives (MTEOR 502, MTEOR 504, MTEOR 505, MTEOR 507, MTEOR 516, MTEOR 518, MTEOR 535, MTEOR 540, MTEOR 552, MTEOR 568, MTEOR 589, or MTEOR 605) or from outside the department according to the students' professional goals and interests, in consultation with their advisor and POS committee. Students without prior synoptic meteorology course work must complete MTEOR 511 and may substitute these credits in place of other elective courses.

Graduates in Meteorology have a good comprehension of basic principles, a capacity for critical and independent thought, and an ability to communicate effectively with scientific colleagues. They have an appropriate breadth in their understanding of meteorology with a suitable specialization. Graduates are able to undertake thorough research and explain the results in a scientifically reasonable fashion.