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Accountants are the business leaders in corporations and governments who manage, analyze, and explain complex information. Accountants are at the forefront of data analytics and lead the planning, evaluating, controlling, and reporting of activities in an entity.

The major in accounting is designed to give students a conceptual foundation, developing their financial acumen and analytical skills for use in every facet of business. Students who complete the accounting major are well prepared for careers in industry, government, and the public accounting profession.

Accountants both provide and explain useful financial information to internal users (such as managers in a company) and external users (such as investors, creditors, government officials, and the general public). Accounting is an integral part of the management of business and government organizations. Accounting information is needed by external users to make investment decisions, to grant or withhold credit, and in the case of government, to collect revenue and gather statistical information. To provide useful information, accountants collect, analyze, synthesize, and communicate data in an understandable manner.

The curriculum in accounting is accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Undergraduate Major in Accounting

For undergraduate curriculum in business, major in accounting.

The Department of Accounting offers a major in accounting. Students will complete the general education requirements (including business foundation courses), supporting courses/major prerequisites, business core requirements for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree, and 24 additional credits in the major. 

The instructional objective of the Accounting Program is to provide a well-rounded professional education in accounting. Such an education should provide the student with:

  1. A mastery of basic accounting concepts.
  2. An ability to solve accounting problems and analyze accounting issues utilizing critical thinking.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively and work with others as a member of a team.
  4. An awareness and sensitivity for dealing with ethical concerns.

For more information on the undergraduate major in accounting, please visit:

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, undergraduate students majoring in accounting will:

  1. Learners will possess fundamental accounting knowledge.
  2. Learners will be effective communicators.
  3. Learners will be critical thinkers.
  4. Learners will be skilled in the use of information technology.
  5. Learners will be effective team members.
  6. Learners will be ethical decision makers.