your adventure in

Environmental Science

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Interdepartmental Undergraduate Programs

Environmental Science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. The magnitude and complexity of environmental problems are creating a growing need for scientists with rigorous, interdisciplinary training in environmental science. The Environmental Science program is designed to prepare students for positions of leadership in this rapidly changing discipline. Environmental Science graduates have a solid foundation in biological and physical natural sciences and the specialized training necessary for integrated analysis of environmental systems.

Undergraduate Study

The Environmental Science undergraduate major is offered through both the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Environmental Science majors complete foundation courses in natural sciences and mathematics, plus a major consisting of an integrated core of Environmental Science courses and additional advanced course work in Environmental Science. Scientific rigor is stressed throughout the program, beginning with the foundation courses in the first two years of the curriculum. The upper level core courses emphasize a dynamic systems approach that provides a framework for integrating physical, chemical, and biological aspects of environmental systems. Beyond the required core, students select from a broad array of advanced courses to either develop greater breadth, or specialization in areas including, but not limited to, water resources, climate impacts and adaptation, environmental restoration and management, and geographic information systems (see for additional information on areas of specialization).

Student Learning Outcomes

Environmental Science graduates should be able to:

Environmental foundations:

  • explain physical and biological components, processes and interactions within ecosystems
  • explain how human activities impact the environment and how societies are affected by environmental conditions

Integrated environmental analysis

  • demonstrate a broad understanding of environmental systems and issues utilizing an interdisciplinary framework
  • demonstrate proficiency in data analysis and problem-solving of relevant environmental systems/problems
  • use a systems approach to conduct integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary analyses and modeling of environmental systems and problems


  • communicate clearly and effectively to a range of audiences using appropriate written, oral, visual, and electronic techniques
  • read, listen, observe and reflect effectively

Problem solving/critical thinking: 

  • apply a rational and objective approach to analyzing and interpreting information
  • critically evaluate arguments