Neuroscience Interdepartmental Graduate Program
Work is offered for the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees with a major in neuroscience. Cooperating departments include Animal Science; Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Chemistry; Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology; Food Science and Human Nutrition; Genetics, Development and Cell Biology; Kinesiology; Psychology; Veterinary Clinical Sciences; and Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine.
The diversity of faculty in the Interdepartmental Neuroscience major provides students with a variety of research opportunities and reflects the structure of contemporary neuroscience which has become a diverse and inter-disciplinary field. Facilities and faculty are committed to research in the following areas: neuronal membrane functions, signal transduction, neuroanatomy, neurodegenerative diseases, neuroendocrinology, neurotoxicology, neuropathology, developmental neurobiology, neurogenetics, computational neuroscience, neural networks, behavioral neuroscience, tissue engineering, neuroregeneration and brain repair. Additional information about program faculty members is available at: www.neuroscience.iastate.edu.
An undergraduate or advanced degree in one of the basic or applied sciences is ordinarily a prerequisite for admission to the program. Typical program disciplines include majors in biochemistry, biology, biomedical sciences, human medicine, immunology, neurobiology, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, veterinary medicine, or zoology. Appropriate undergraduate coursework includes mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biological sciences. Prior research experience is highly encouraged. The submission of GRE General Test scores is required for admission.
Prospective students are admitted by the Neuroscience program following an internal application process and after review by the Neuroscience Admissions Committee. Students are admitted either to participate in research rotations with several faculty before deciding on a major professor and laboratory, or by direct admission into a specific lab and department. Ph.D. students typically enter via rotation and M.S students typically enter via a direct admit. Those students entering through a rotation admit are required to complete a minimum of three research lab rotations with faculty of interest. At the end of their second semester students on rotation must select a major professor from the faculty participating in the program.
Curriculum Requirements for Neuroscience Graduate Students
Ph.D. candidates majoring in Neuroscience must take at least 72 graduate credits. These 72 credits includes the below core course requirements and applicable research credits earned. Credits taken during a student's M.S. program in Neuroscience at Iowa State University will count towards their Ph.D. in Neuroscience.
Students seeking an M.S. degree must take a total of 30 credits, with not less than 22 credits earned at ISU. M.S. students have the same core requirements as Ph.D. students.
Additional coursework for both Ph.D. and M.S. degrees is selected by the student in consultation with his/her POS Committee to meet departmental requirements and to satisfactorily prepare the student for their research project.
Graduate credits of B or better earned at another institution may be transferred at the discretion of the POS Committee and with the approval of the Neuroscience Program and the ISU Graduate College.
Additional information relating to credits required for graduate degrees can be found in the ISU Graduate College Handbook.
All students majoring in Neuroscience are required to complete a core curriculum consisting of:
NEURO 556 | Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience | 3 |
NEURO 557 | Rotations in Neuroscience | 2 |
NEURO 661 | Advanced Topics in Neuroscience (Repeatable) | 3 |
NEURO 696 | Neuroscience Seminar (Taken every fall & spring) | 1 |
NEURO 699 | Research | arr † |
BBMB 404 | Biochemistry I | 3 |
B M S 537 | Neuroanatomy | 3 |
STAT 587 | Statistical Methods for Research Workers | 4 |
MANDATORY ETHICS TRAINING: All Neuroscience students are also required to complete 1 credit hour of ethics training. | 1 | |
† Arranged with instructor. |
In addition to the above coursework, all Neuroscience majors are expected to take a minimum of six credits of approved elective neuroscience courses. Pre-approved courses include:
A ECL 551 | Behavioral Ecology | 3 |
AN S 670 | Molecular Biology of Muscle | 3 |
BIOL 354 | Animal Behavior | 3 |
BIOL 436 | Neurobiology | 3 |
B M S 354 | General Pharmacology | 3 |
KIN 572 | Neural Basis of Human Movement | 3 |
PSYCH 519 | Cognitive Neuropsychology | 3 |
PSYCH 598C | Seminar in Cognitive Psychology: Cognitive Neuroscience | arr † |
† Arranged with instructor. |
Curriculum Requirements for Graduate Students Seeking a Neuroscience Minor
Graduate students interested in completing a Neuroscience minor are required to select 12 credits, with a minimum of 9 credits being from the list of approved courses (see below) and up to 3 credits of thesis/dissertation research (NEURO 699).
Students must be approved for the minor by the Neuroscience Program and must follow Graduate College guidelines for POS Committee membership.
Graduate students wishing to seek a minor in Neuroscience are encouraged to contact the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Graduate Program Coordinator for further information. Inquiries can be submitted to idgp@iastate.edu.
Approved Neuroscience Minor Courses
NEURO 556 | Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience | 3 |
NEURO 557 | Rotations in Neuroscience | 2 |
NEURO 661 | Advanced Topics in Neuroscience | 3 |
B M S 537 | Neuroanatomy | 3 |
COM S 474 | Introduction to Machine Learning | 3 |
KIN 572 | Neural Basis of Human Movement | 3 |
PSYCH 519 | Cognitive Neuropsychology | 3 |
NEURO 699 | Research (Up to 3 credits) | arr † |
† Arranged with instructor. |
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(Cross-listed with GDCB). (2-0) Cr. 2. F.S.
Rotation experiences in various neuroscience research methods and techniques related to our current faculty specialties.
Courses for graduate students:
(Cross-listed with BBMB, GDCB). (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: NEURO 556 (or comparable course) or permission of instructor
Students will present three journal articles and two overview lectures on topics in neuroscience that are related but outside of their own research interest.
(1-0) Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.S.
Seminar in neuroscience, current research interests, and/or professional development.
Cr. arr. Repeatable.