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Administered by the Department of Music and Theatre

Undergraduate Study

The Department of Music and Theatre offers a strong undergraduate music program, where students study with full-time faculty professionals in a supportive environment that encourages students to become their best. Two degrees are offered in music: a Bachelor of Music, which is more specialized and contains fewer general education requirements; and a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music. (The Department of Music and Theatre also administers the Theatre Program, see Theatre and Performing Arts.)

The music curriculum provides:

  1. A comprehensive program of professional studies for students who wish to prepare for careers in music, including teaching, performance, and composition, and for students who plan to pursue graduate studies in music.
  2. Courses in music literature, theory, and areas of performance for all students, regardless of major.

The department embodies the land-grant philosophy of service to the people of the state with a faculty of active scholars, teachers, and artists committed to excellence in teaching, creative/scholarly work, and arts outreach. The department is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).

Student Learning Outcomes

Music graduates will understand and demonstrate:

  1. ​Knowledge of musical cultural heritage and history, including awareness of music of diverse cultures
  2. Appreciation for musical creativity, reasoning, and the aesthetic value of music
  3. Analytical skills necessary for listening, performing and teaching, including knowledge of musical organization and structures
  4. Skills necessary to perform music from a variety of styles, periods, and genres
  5. Necessary abilities to communicate ideas musically, verbally, and in writing

Assessment measures include the continuation examination, graduating senior surveys and exit interviews, public performances, senior projects, course grades, teacher certification (for music education students), and the National Association of Schools of Music accreditation review.