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The ISU program in Anthropology is housed in the Department of World Languages and Cultures.

Anthropology students develop a well-rounded professional education in cultural anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology. An undergraduate major in Anthropology can serve as the nucleus for a general liberal education, or as the prerequisite for graduate training qualifying a person for positions in (1) college and university teaching, (2) research, and (3) administrative and applied positions in government, development organizations, museums, and private businesses or corporations.

Anthropology majors may choose either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree, both of which require 36 credits in anthropology. A Bachelor of Arts degree is obtained by fulfilling the college general education requirements plus 6 additional credits in Area I (Arts and Humanities) or III (Social Sciences) or a combination of both. A Bachelor of Science degree is obtained by fulfilling the college general education requirements plus 6 additional credits in Area IIA (Mathematics) or IIB (Natural Sciences) or a combination of both. All students must also complete a minor or a second major as part of their degree requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the major in anthropology, students will be able to:

1. Explain what it means to be human through the study of culture and society, the biology and evolution of humans and other primates, and through the study of past human communities and material culture. 
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the important historical and contemporary issues in the subdisciplines of archaeological, biological, and cultural anthropology. 
3. Describe and evaluate local and global issues from an anthropological perspective. 
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the value of cultural diversity.