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Early Childcare Education and Programming

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Curriculum in Early Childcare Education and Programming

The Early Childcare Education and Programming (ECP) curriculum is designed to prepare graduates to work in a variety of early care and education programs that serve young children and their families. Some of the programs are childcare centers and homes, infant/toddler and preschool programs, Head Start programs, and before and after-school programs for children ages birth to eight. The curriculum is 100% online and flexible by nature to accomodate working adults.

The ECP curriculum is designed to provide content for the final two years of a student's program; the content is focused specifically on topics directly relevant to the major. This is an online program offered through a collaboration of universities called IDEA: and Online Higher Education Alliance. The program within IDEA is known as Early Care and Education for a Mobile Society. For more information see

Students will complete a total of 120 credits for the major, 48 of which are specific to the ECP curriculum. These 48 credit hours are comprised of 12 core courses and 2 practicum courses. The final practicum will be a 6-credit capstone experience. Students must complete 30 credits of college work, a lifespan development course, and have a 2.5 GPA to be admitted to ECP. If students prefer to be admitted to ISU before being admitted to the ECP major, they can enroll as Pre ECP (PECP) students until they are eligible for the ECP major. Once admitted as an ECP major, full time students can complete the program in 27 months. 

This degree does not lead to teacher licensure. Students interested in a license to teach in public schools can refer to the Early Childhood Education - Unified (ECE) program. 

For more information about the ECP program at Iowa State, see

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the ECP bachelor's degree program, students will be able to:

  • Use their understanding of young children's characteristics and needs, and of multiple interacting influences on children's development and learning, to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for each child.
  • Understand how successful early childhood education depends upon partnerships with children’s families and communities and value the importance and complex characteristics of children’s families and communities.
  • Use child observation, documentation, and other forms of assessment, in partnership with families and other professionals, to positively influence the development of every child.
  • Use their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for every young child.
  • Identify and conduct themselves as a member of the early childhood profession, using ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice.
  • Demonstrate, through sequential practicum experiences and clinical practice, the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to promote the development and learning of young children across the entire developmental period of early childhood.

Administered by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Leading to the degree Bachelor of Science.

Total credits required: 120

Human Development and Family Studies Core: 3 credits

HDFS 1020Human Development3

Early Childcare Education and Programming Professional Core: 48 credits

Pre-practicum I
ECP 2010Child Development - Ages Birth to 33
ECP 2020Child Development - Ages 4 to 83
ECP 3050Professional Development3
Pre-practicum II
ECP 4120Development of Curriculum for Children Ages Birth to 3 *3
ECP 4130Development of Curriculum for Children Ages 4 to 8 *3
ECP 4240Assessing Young Children and Their Environments to Enhance Development *3
ECP 4250Understanding and Adapting for Developmental Differences *3
ECP 4400Practicum II - Curriculum Development and Implementation3
Professional Development
ECP 3060Health, Safety, and Nutrition3
ECP 3070Child Guidance and Classroom Environments3
ECP 3220Diversity in the Lives of Young Children and Families3
ECP 3230Working with Families3
ECP 3240Technology and Young Children3
ECP 4420Administration and Supervision in Early Childhood Settings3
ECP 4600Practicum III - Capstone Experience6
Total Credits48

* Must be completed prior to enrollment in Practicum II (ECP 4400)

Electives: 31-32 credits

Communications and Library: 13 credits

ENGL 1500Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 2500Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
LIB 1600Introduction to College Level Research1
One of the following:3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Communication and Conflict Management
One of the following:3
Business Communication
Proposal and Report Writing
Technical Communication
Total Credits13

Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines: 9-10 credits

One of the following:3-4
Principles of Statistics
Introduction to Probability
Introduction to Mathematical Ideas
College Algebra
Discrete Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
Calculus I
Select from Biological or Physical Sciences courses6
Total Credits9-10

Social Sciences: 9 credits

Select from Approved General Education options.

Humanities: 6 credits

Select from Approved General Education options.

Total credits: 120 credits